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Everything posted by Sally

  1. Wow Eco6 in a 3" pillar, I've tried 10 & 12 & had blow outs every time, I need to give the smaller ones a try soon. Sally.
  2. I've had some last over 40 hours before I get bored with them. They go in a clothes drawer when I'm finished with them. Sally.
  3. Mine too but only cos the local parcelforce depot is soooooo slow to deliver my box of goodies. I'm supposed to be making my christmas tins for folk but I don't think waxless candles will work very well :undecided So this w.e my pot will be filled with christmas candies instead, chocolate coated ginger, coconut ice & peppermint creams today, rum truffles when I get the rum & vanilla fudge when I find a recipe that I won't need to use my candy thermometer for........it's been stolen by the candle fairy! Sally.
  4. I'm using ecosoya pb, 1&1/2 oz f.o & no dye in some cute heart shaped moulds & some rubber ice cube trays for small tarts, hearts & shell shapes work well. I'm putting them in organza bags this christmas so if people don't want to melt them they can use them to scent there drawers. They look real pretty like that too. Sally.
  5. You could test them after that time & if they don't throw well I'd put the lids back on & leave them for longer. CBA is always slow to cure for me. Sally.
  6. Leave them til tomorrow so that they are properly hardened then go ahead & test, I've been playing with that wax in 3" pillars myself so I'd be interested to hear your results. I've tried Eco's so far but I'm about to try LX20's. What wicks are you using? Sally.
  7. I really like that, & the colours great too. Sally.
  8. They all look very nice indeed, I'd be very happy to produce things as good as that. Sally.
  9. I've found cba gets some wet spots but I don't colour my soy so I don't have a problem with frosting. CBA is very slow to cure tho' & needs good quality oils to throw well. sally.
  10. I definately wouldn't put it on the radiator, I softened some butter for baking in a dish on the radiator, forgot about it til it was melted then managed to knock it over. It spilled inside the top air outlet, stank for ages & was a nightmare to clean up.........all cos I wanted to save some time! Look on Ebay you can get some cheap burners on there. Sally.
  11. Just spent some time cleaning out my kitchen cupboard again.......2 very dead mice........made me sad but I've had enough of them. I heard one in the skirting in the sittling room last night, just hope it doesn't decide to come through into the room but if it does there will be a nice little treat waiting for it. Sally.
  12. One of mine gets the fire going wonderfully well straight away. I only use scrap wax so they don't really have a fragrance & I put cheap, coloured pot pourri on the top so If anyone wants to leave them on display they look quite pretty. Sally.
  13. I'm getting back into the swing of things..... doing some tins, votives & tarts for christmas baskets in some yummy christmas f.o's for some very special friends. I couldn't have got through the last few months without them so I want to make them very special baskets indeed. Sally.
  14. Been having the same problem here too. I have a mouse in the cupboard under the sink who eats just about everything. A whole new roll of dustbin sacks just had to get thrown out cos the mouse had nibbled its way right across the end of the roll. I recently read about mice hating peppermint so I put cotton balls with lots of peppermint E.O on but it didn't work at all There's another one goes in my craft cupboard & has nibbled at some of my paraffin wax candles & the bubble wrap around my painted glass. I hate to do this but I've now resorted to putting down special mouse traps baited with a poison gel. The gel is in 2 little compartments in the plastic container that the mice can get in & out of & it's not open for kids or pets to get to. Sorry mice but you've gotta go! Sally.
  15. I've been testing the CBA & it takes ages to cure,even with a strong f.o., looks good tho' but the curing times puts me off. I'll be trying the ecosoya 135 next.
  16. I'm aiming to get my business plans back on track after my enforced "holiday" which means going back to the drawing board on practically everything. Having had lots of time to think I've come up with a few more ideas. By this time next year I hope to have a good selection of scents & containers & to have succeeded with my soy pillars. I'm sure my ideas will change as the year progresses. Sally.
  17. Me too, but living in Scotland means the shipping costs are horrid. Colourlites have some nice looking pieces on their site but I haven't used them. Why are UK suppliers so limiting in their supplies, it's driving me nuts! In a way it's a good thing my business plans have been put on hold cos finding good UK suppliers for anything is a bugger. Nattycat might have more ideas. Sally.
  18. I love your ceramics & the fragrances sound great too, but I have to say your yarns had me drooling. I've been knitting more recently & have fallen back in love with beautiful yarn. Sally.
  19. Do any U.K candle makers use silicone glue to stick their wicks in containers? I've done a search & come up with the GE SILICONE II for windows & doors but I can't find an equivalent here in UK. I've been using my hot glue gun but I'm not too happy with it keeping the wicks stuck in place. Something that comes in a tube would be ideal. Any help will be greatfully received, I need to get my Christmas pressies made! TIA Sally.
  20. I couldn't agree more, nothing sharpens your attention up more than that first "small fire". Sally.
  21. Let your pillar candles set up properly BEFORE trying to get them out of the mould....I've managed to pull a few wicks out by being impatient.
  22. Sounds very much like the wax I got from Full Moon's. The container wax was lovely to work with, smoother & creamier than the cba. From what I remember the pillar wax was nice too but I know more about soya wax now so I'd like to try it again. It was pretty expensive tho'. Good luck with your seadch. Sally.
  23. Ok I surrender....well just for now, you've done a fab job with your site, candles etc & I love the accessories section too. Can't wait til I'm fit enough to start using those oils I got from you a while back. Sally.
  24. Wow Nat, another string to your bow...they are looking goooood. Sally.
  25. I use Ecosoya P.B for my tarts, container blends just too soft & I can't be bothered fiddling around scrubbing out the moulds if the c.b gets stuck. Most of the F.O's I've used have worked well & lasted for so long I get bored with the scent. Any that fade too quick don't get used again. Sally.
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