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Everything posted by leisa2003

  1. I like that,..I am going to soon be putting my candles in a Gift Shop inside of a Glass Art Gallery and I think that would be so cool to have the jars resmble stained glass. You gave me something to play with,...thanks for the idea!!! ETS: If I get famous over the candles,..I will be sure to give credit where credit is due. LOL!!!
  2. Lin, you have done the modge podge and food coloring on the outside of the jar and does it kinda give it a stained glass look? ETS: I did a search on modge podge outside of a candle and this lady rolls her cups, jars etc.. in colored sugar/salt,..it looks cool. http://www.crunchybetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/ecuse1-550x393.jpg
  3. I think it is. It looks like the pic is from a blog. They would never tell you their technique or what they use thats non-flammable.
  4. I use ice cube trays (they have then at dollar tree) where they are rounded at the bottom like balls but of course the top is flat. Only $1. But they do look like balls in the soap.
  5. Oh,..your fine!!! I'm glad you shared that info.
  6. I agree I think its brushed on,..on the glass inside the container. ETS: Billy, is Modge Podge flame resistant?
  7. Anyone know how they probably put the giltter on the INSIDE of the jar like this? https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=402299409804381&set=oa.347510071979928&type=1&theater Incase the upper one doesnt work, or you dont have Facebook, here is another pic.... http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1I7RNQN_enUS494&biw=1328&bih=591&tbm=isch&tbnid=q4Oc2dFh-LYfjM:&imgrefurl=http://allthingsblogzilla.blogspot.com/2011/09/candles-by-victoria-candle-porn.html&docid=LzfDUmXmgL0IPM&imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UQcQQDRE3ZM/Ti4ybggSeRI/AAAAAAAAAAw/yQWR-as4yok/s364/3333.JPG&w=343&h=364&ei=C3e3UN6kF4rc9ASZx4CICA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=270&sig=112889821122597911741&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=133&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:94&tx=75&ty=95 OPPS! I posted in the B&B section instead of Candle section,..Sorry!!!
  8. Just for it medicinal properties. .... pine needle tea is high in fat-soluble vitamin A, an antioxidant beta-carotene, which is needed for healthy vision (especially in low light situations), skin and hair regeneration, and red blood cell production! The vitamin A explains a few more of the nutrition and health claims, but certainly not all of them. There is more to the tea than just vitamins A and C. There are many components to consider with swallowing a cup of pine needle broth! Here is a link,..there is a ton of info on this as well on other sites,..http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/3126/ ETS: it doesnt taste to bad, I added honey to sweeten it. It tastes medicinal, but not to bad. My husband liked it probably more than I did, but I am not a tea drinker as well.
  9. Strange you mentioned Chocolate, it reminded me that I have actually boiled pine needles and made a Pine Needle Tea,..its got alot of Vit C in it.
  10. Oh, I LOVE Blue Spruce even by itself. I have some regular Pine and I want to try to get it to sell,..its not a BIG seller on it own for me,..so I am going to try to mix it this year.
  11. I dont like straight Pine, what would be a good scent to mix with it?
  12. I think they would be just as good as the Clamshells. It says they are microwaveable.
  13. Jeanie, I use for my tarts 415 (75%) to 4627 (25%) and I get a great HT, but it last as long as 12 hrs. I want something to last 24 hrs atleast, if possible. ETS: Maybe I should try 50/50. Hmmmmmm.
  14. I would be interested in purchasing from some small businesses for Christmas as well instead of WalMart or other big companies. (GREAT IDEA dcroome)!!
  15. I emailed them from their site about a sample and Melanie e-mailed me back for my address to send me a sample of the 3022. I hope I get the great results as some of you have. If I do, they will have my business as well. Yay,..I'm excited to try this 3022. ETS: I will be doing a side bu side comparison of the 3022 against 415/4625 combo.
  16. Who is it? Who sells Gingersnap Cookies? (The Candlemaker Store does)! Hmmmm!
  17. Chocolate Covered Peppermint Marshmallows
  18. I do 25% 4625 and 75% 415,..9% FO load and I get great HT & CT.
  19. My dial doesnt read correctly on mine,..what is says on the dial is never correct with my thermometer.
  20. It is a retired scent of Yankee Candle. It smells just like Fresh Bamboo from Natures Garden. HTH's
  21. I superfat at 7%,..and I would check the FO you used as well and how much you used,...maybe try that FO at a lower percentage and let those who tried the "old" batch, try the new and see how they like that. Good Luck!
  22. Jack, I stay away from giving away products just so someone will do a "review" on YT,..I did a few times years back and you get them non-stop asking to do a review,..they expect it more than once and I am not as "big" to give that much away,..and really you dont get much business from it,..most people are set on their certain wax "suppliers" it seems,..like CBV, CFTKR,SHAYZ,LOL,FRONT PORCH,,....theres a ton. Now, if you can come-up with something totally different (theme) or something, you'll get the "attention" to your business. ETS: I have thought about being a YT "reviewer" just so I could try all those vender's these reviewer's get to try (look at all the product they get for free)! Just kidding,..but sometimes I'm like WOW!!!
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