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Everything posted by LynnS

  1. My Postmaster is very rude and can be downright nasty.He should have retired a long time ago. One day he is nice and the next watch out.I hear the way he talks to others and WOW is he nasty. At times he gets put back when I ask questions.Just trying to get the right box I want to ship items .Finally said this is all we have. But as far as how long packages arrive it is fast IMO to my customers.Usually in most parts of US only 2 days and most 3 days as I mentioned above. LynnS
  2. Dee, Thank You for posting the link.I wasn't sure how to do that. A total of almost 750 from what I read. Said people always were complaining about price hikes and now some will have to go elsewhere. LynnS
  3. I read where USPS will be closing over 700 locations. I read it a couple days ago but today it listed those they will be closing.It is on my Yahoo home page where I saw it.Then I clicked on the PDF file they had. I am lucky.The small town PO only about 1 1/2 miles from me isn't on there but doesnt mean it will stay open.I only think it is staying opened because the only PO in that town. None near me but alot in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati. I imagine they have quite a few in those big towns and narrowed down. Of course all will be affected. Those who ship will be going to Pick Up for their packages.I would have to drive 8-10 miles to the nearest 2 PO. I would go that route before I would drive that far. LynnS If anyone is interested I would go to PDF file for list of PO closing. (USPS). You should be able to get the list. I see a price increase coming.
  4. I have a website but don't have where customers can post comments about my products.Have thought about it though. But for me posting something someone else said," NO I wouldn't do that".I want the customer to post on my site themselves what they think of my products. The customer comments section might be a option for you. After so long and no comments just take it off. It does show a date from a few sites I saw.Some had comments dated back from almost 2 years.I would take some of that off.Kinda a long time IMO. LynnS
  5. Green Tea(Berts Heaven Scent)No cure time for this.Instant Strong hot throw. Cannot wait to try the others I got after a reading a review. LynnS
  6. SDM Me too.I missed the boat. I got busy yesterday.Here I asked what the cost was etc and then Pooey,I forget to order. I remembered today.DA!!!!!!!!!!!! With the help of others. LynnS
  7. My son sells bait to shops fishing lakes etc. Now another idea?? He is making a killing doing this but also has a full time job as a supervisor in a food plant. He always loved to fish and got his daughters interested.Now that they are teens he decided to buy and sell bait to shops etc. On Memorial Day weekend he stopped in after delivering to a few lakes near us.He had sold over $2,000 worth of bait. Just those few days. I clicked on the fish soap link and it says not accepting orders.Also said it could take up to 2 weeks to get a order!!!!! OMG LynnS
  8. Some have said they don't know about the sale.I have never ordered so I don't either.What is the cost for the samples??? I am interested.I went on the site last night and got to the C's and then I had to go to bed. Saw some I would like to get. Looks like some of you are really buying.OMG.I have some scents now I am testing(quite a few) but could always use more.LOL LynnS
  9. 2 months ago the mail seemed OK as far as orders going out.From Ohio to CT it arrived in 2 days. For orders my order recently.I sent a MO(hate to use CC) couple weeks ago and that was slower.Not sure why?Just like cash. Probably the mail!!!!!! Seems it took 6 to 7 days for the package to arrive. Was a small order too. LynnS
  10. The wreath idea is a good one.Put a bow at the top.People like something different if you are thinking of selling some at craft show.All the cost is the wire wreath and bow.After you get some made I am sure other ideas would pop in your head for added decoration. Something Christmas. LynnS
  11. I have been on the site and read reviews. I wondered about doing it but each time I was on the site they said they "weren't accepting any candles for testing":confused: The times I checked them out. LynnS
  12. I have good luck with Pay Pal.Love it to send or request money.Transfer into bank account,savings etc. I did have a invoice ready to send to my wholesaler.Everything seemed fine but it said time ran out so I had to do it again. I had about 90 candles 10 differents scents etc.I check the order a few times and time just ran out. No problem the next time I tried. Both my wholesaler were new to that.Getting a order form and payment request.They said it took a bit for them to figure how to send money. I wonder if that is the problem with your customer. LynnS
  13. I have been searching for bath salt packaging. What do some of you use to package. Tubes, tins, bags etc. ????? Seems that tubes will not hold much but did see a great way to display them.If people use just a little it would be fine.I want the bath salts to last for awhile. Not after a few baths people are out. Not sure how much the tubes hold?? Didn't mention that on the site I was looking. Just said 25 for $11.75.All looked the same size. Thank You LynnS
  14. I am glad things were resolved.So hard to change suppliers. You do have good business buying that much in supplies and thought it could be resolved.BUT I understand your frustrations.I do believe you/your husband were nice.Recently I had a customer service problem with a restaurant chain.I called 4 times.The 4th time was not district but corporate.WOW was it taken care of.It was the principle.I didn't need the money bad but the manager took up for the waitress when she took my money and never brought back change. He offered me his own personal money(about $7 less. I didnt accept) I believe you and have also had problems with not getting something I wanted to add.I just forgot it.I am sure you really needed that scent.It is frustrating. I do believe though there are good and bad Christians from my serious problems. I believe you Honestly and trust you.A few others had problems too on this Board with Diane. BUT my neighbors are scary people and do go to Church.They worry me. I called the prosecuter and they told me to go to the sheriff. I have 3 pages of about anything you can imagine on these people. Saw them do it all but for a few things. With the bad things they did in the past(and I saw) the things I didn't see would be believed. I have watched them for over 20 years at my window. I watch them more now and they see me.What can they do?? Call the sheriff?? It is not likely. I have to watch to see what they do. People believe me and since we are the closest it makes things easy for them. We never reported before.Not to say we won't. IF we do the law enforcement will be amazed.Not only do they go to Church they do community service work. Now if that isn't scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is always some who ruin it for everyone.I live near those kind. It is a truly sad way to live. Some things are very very painful. LynnS
  15. I went through this last year with Soy 402. I have been buying that wax for 5 years. No problems.Then something made my try a scent I normally use.It was drowning with a medium wick in the 8 ounce JJ. I am so paranoid now feeling I need to test all before they go out. Just that batch I was finding more that I cared to find that had to wick up.What is going on with most of these waxes???? You are having the same problem as me.Scents that are always fine but suddenly not??? The scent I used was one I carried before and then it was terrible burning.Just something made me burn it.Maybe a extra candle?? Then after testing more the same problem. All of these needed wicked up in a JJ. What if we had sent these candles on? We should NEVER have to test again BUT with the problems we may have to in order to keep customers.Waste if you ask me and time consuming. I did have one customer (on her 4rd order) and I was having a heck of a time wicking those little flower pot votives.Testing all the scents over and had to wick up.Well got the order out but took some time.I didn't charge her.I explained something with my wax.Never heard from her again. She was ordering about every 3 weeks. Makes me SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could make or break us.Really!!!!!!!!!!!!! LynnS
  16. I use color for my candles but only make flower pot votives which are also colored. Votives are not sellers in my area.Everyone wants the 8 ounce JJ and finally quit doing the flower pot votives. I do a couple wholesales and get remarks back from the wholesalers the colors look so pretty in their shop. Once they set up and depending on temps I have no idea what they look like but know they smell good.That is the selling point.I have never had anyone say I like your candles but I want white colored candles only. On a website color could be a choice???? I see that at times.Thought about that on my site but not for craft shows. If someone wants apple pie I tell them right where it is. If all were white I would have to search.Customers put candles back in the wrong place. LynnS
  17. All my payments go through Pay Pal. Of course my husband set it up.I have over 50 fragrances on my drop down menu.I have no idea why you can only get 10. I love Pay Pal. Payments go there and orders to my e-mail address. Some orders come through but arent finishing processing.Customers change their mind etc.So I check Pay Pal.If no payment received in my Pay Pal account I e-mail them to double check if they want the order. I have a couple wholesales. My site is not set up for wholesalers to order. They e-mail me the order and then I REQUEST money.Love doing that.Didn't know how to go about that till someone told me here.I can also send money for my orders etc There should be a way with the person who has your website if you are doing the site yourself.I email my website host to find out things I need to know or do. You really should be able to get more Fragrances. I never see a just a choice of 10 on any sites.Is that Pay Pal????? Not sure about that but I am computer literate on alot of things but not setting up a website. E-mail who you have your site with. Ask them how to solve the problem. LynnS
  18. I think you can still have Lily Pad Candles. You don't have Shoppe in the name. See if that name is taken to get a domain name. LynnS
  19. I also like Lily Pad. Has a ring to it. Lily Pad Candles(if candles are all you are doing?). LynnS
  20. I am waiting for The Candle Source to get Beach Daisies in. On their new fragrance list. LynnS
  21. It was the 10 ounce classic jar. Sorta like the hexagon.The only time I sell that jar is with this wholesaler. Once in a great while a order or 2 but 98% of the time customers want the JJ. It took 6 boxes but the price cannot be beat for that many candles.This order was 90 candles. Husband and I did some working on it.We used the larger flat rate box. Took the divider out of the candle box we get our jars from. We bubble wrapped the jars and put them in the divider. Then we wrapped the other candles with newspaper and put them around the divider(snug). So 15 candles in the 6 boxes.Worked perfect. Also did some cushioning with newspaper and peanuts to finish it off. No breakage and the customer and I were both pleased. That is a good order for the price it cost to ship. I love USPS for shipping but someday it might not work. May have to go with one of the other companies.I am OK with all the boxes and sure my wholesaler is fine with that too. With a cost so reasonable. LynnS
  22. I used USPS for my order of 100 candles.The first order was that but her second order was 90. Just did that a month ago. The cost was $83.70. Husband and I figured and we got 15 candles in each flat rate box. perfect fit. Wholesaler was so happy and I was too. She sent me some of her great products for doing such a good job with the order. She wasn't into shipping with USPS. Ordered things before that were breakable and it was a disaster.Every candle was fine and no problem with any breaking. With shipping costs I want to keep the price down. If it gets to high we could lose wholesalers. So far things are fine with me using USPS. LynnS
  23. My second year of making candles I went with the label on the lid. My labels on the jar were getting nasty and beat down with people handling them when they picked them up to smell. I really like them on the lid. All they have to do is look on the top and see all the info they need.Scent etc. Then sniff. I have no idea why a shop would want them on the jar. So many people handling them.If I could find a label smudge free label I would think about it but this is working great. I use the 2.5 inch round labels too. They fit on all my jars.Even the 16 ounce Country jar. I can use the 8 ounce JJ lid on my 16 ounce Country Jar. LynnS
  24. What are some of the different kinds of soap that are made.I have read about Goat's Milk.I know there are others. Also what is the best seller for most of you who do make soap?? I have been thinking about adding soap to my list of products. Thanks LynnS
  25. I am glad someone else doesn't like it.It will never be in my house but guess you didn't have a choice. If I had it I would probably give it away.IF I could????? LynnS
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