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Everything posted by Candybee

  1. That should be some melt! LOL Even the mold is pretty! Hope you make that melt soon. Would love to see a pic of it!! (Hint hint!)
  2. I'm using my own custom blend of Peaks Asian Sandalwood and Soapalooza's Hawaiian Sandalwood. So far it smells wonderful and should get stronger with cure. SPL's H. Sandalwood is very coconuty so it adds that sweetness and mellows the sandalwood. Used cocoa powder and red rainbow mica.
  3. TT your tin labels and candle looks beautiful! It is something that would capture my attention and make me want to smell it and probably end up buying!! Your labels are very inviting!
  4. I agree. A wholesale account should be beneficial and lucrative to both you and your client. Someone who starts from the get go by taking advantage of you and wanting stuff for free has just demonstrated that they will not make a good business relationship with you. Drop this woman and be done with her. She has already shown you her true colors and trust me it will just get worse. Whenever you are approached by a new wholesale client and they want a product you don't have make sure they pay for the research and development up front. Draw up a contract and put it all in writing so it clearly spells out the parameters of the project and the timeline. Doesn't matter if its a smaller jar, or a new label design, or a guest size bar of one of your regular soaps. Any change in your product or designing a new product will take time and resources. Do not spend any of your money or time on any project unless they are willing to pay for it up front. I think that is a lesson many of us learn the hard way.
  5. The mango sorbet does sound good. I have been thinking of a mango type too because they are very popular. Here is a link to the limoncello. Its at EBB and its one of their flavor oils. Can be used for body butters too so its perfect: http://www.elementsbathandbody.com/Limoncello-and-Cream-Flavor-Oil.html I'm thinking either the limoncello or a blend of coconut, lemon & vanilla sugar.
  6. Looks good so far! Can't wait to see how you cut and what they look like!
  7. You just gave me an idea. I love the coconut and vanilla sugar. Now I am thinking of a coconut lemon sugar combo. LOL!!
  8. Thanks for the tip. I think I have NDA already bookmarked. Will check them out!
  9. This is one of the EOs I have been thinking of adding to my blend. Thanks! I did want to use catnip too as it has great insect repellent components but the price makes it unrealistic to use, Unless I want to triple the cost of my lotion! Maybe the lemon euc would make a good replacement! Do you mind sharing where I can get it?
  10. Hmmm... don't know any of these scents. Don't shop at Aztec or NG. I've smelled a volcano scent OOB from AH that was spicy. Is that the same Volcano?
  11. You and I think a lot alike. I love your ideas for scents. I am rethinking the vanilla but think that a vanilla type would still be nice. Anyone heard of lemoncello? I've seen it in a lip balm..... where? think it was EBB.... will check it out... Anyway, this morning the idea of a lemon vanilla popped into my head or at least a dominant lemon more on the sweet and sour side rather than bakery or floral.
  12. LOL I've got the Peach Magnolia Raspberry and already thinking of using this one! I also like the mango sorbet idea. This morning I was thinking of mango... like mango orange so this gives me another idea to work on.
  13. These are some great suggestions. They all sound very summery and refreshing!
  14. Why do you have to wait for the order to get back to be refunded? That was their mistake not yours. Or did they let you reorder the same items without having to pay?
  15. Love it! Beautiful work as always.
  16. Thanks! Working on those suggestions. So far thinking of going with: 1. bug repellent type 2. vanilla type: vanilla sandalwood? vanilla lace? tuscan lace? 3. citrus type - Yuzu?, Ginger Lime? 4. berry or mixed floral w/berry - TN has a lovely Peach, Magnolia & Raspberry
  17. Another palm 'flipper' here! It works great. Just make sure you got that solid crust on top or the wax splats all over when you flip it. I have been flipping my palm wax container candles for years and have had no problems with them.
  18. Try Honeysuckle Jasmine from CS. Throws like crazy at 6% in my palm and parasoy candles. Customers absolutely love it! A straight honeysuckle I use for my candles is from Fillmore. But I gotta tell you the Honeysuckle Jasmine from CS is the best!
  19. I was interested in their lavender, frangipani jasmine, and juicy apricot.
  20. I am working on some solid lotions and want a summer theme line of fragrances. One will of course be a bug off type scent. But could use some help of some nice summery scents. I am thinking a line of 4 scents including the bug repellent.
  21. I have only had this problem with coconut creme pie. It can happen with certain vanilla types or using excessive fragrance loads. How much % of FO are you using? Was it a fragrance with vanillan in it? It would also help it you told us what wax you are using and what temp it was when you added your fragrance.
  22. There is a long thread in the business section about this same person. He's been using this scam for years.
  23. Honestly I agree wholeheatedly with David Fields. Walk away from this one! It stinks to high heaven!!
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