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Everything posted by erinmfritz

  1. Can you just post them in the recipe section here? You could put a note on it similar to this with a thank you to whomever posted the original recipe. Even some of the odvious ones may help a newbie. Why are you giving up B&B?
  2. I would like to re-name the dupes I use just to be on the safe side but am creatively challenged in this department. The ones I am currently using are: Love Spell Pink Sugar Harvest Spice Black Raspberry Vanilla (I came up with "Black Raspberry Cream"???) Cool Water Moonlight Path (Moonlit Walk?) Coconut Lime Verbana Please give me some suggestions, I would like to keep a name that is similar so people recognize the scent if possible. Thank you so much for your help on this, I know there are alot of creative minds here, I'm counting on that! Erin
  3. Thank you very much. It is so nice to see people helping each other like on this board.
  4. I agree with everyone else, I like your set-up and colors. The hang tags are great too. So how soon til the next one?
  5. I agree with you Donita, we are way too hard on ourselves. The general public is accustomed to that kind of burning candle!
  6. Very nice site. I agree on the colors & logo. Good job.
  7. You know, I don't know but my GB444 is $52 with shipping. Which I think is about $35.00 per 50#. I haven't seen a real price list from them but the customer service I get is worth staying with them. Kris will do whatever she can to help you. I would recommend calling her to get a quote.
  8. And so the adventure begins......... Welcome to the board and good luck. You have your work cut out for you, a brave soul, to try so many different things at once. Keep us posted, I'm sure you will entertain us all.
  9. Live & learn. Hope you have a nice dinner, you have lots of scraping to do later, been there done that. I still have some wax between my stove & cabinets that I can't get to. LOL.
  10. Welcome fellow Hoosier. Where are you in IN? I'm in Leo, north of Ft. Wayne. To answer your question, I typed in 24 for 8 oz jars into my program and it said you would need 9lb 8.64 oz to do that many jars. I don't know if that is exact but it will give you an idea. I get GB 444 from Gateway foods, but you have to buy 50lbs at a time. Millcreek also sells it so try them for smaller amounts. Gateway is further away from me, but it works out to be a couple dollars cheaper than MC after shipping. Go figure. Millcreek is also good to work with and have some great FO's.
  11. So, EVOO (60%) & CO(40%)? Can you use soybean oil instead of EVOO? I can't stand the smell of OO let alone put it on my face. Is it the CO that is the cleansing part? This is very intriguing to me and I want to try it, it would be nice to finally find something to get rid of the blackheads, I bet this would be very moisturizing and help prevent the horrible wrinkles, or am I just dreaming? LOL
  12. I like those! How many are you going to display? Those look pretty big, although you could put shredded paper in the bottom for cushioning and filler.
  13. Maybe in a basket next to a tart burner with one sitting in it? That's the first thing that comes to mind.
  14. Isn't it depressing that we now go to the mall to check out other candles than to actually SHOP? I find myself doing the same thing. My 2 year old always wants to go to the mall to smell candles, OMG I'm rubbing off on her. :whistle: I am also curious about SOS oils.
  15. All I can say is WOW!!!!!! Those are beautiful.
  16. My first experience was with GB444 in a kit from JBN. I tried the all soy from Millcreek then Bluegrass. Hated both, went back to the GB444 after 50lbs of each of the others. Lucky for me, I was dipping lots of snowmen at the time. I think that your decision for wax is totally personal preference. Everyone has different opinions and expectations from wax and different shipping options. I guess that is what all the testing that everyone is talking about is for. Good luck with whatever choice you make, just try to keep an eye on shipping costs involved, that'll kill ya'.
  17. Can you explain the oil cleansing method to me? Does it help with blackheads and such?
  18. I had good luck with just FO & color. I have used the liquid candle dye and the soap dye and like the soap dye better. Seems to dry faster. The only time I had an issue with greasy looking salt is when I added too much FO. I did put it on once, let it dry and reapplied more FO for a stronger scent. Seemed to work ok, I put them on a cookie sheet lined with foil and sat it under my halogen lights under my cabinets. I'm not sure about the glycerin, maybe that is to add sheen to the salt but I don't feel it is necessary, unless I am missing out on something. I hope that helps you a little, I'm by no means an expert but this is what worked for me. Good luck, I hope you find the answer you are looking for.
  19. I don't understand how people come up with that kind of idea. I would never even think of it, I must be dumb or just too honest. I hope she gets whats coming to her, people like that ruin it for all of us.
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