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Everything posted by chiptooth

  1. My jars were just dropped off and my husband was talking to UPS driver and was telling him he was almost gonna be stopping here daily and then told him about WSP changing their deal (again) and when I told him what the shipping quote was now for what I just ordered...he said they're nuts...no way should it be that much!
  2. For most of my fragrances I use HTP 104 in the 4 oz. quilted jelly jars.
  3. Figures...I was dragging my feet on ordering the 6 oz. surplus jars and didn't get them ordered before they raised the prices. I ended up ordering them 'cause the price was still reasonable with the flat rate shipping...I'm expecting them to be delivered today and just told my husband if he catches our UPS to be on the look out for packages about every other day for a week or so 'cause I was going to order 2 more times (on payday) and was waiting to put my check in the bank today....lo and behold get the email with the changes. If they are excluding the surplus, they should lower the prices of the jars (not sure about the other stuff) back to where they were. BUMS!
  4. That's a lot of eggs. I've been wanting to do peanut butter eggs just for the family but haven't ran across a recipe I like yet....is yours a secret?!
  5. Those dirty bums! I kept contemplating the 6 oz. jars with the silver lids and was going to order them awhile back and have my husbands cousins near there pick them up for me and then deliver them whenever she came here to visit her mother and then never got the chance....Imagine my excitement when I saw the flat rate shipping...of course I dragged my feet with my decision making 'cause money is a little tight right now and figures...I missed the boat. I guess the price is still reasonable but boy thats a bummer. I'd think they's sell more keeping the prices down with the shipping than raising them to eat the shipping savings. I used to buy my melt and pour stuff from them all the time when I first got started with that about 9 years ago only because I didn't know other resources. Thank goodness I found this site to guide me in other directions.
  6. This is a great new section...when I'm not cleaning teeth (dental hygienist), running to son's basketball games, taking care of 3 kids, cooking, barely cleaning, not getting caught up on the laundry...I love to sew, crochet, can't knit worth a darn, cross-stitch and an assortment of other crafts. I started in M&P soaps before the candles. I have enough supplies in my basement to open a store..which I eventually plan on doing. We have been in the process of remodeling our "new house" for the past 3 years and when we finally get moved into it I plan on having a shop in my basement for my candles and hope to get back into M&P soaps. My biggest plan is to offer crafting classes for kids. There isn't anyplace in our area for kids to go and do "creative" type things. If I don't teach my kids the things my grandmas and mom have taught me, they won't get passed down and I feel there is nothing better than the self satisfaction and pride in saying you made something on your own...even if it is something small and seemingly insignificant. My oldest son (11) and daughter (8) both enjoy sewing fleece blankets (can never have too many of those in the house!, they keep finding prints they like better than the last). They both have their own tiny tailor sewing machines. I've gotten into this bad habbit of buying sewing machines at auctions...I'll have enough to eventually offer small group sewing classes as well. I've had many adults ask if they can come to classes too. Eventually I will offer "crafting" birthday parties. I also have a sewing room in my new house..It's all set up and ready to go...my family will never get me out of there!
  7. I just checked my pic. out again and wow, looking at it, the pencil and chalkboard look rather large as well, but were perfect dimension for the bear.
  8. I think the camera angle made the bow look huge in the picture....I noticed it too once I looked at my post, but in "real" life..it's just right. I wish I would've had some little apple charm to put a necklace around her neck as well, but regardless, the girl who purchased them and my kids teachers were ecstatic with them.
  9. Had requests for teacher bears for christmas gifts and then my kids decided that's what they wanted for their teachers instead of dried apple slices and cinnamon stick hurricanes...so I was scrambling around the house looking for #2 pencils and then had to sharpen like crazy! Apple Pie Spice fragrance..of course
  10. Wow, never thought about searching for something clear to use for a mold. That would make things a whole lot easier. What kind of canister do you have or I guess I should ask what came in it originally?
  11. Soy is great to clean up...the pampered chef pot scrapers work great for taking wax blobs off the floor, table, and counter tops...bet you can't figure out how I know!
  12. I just finished packaging 5 bears scented with Burnin Love Cinamon from Bluegrass. I have 4 more sitting out on the table ready to go into the "apple pie spice pool" The first 5 were easy 'cause she just wanted a simple gold bow around their necks. The second order is for 2 teachers and 2 gymnastics coaches. I think the teachers I will put a small chalkboard in 1 hand and an apple or something in the other. The gymnastics coach I'm going to put a red/white/blue ribbon hanging around the neck and going to try to find some sort of golden coin or something to put on it.
  13. I use alot of BG fragrance as well as their soy. I haven't had a bad fragrance yet, but they were out of alot of fragrances recently. Otherwise, I've always had good quick service with them and shipping seems to be reasonable.
  14. I've used lightbulb air fresheners before but they weren't cardboard..they were more of a ceramic type material and you used FO on them. I didn't notice the fragrance lasting for more than a few hours.
  15. Ugh...I got an order for 4 dozen tealites which I prefer not to do, but its for my sisters friend....so whatcha gonna do. Anyway, she requested vanilla bean which I used to carry with my B&B, but when I used the last of it, I went to different sorts of vanillas. Anyway, I need a good vanilla bean for soy wax.
  16. oak court creations carries an "icing" soap. I believe you can put it into a decorator's sleeve and pipe just like flowers.
  17. Hopefully will get some bears or something. We are having a skating party tonight for my kids birthdays (one is the 7th and the other the 10th) there are kids in my sons class who have brothers in my daughters class...so one big party. Thankfully it is only 4:30-6:30 so that gives me some evening time. I plan on digging my heels in tomorrow. I have to set up a table at my daughter's dance class for people to look at on tues, wed. and thurs then donate 10% of sales to the gymnastics boosters (also at the dance studio) and then don't have a show lined up until the sat. of thanksgiving weekend. In the meantime would like to get my living room painted and carpeted for the holidays...among all that we will be busy with basketball tournaments...ugh! On a good note...my xmas shopping is pretty much completed (lay away). So I'll get some orders done this weekend and hopefully get some hurricanes done and candles poured.
  18. A long time ago I bought a bag of potpouri scented nutcracker and I loved it. Any idea where I can find a nutcracker fragrance? Thanks
  19. My sister in law and I would like to get some wax from them because we are close enough to go pick it up and for 2 days we both have called both numbers and emailed to make a pick up appointment and haven't gotten a response. Anybody have any idea why not?
  20. Everything looks fabulous. I've been wanting to do an open house and am wanting so badly to do it mid-december (last minute gifts) but I'm bound and determined that I'm replacing the living room carpet and painting and getting the kitchen (back to a kitchen) before I do..so looking like maybe next year and then by then maybe I'll be in our new house...anyway. I was actually posting because I was wondering about those caseroles. I found some little ones at Michaels yesterday (halloween and fall) and bought just one to try wicking. I use soy..any ideas on which wicks to start with..I'm guessing 2 wicks.
  21. I use a votive in a glass votive holder in mine on top of the cork and I haven't had any problems so far.
  22. YIKES....I can't say I'm getting slammed with orders as of yet, but am just in demand for getting possible orders. I'm in the midst of trying to get 2 halloween costumes sewn before monday...no way they're getting done in time for the school party friday...but that's a whole other story...then I've been asked to participate with 2 other vendors (mary kaye and a jewelry person) at my daughte'rs dance/gymnastics studio for Nov. 7,8, 9th for the parents and whoever to shop and then donate 10% of proffit to the boosters...in the meantime, we're haveing a skating party on 11/4 for my son and daughter's birthdays, then 11/6 is a Super Bingo at their school, then preparing for craft show on 11/25....Have a few orders in between those! Hope santa sends me a few elves a bit early this year...so much for the housework and painting the living room!
  23. I use a pillar/votive soy wax from at wix end and the property of this wax is to crystalize. My customers love the crystalized look because it is different than the other votives out there.
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