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country creek

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Everything posted by country creek

  1. I also live in VA and I am almost positive that VA requires us to carry insurance. I will check with my Attorney but I am almost positive.
  2. That is a real cutie!!! Good Job with that one.... Cannot wait for snow now.
  3. What type of wax are you using??? You are right! Your mp should have reached the entire circumference of your jar by now. The wax looks like it swallowing your wick. It seems to be tunneling. I would try wicking up and see if that helps. I am not familier with the eco's and I do not know what size the eco 8 is. I would wick up to at least one that covers 2.75 to 3 and if that is what you are using then go up to 3-3.5 and see if that works.. I would also try a different wick and see if that helps. Some wicks do not work well with some wax's. hth.
  4. electric candles?? I talked to one of the girls at C&S and she recommended the 4761, What do you normally use for these. I know it is the same as the pillar wax but what works best???:undecided
  5. Have you seen the warmers at www.candlewarmers.com? I have a wholesale account there and they have some really great warmers. C&S is also out of the 4794 votive wax I was planning on using for my electric candles.
  6. I usually color most scents but for certain ones I leave the with no color... sugar cookie warm vanilla sugar french vanilla Pumpkin Vanilla Buttercreme Just to name a few.... Although the thought of not coloring them sounds great. It is difficult sometimes to always get the exact color batch right each time. Let me know how it works for you to not color your candles and how well they sell.
  7. Ok....I am not even sure how to word this question but I am starting to make electric candles and I am curious as to how to scent the wax for those since they are not actually going to be burning???? Do most people do the usual with 1oz pp or is it different? Any feedback would be appreciated. TIA:highfive:
  8. I agree that 4630 is difficult to wick.........My problem is that 4630 soots really bad no matter how I wicked it!!! I could not sucessfully wick that wax to save my life. I like the 1275 one pour production from C&S. It wicks easily and burns clean. But that is just me!!
  9. That is so weird, I have never had a problem with C&S FO's. They have always worked great for me. Chauna~ I am in Charlottesville. (Home of the Cavaliers) We are going North for Turkey day, so maybe I will take the trip and detour to some of favorite suppliers. Too bad no one is thinking of moving their business here......
  10. LOVE SPELL by VS......YUCK!!! It is a great seller but makes me sick everytime!!!
  11. I think I checked out the one in WVA's website, I know there is a reason I did not think about it again but I will look at it again and see what they have to offer. WVA is only 2 hrs away. Thanks!
  12. I thought I was the only one who did that??? :laugh2: You do that too???
  13. I actually use my son's old stroller to carry boxes into my show. Since it is one of those really bulky graco strollers, it holds alot and works really well. Other than conning some friend to go with you to help, I am all out of ideas....:wave:
  14. I have never ordered from there, are they really good??
  15. I have always ordered my wax from C&S and scents from blue moon candles, candlewic, justscents and peaks. I am just TIRED of paying soooo much in shipping on the wax. Although Candlesandsupplies is 5 hrs away from me, I could drive there but the money I would waste in gas is the same as shipping. GMP....what part of VA do you live in??
  16. Hmmmm.....food for thought.....After reading this I am guessing that my 1275 one pour will not work for electric candles????
  17. This so incredibly sucks that the closest supplier to us is in PA and I hate paying $30.00 for shipping. (it really cuts profits down). Does anyone have any other places closer to them that they obtain supplies from that are like a mom/pop shop in VA?
  18. Welcome to the board!!!! We do have a lot of great info here to share. Good luck!!
  19. Do ya'll remember those glade candles that had the silk flowers embeded on the sides?? Well one of those burnt my cousins home down! She lost her house, her dog, all of their childrens' baby pictures and almost her and her son's life. She and her son usually take a nap during that time of day and he was running a temp and did not want to lay down upstairs so they stayed down stairs and then she looked out on the porch and it was on fire......since she had no firewalls the home went up in a matter of minutes. I have been a firefighter/EMT for yrs and it NEVER affects you like it does when it is family and there is nothing you can do.:embarasse PLEASE ALL NEWBIE'S read these posts and always test your candles BEFORE you sell them to anyone!!!!!
  20. I have tried it from Candlesnandsupplies, blue moon candle co and candlewic No one company seems to have the same version.....do ya'll have a preference?
  21. Kaybee.......LOVE DR. DREAMY!!!! Glad you brought him back. Sharon......I have only used crisco as an additive to bring some life to a very bad batch of wax. I honestly cannot imagine how that would work all by itself but I would love to know what happens. Be careful though!
  22. Cool Citrus Basil Home Sweet Home
  23. I did tell the lady that organized it and she seemed uninterested. It seems that people do not really understand the consequences of things like that. I mean you buy something from someone you do not know and you take it home where your loved ones are and you light fire to it. Hmmmm???
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