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Everything posted by Candybee

  1. Just a heads up on MW Patchouli Passion. Her original scent was Honey Patchouli which was sold to EBB when she closed her first website Flickers Fragrances. When she opened Moonworks she made a new version of it and that was the Patchouli Passion. Honey Patchouli is sooooo much better than the Patchouli Passion and much stronger too. Soaps beautifully in CP but does discolor to medium dark brown but is soooo awesome its a permanent patchouli blend I sell in CP. I was totally disappointed with the Patchouli Passion and surprised she decided to sell a scent that just wasn't up to her amazing FO standards. Just not as good as the Honey Patchouli in my opinion. So if you are looking for some of the good FOs that she used to sell they are at EBB. Just look for the "Flickers" fragrances on their site. Some of them are awesome like Tuscan Lace, Green Irish Tweed, Manuka Lavender, Honey L'Occitane, White Musk... just a few she sold to EBB when she closed. Everyone thought she was going out of business but then she opened Moonworks. Its the Moonworks FOs that got lost as Pure Fragrance Oils bought them but decided to not sell them all at once but bring out one at a time. Stupid, stupid, stupid! They waited so long FB and others duped the scents, and did it better!
  2. I like C&S Candy Corn too. I got a sample of it a while back and it blew me away. I was not expectiing it to smell so good but once I put it in wax and cured it it smelled wonderful. Its kind of light OOB but really blossoms in soy and parasoy.
  3. Have you tried Fillmore's Cedar Garland? Its a lovely blend of cedar and sandalwood and smells beautiful in candles and soap. It has an almost Christmassy scent to it. I sell it year round by renaming after the holidays.
  4. I finally got to use my Square reader for the first time today! Woohoo! It was so easy. Its been a while since I have taken charge cards since I cancelled my merchant account. I love that there are no hidden fees or costs like with my old merchant account. Just wish I had gotten set up sooner!
  5. What all did you order? I am hoping to order from them soon myself. I have never ordered from them yet but hear good reviews. The oils I am ordering will be for soaping so I am glad Sonoma Roses gave some CP reviews on them. I want to try soaping Gypsy Rose, Merlin's Forest, and Dark Knight. So as soon as I get a chance I will buy some samples of these. Will probably try some more samples but not sure yet what I want. But they will be from the soap safe collection for sure.
  6. Their sugar cookie is probably their best seller because they have had it much longer than the MW version. But I have heard their MW's version is spot on and throws great. But I have not tried either so can only tell you what I've heard.
  7. Peaks has an awesome sandalwood that throws strong in parasoy and palm. Its called Asian Sandalwood. I use it in CP soap too and its wonderful to soap too! I tried AH's Hawaiian Sandalwood in CP. Its not anything like the original that Tradewinds. AH failed miserably in their formulation of the oil. I was extremely disappointed. Even OOB it has no sandalwood note that's even noticable. Same deal with Soapalooza's Hawaiian Sandalwood. Although Soapalooza's had a distinct coconut note that sticks in CP. But no detectable sandalwood. I think the problem with a lot of sandalwood formulations is the component they are using for the sandalwood. The real EO, or the good one, the mysore sandalwood is over $300 bucks an ounce. So I think many formulations are subbing with a cheap oil or a dupe instead of the mysore sandalwood. You would know the difference right away if they were using the good stuff and the price would not be cheap. Peaks is very nice and my customers love it. It is always a good seller. I love mixing it with some patchouli for a sandalwood patchouli.
  8. Leah-- I think someone else also gave the Butternut Pumpkin a good review and reco. Jack be nimble? I think. Anyway, its sounds good. I may have to try that one too but only if its body safe. My FOs have to do double duty; candles and soap. Isn't AH the one that has about a dozen pumpkin scents??!
  9. Pumpkin Spice? shoot, the candles are packed on the bottom of my car trunk otherwise I would look see what I named them. But I am pretty certain that's what I call them. I wanted to call them "Pumpkin Patch" but opted for a name with 'spice' in it instead. But I like the name Pumpkin Patch.
  10. What recipe are you using? Maybe if you post it here someone can help you tweak it. Its easy to sub out SAO with something else.
  11. Awww!!! That's right. They could be from the wax pulling away from the jar like Steve said. I forgot about that. Now that I look at the pics again it does look like it could be wax shrinkage.
  12. I suggested using the rack to allow air to circulate around and under the jars. You want to try to keep the whole jar and its contents at the same temp as the wax cools. One of the reasons I don't use heavy bottom jars is because the top and bottom tend to cool the wax at different temps in the jar creating uneven looking wax. Its one of the things I am thinking may be contributing to wax lines. If you can figure out a way to keep the wax at the bottom the same temp as the wax at the top of the candle you may solve your problem. The other idea is that the lines may be pour lines. In which case you need to practice pouring the wax into the jar with a steady smooth pour trying to avoid any jerking.
  13. Those look like pour lines to me. Its possible to get pour lines doing a single pour. They can be minimized by a steady even pour. Also, try pouring a little faster. Just make sure its steady and not jerky. If you have the same outcome my next guess is its something about the glass at that level. The only other thing I can think of is try a heat gun blast inside the jars the moment prior to pouring. You could also try putting the jars in a styrofoam cooler box to help keep the air temp from fluctuating or keep any drafts from the pouring area. This is not a characteristic of the wax. Its got to be either your pouring method or the jar. The jars are heavier at the bottom so it could also be the wax is not cooling at the same temp at top and bottom levels. Are you placing the jars on a cookie sheet or rack when you pour? That could also make a difference if its the jar.
  14. You can check over at AH/RE for the actual name. I am just posting from memory so not sure. When I get time I will check later. Right now I gotta go out of town.
  15. I think you just have to chalk it up to R&D expenses if they are unsalvageable. I know I have some real oldies too. But hope springs eternal as I keep trying to think up ways to mix them or use them.
  16. Definitely 8oz jars are big sellers. I use the 8oz jelly jar and sell a ton of them. I don't really care too much for them but thats what my customers want. Sometimes you just have to pay attention to what your customers want instead of what you want if you want to stay in the business.
  17. Hi karona! Welcome to Craft Server! First question is how much FO are you using? Typically 6% is normal for most candlemaking. That's about 1oz FO per lb of wax. There are some FOs that you can use at 3% too. Lots of people have sensitivity to certain FOs so you aren't alone. If you want to continue making candles with FOs it would be wise to invest in a good respirator mask. A good one will set you back about $35 - $50 US but is well worth the investment. It will completely keep the vapors from the FOs from being injested into your lungs. I have one myself and when its on I can't smell a thing. The filters do need to be changed periodically so make sure you have a source to get them. Usually a good hardware store will carry what you need. Don't bother with those paper masks painters use. They won't help. Only a quality respirator, especially one that follows OSHA guidelines on safety in the workplace, will work. When I use my respirator I make candles in a very ventilated room. I also have to open up the windows and doors for about 30 minutes after I make candles to air out my house. I have two geriatric kitties that can't tolerate the FO scent so I have learned to be extra cautious. They go into a locked room while I make my candles and don't come out until the house is completely aired out. If using FOs still ends up being too much for you its possible to scent your candles with essential oils. It takes more testing than using FOs but it can be done.
  18. I can't tell you how many times I have used leftover FOs to make new scent combinations. Its a practice I use to come up with something new and also to use up that FO so I don't lose my money. We should start a discussion thread on our leftover oils and see what combos we can come up with to help each other out with!!
  19. Trappeur I still have about 2 candles I made leftover from last fall. They still smell wonderful and better than any pumpkin FO I have used! I just hate having to buy all 3 FOs just to make one. But its so worth it because it smells so good!
  20. Shoot. It wouldn't let me copy and paste it here. But if you look on post #90 that is the 'best pumpkin' combo I discovered. 30% CS Pumpkin Pie 30% CS Pumpkin Soufle 40% AH Pumpkin Pie When you read through that discussion thread keep a notebook and pencil handy to copy down some of the awesome combo blends! That discussion should be in the pumpkin hall of fame! LOL
  21. I found that discussion thread from last year on pumpkin spice blends. If you are looking for some awesome blends or ideas its a must read! Here's the link: http://www.craftserver.com/topic/105126-pumpkin-favorites/?hl=+best%20+pumpkin
  22. Yes! I mix CS Pumpkin Pie and Pumpkin Soufle 50/50%. Does anyone remember a discussion thread from last year where we talked about blending pumpkin scents to get the best pumpkin pie? I recall I finally found the best pumpkin combo ever. But now I don't quite remember. I think I mixed a blend of the 2 CS pumpkin FOs (mentioned above) with one from AH/RE. If I can find that thread I'll post a link. But I remember there were some awesome pumpkin blends in it!!!
  23. Puma your candles are gorgeous! I love the overpours. I do this with one of my candles during the holidays. I do a chocolate fudge brownie with caramel and use 'chocolate' chunks in it. Customers love, love, love the chunks! Sorry, I don't have any pics.
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