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Everything posted by LynnS

  1. What do some of you who send Q-tip samples put them in??? I'm thinking a baggie but kinda big for 1 sample and more than one sample in one baggie would mix together. A lady ordered candles but wants to buy samples of different scents.Better to do the Q tip thing. I could do that FREE.I always send at least a couple samples with every order.Whatever I have on hand. Thank You LynnS
  2. Thank You for that info. I was kinda puzzled about no changes till mid year but was told this. A small amount but I need to know this to put on my site. I saved this in my favorites to go back in a few weeks and post it in on my website. USPS is probably getting us ready for the BIG increase.We can bet at least a $1.00. I use only flat rate boxes.A few times I used regular boxes but when they were weighed (with candles) it was better to stick with the flat rate.Shipping was more when I tried to go with other boxes. By the time they measure, weigh etc LynnS
  3. I talked to my postmaster about hikes the beginning of 2010. No hikes then but there will be higher shipping in May. Won't know for 6 months what the hikes will be. On line sales are always slim for me but do have 2 wholesalers. I do good with shipping their candles but worry now. Of course we all know it was going to happen soon. Good to be prepared though. LynnS
  4. She mentioned the medicine smell. So with my "not so strong" orange and eucalyptus I will to go for it. 50/50. This year my sinus relief candle sold. First year trying that.With all the flu and cold season(allergies too) people were interested.Selling a couple was something.No vicks salve, humidifiers etc. Just burn the candle. LynnS
  5. A lady offered to sell my candles at a show.She called me and wanted me to do the show.I was busy with the holidays and told her I would donate to the non profit but will not be there. She offered and I took her up on it. She was sniffing my candles when I dropped them off.She came across Eucalytus. She said this is one scent I don't like at all.I mentioned it could be a good scent to keep bugs away when camping, cook outs etc.She said her grandma mixed eucalytus and orange.Put it around the house and it smelled so good. So now I have a idea for a mixer. My orange doesn't have a strong scent to me so I am adding Eucalytus.Sounds good to me.Anyone else ever tried this???? LynnS
  6. Holly Trust me I am not so sure about this jar.I have the Santa jars. I put them on my site and never sold any.This customer remembered me saying something about the Santa jar. That jar is about 18 ounce or more. I am trying to detour her to the Christmas Tree jar but when the burn gets to the bottom I truly believe there will A BIG problem.These jars will probably sit like Santa. It is also the scent.Last year I tried 2 months for a clove to burn right.I gave up.This year I tested a sample of clove I got from BC and it worked. So it depends on the scent with some wicking problems.Tried 3 cloves from other companies but one clove from another works perfect. Drives us candlemakers crazy. What I am thinking about this jar. Cute, a good holiday candle, a good scent BUT not so sure about a good burn. With this jar being so narrow at the top I am sure no double wicking. OH and to be right any scent should be GREEN. Chestnuts and brown sugar GREEN????? :laugh2:Just an example!!!!!!! LynnS LynnS
  7. Holly, Thank You. I just ordered from Candles and Supply. I also found them at Yes Supply. 2 sizes but wasn't sure how many ounces. Candles and Supplies has 14 ounces jar size.About the size I would want. Yes Supply had a 10 inch one in height and the other one was just over 6 inches.I want ounces. Nothing over 16 ounces or hard wicking. The Christmas jars are wide at the bottom.YIKES. I am taking a chance because someone wanted Christmas Candles.I thought Christmas scents but it was Christmas jars. LynnS
  8. Where can I find the jars shaped like Christmas trees? I saw a supplier a few months ago here but can't remember now. I did a search but can't find them. Thank You, LynnS
  9. General Dollar Store or The Dollar Tree.These aren't a huge basket but fine for a nice gift. For the bigger baskets maybe a craft store or JoAnn's. A few years ago I had a nice place on line in my favorites but with a couple computer crashes I no longer have that. Might type in Baskets at wholesale cost.I do that alot when searching. Always find something. Baskets don't go over big around here. Maybe someday I will make one up and put on my website. Maybe Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. LynnS
  10. One more thing. You might need to let them cure for a week or 2.I am anxious like you to burn my candles as soon as I make them.I find a few but not many need to cure. Wait a few days and test again before re-melting. LynnS
  11. I used to use 402 but in the last few months changed to 444.I like it.Good throw. Really can't tell much difference but get the 444 cheaper than what I paid for the 402. One reason I changed. With the 444 I get small sink holes around the wick. With the 402 I get a ruddy look at the top of the jar.I use a heat gun to smooth both problems out. How much FO do you use? I use 1 ounce FO to 1 lb of wax. With almost 100 fragrances I've never added more FO to my wax and people love my candles. LynnS
  12. I use a heat gun to smooth mine out or take care of the holes.That works for me. I have either ruddy tops or holes. I zap with a heat gun till smooth. LynnS
  13. Just seems like alot of effort when there are places to buy boxes. I also think photo paper would be flimsy. Check around.Sure you can find some reasonable without all the work. LynnS
  14. I am changing to a liquid dye for one certain scent(Lavender)Can't seem to get a Light color with the blocks.To dark. Since so many do lavender candles can some of you give me a idea how many drops to use to get a light color for lavender. Just wondering somewhere to start??? Never used liquid dyes. I know it could still take some testing in my wax and jar size.I use 444 soy now but had used 402. Any Idea???? Thanks LynnS
  15. Holly, That is a great idea. I hope they see it that way. Even though I made nothing I went ahead and pre-paid for next year.Hope the economy is better but now see I'm not in the program. One other reason sales were down.THis show is huge and people come from all over the US. Approx 150,000 in attendance and I do the BAD.I will bring that up. This show is only 9 miles from me. I pretty much set up for shows nearby. When you have to be there between 6:00- 8:00 am you don't want to travel. We just got a camper and I know a few that set their campers and stay all night.They live about 13 miles from this show.Just a hassle to drive a distance when you need to be set up and working your booth very early. I need to complain soon like dustpuupy said. LynnS
  16. barncat I am sure they do blame us. That way they get us to thinking we better make things RIGHT FAST. They just have to send it back and of course we pay that too but we have the complaints, paperwork, and redoing the and shipping. Dustpuppy I am sure they had a blast with the order.Must have had a blast with the others I have mailed.I always had the right zip then but still she had problems with candles broken.This was the first time she said the order had a wrong zip. Meredith Sound like you are on the right track.I bet eventually things were straigthened out and they found the thief. you will never be told.:embarasse Great idea to insure bigger bucks.For all the trouble we should be reimbursed for the hassle if nothing else.So many here have said it goes on more than we know. LynnS
  17. Sounds like something I would be interested in.I have my candles in a couple non profit places.Slow selling but would love to get candles in a few places like hair salons etc. Those places don't have much room. If they say something like "We would like to have candles BUT no room" you can explain you have something you think will work and takes up very little space. LynnS
  18. felixncharlie, That is ALOT. I would be ticked. I am not sure they pay attention to FRAGILE even if it was on the box. I know I made one mistake but the lady from Miami's order before had Fragile and it was also broken. When I got a wholesale account one lady was adamant.NO USPS.I told her the cost estimate from UPS and the estimate from the USPS. She said try it. When the candles arrived she was so pleased.None broken.She mentioned everytime a order for tiny glassware was delivered to her everything was broken. I assured it the candles will be fine and at least try it.She has ordered 3 times and always perfect. I pack mine the same way. I shake it a bit and it is so tight nothing will move. I've dropped candles(not packed) on cement and they never break but when they are packed tight with bottom, top and each candle snug they break. (Those I drop are MINE to burn).AND they are fine after they were dropped on the cement.These shipped have to take quite a beating to get broken. To many damaged IMO. 2 out of 3 for me and 6 out of 12 for you. LynnS
  19. Yes I have to agree you do need a supplier and if the price is right they could make a BIG profit. U.S. is lucky to have so many FO suppliers. Where I live there are 3 major suppliers within 45 minutes but I also buy online. Not wax or jars but other things. Wish you LUCK LynnS
  20. Thank You Dustpuupy. Just what I was thinking. Why the same area and same Post Office??? Only her orders everytime. I probably should insure her orders.I guess I will go the nine yards, have her send the order back and make a report.I guess the right protocol??? I don't insure a order for 100 candles and they arrive safe!!!!! Not one broken but mail 3 and 2 are broken. :rolleyes2 LynnS
  21. I guess they could have sent the package back .Won't make much difference. I will be replacing the order.IF they sent it back I would put the RIGHT zip code but instead it got (I am sure) tossed around. Either way it costs me shipping twice AND I will make more candles since it got tossed about and the candles are in pieces. Like I mentioned it happened in the same area and same customer. She wouldn't tell me every order I send her is bad.She is humble and OK with the whole thing.I'm not!!!! She did say she has problems with the PO delivery service. I made a simple mistake and put the wrong zip. I am sure it happens.Transposing numbers in the wrong place. Like others have said they see them throw packages around like footballs. Sounds like the job is FUN and at times not taken seriously with our mail/packages. I sure wouldn't throw things around. I will ask my Postmaster what he does if there is NO zip code. Send package back or look up the RIGHT zip. LynnS
  22. I have wondered about complaining to that particular area since only 1 candle has broke with another customer in MO in the years I mailed. I asked the one customer in NC if her order was OK and she said "I NEVER have a problem".Everything is so nicely packed and arrives safely.She orders more than 20 candles at a time. The lady wants me to be OK with it.She said she make amends with other jars she has and gets the candle in those.I refused to cash her check.She was upset.Said NO you MUST cash it.BUT I am going to that PO since it seems to be a problem area like you mentioned.Tell them HEY why is it just her. She has it rough and is so excited to get my candles when she can .She is taking care of her elderly mother and really is a loving woman. I am sending her more. When I pack my candles they are soooooooooo tight you can't feel /hear a jar move.I make sure of that. You would never be able to tell glass is in the box it is so tight. I do have my name which has candle in it.So likely but not Always it would be breakable. A few days later this lady did e-mail me that I had the wrong zip code.It took over 7 days to get to her.When they corrected the zip they put it in big letters (RED) and corrected the zip.THey must have tossed it about because they didn't know where it should go. All they have to do is look it up.They know the areas. With the size of Miami I know they have more zips but that is their job to look it up. That is no excuse. LynnS
  23. Hazelnut Creme Brulee's sounds good but have no idea what the elves dust smells like.Will have to look up the descript. Candle Source has a new scent called Pumpkin Creme Brulee that I am thinking about getting. I love Creme Brulee' but not sure I want something else with it. I like that scent by itself. I would try the Hazelnut Creme Brulee'. Sounds yummy!!!!!!!!!! LynnS
  24. Oh yeah.I don't want 666. I might ask to be moved next year anyway.The building I am in is HUGE. People skim through or at least this year they did. Any program with last minute people is usually done a few days before.I know when I paid for my booth. They can have the program ready to print and finish it out the last few days. I had the booth like I mentioned when I arrived to set up. The lady who is next to me would have really got ticked. I was glad it was straight before I got there. She did have 2 spaces.665 and 666. I like the people around me but just might be time to change. LynnS
  25. XIXO YES I should get a free booth. I had the same spot the last 4 years. I sent in payment before the program would have been done. There are always last minute people. I sent payment in at least 3 weeks ahead. kimmeroo, I stick with the 8 ounce JJ. THE ONLY JAR THAT SELLS. I like to have variety but people don't care. They want the cheapest.Tarts sell too. I tried lotion, car fresheners, corn cob sachets, liquid hand soap and potpourri.Might sell one of each of those. The rest I brought back home.HTH LynnS
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