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Everything posted by Sally

  1. Coooooooool, I remember seeing your pics & your product names are so good, they all fit perfectly. Wishing you every success with your venture. Sally.
  2. I am going round in circles here & it's giving me such a sore head! I'm trying to work out the cost per oz of my soy wax. So if I buy my wax at £4.00 per kilo I need to divide 400 x 1000 = 0.4 then times 0.4 x 28.3 (grams per oz) +11.32....is that right? 11.32 pence per ounce? multiply that by 11oz for a 3x3" pillar = 124.52 /£12.45 & thats before I add on the cost of f.o wick, production costs & wages. That would all bring my costs to almost £15/$30 for a single 3x3" pillar. Buying 25 kg at once would bring the costs down to £3.60 per kg (including tax & shipping) but that is still making one heck of a pricey candle. Have I got that math right cos my eyes are blurred & my brain is fried now! Thanks for any help. Sally.
  3. They're goooood I especially like the second set. Sally.
  4. Love the cats eye set, the blue is just gorgeous. Sally.
  5. Kojiki is gorgeous & Happy Heart is fab too. Both are working well in my soy/pw blend & ecosoya cb135. Sally.
  6. Am I too old to have a piggy purse, I just love it! Sally.
  7. Gosh michi, they are stunning too. I especially like the tin with berries. Sally.
  8. Michi, they are so pretty, you are very talented, my flowers always look so basic....unlike yours. Sally.
  9. I've just spent the afternoon trying to work out my pricing too, & I am now going to do it all over again. My math is rubbish & my totals seem far too high....around £8 / $16 for a 3x3" soy/pw pillar, that's before I add on labour costs. Ingredients are more expensive over here & we have less suppliers. I do need to buy my wax in larger quantities so it's back to the invoices & the calculator......& another look at suppliers. Sally.
  10. Well done Inez, hopefully these new outlets will help keep the wolf from the door. I too am pleased you didn't give up. Sally.
  11. Oh me Oh my that is one amazing looking soap, can't wait to see it cut. Sally.
  12. I agree, the jar with the glass distracts me from the candle itself , but I like the glass beads around the candle. Sally.
  13. Sampaquita & Karma Kazi are working well for me. I've got several others but haven't used them yet, can't wait to get Pure Indulgence in my wax. Sally.
  14. I would put directions on the pack, but clamshells aren't that common over here so my customers might just need that bit of help. If you put directions inside the cover the wax/fo will probably soak into the paper & spoil it. Sally.
  15. I have some delicious Iced black Keemun Tea, from SW, a gift from a very nice friend who seems to know just what I will like! Thank you CB. Anyway I have poured a tester candle with this, using my own soy/para pillar blend & wicked it with LX 24....way too small, melted down & wicked with LX 26, again too small. Both times the throw was wonderful. I haven't got any LX28's to try wicking up again but I do have some larger Eco's although I don't much like Eco's in pillars. If I get some LX28 to try is it not likely to burn the FO off too quickly & diminish the HT? Does anyone have any recommendations for wicking 3" pillars (soy/para) with tea fragrances? Also do tea fragrances tend to need larger wicks? This is the first time I've used a tea fragrance & I couldn't find anything in the search.....probably not asking it the right question..lol. TIA for any help. Sally.
  16. Looks very pretty to me, I really want to give that palm wax a try.....when I've got the soy sorted....lol. Sally.
  17. Now I can see them I think they look delicious. Sally.
  18. What an awesome selection, I just love coming over to the B&B for a drool at all these gorgeous soaps etc. How I long for smelly vision so I could savour the aromas too. Sally.
  19. Even when the gremlins sneak in, your soaps look great to me. Sally.
  20. That sandalwood & oakmoss looks so classy, I like your labelling on the push up lotions & the bubble bath powder intrigues me. You are a most talented lady. Sally.
  21. Your display looks wonderful, I can see why you attracted so many customers. Congrats on a great first fair. Sally.
  22. Gorgeous, every one of them & I love the simplicity of the wrapper. Sally.
  23. There's something rather comforting about the look of that soap Top, must be the softness of the colouring. Sally.
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