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Everything posted by snow

  1. I tried a few marbles and was wondering the same thing. I kinda had to spoon some of the wax into the mold too. I didn't get a lot of the marble look like the ones on here. Someone told me to pour a little bit hotter so that the color would blend better, didn't try it yet tho. If you figure it out, let me know or if I do I'll let you know...:highfive: I got the outside nice and smooth after a try or two but not enough marbles! Oh well, practice makes perfect! Good luck, Dee
  2. I use J50 and get a lot of wet spots, some one told me to add about 1tsp. or so of soy to 1# of wax. But it doesn't seem to do anything! I've tried less soy and more soy...don't see any difference but the wet spots are still there. If I heat gun them all away they come back. But they are strange wet spots, its like part of the wax is sticking to the jar and part isn't, do you know what I mean? I've heated the jars, poured a little hotter and a littler cooler, nothing helps. Any ideas what can be done? I'm using an 8 oz straight side jar. Melt the J50 to 170 or so...add dye and cool the wax to 160 add FO stir and pour, slowly and evenly. Tap and tap and let sit. What else can I do? Thanks
  3. what color would you make this scent, I don't have a raspberry color and I don't want to use burgandy cuz I use that for winter berries. Would it be sort of a red? What do ya think? Thanks, Dee
  4. I found Xmas coffee mugs at the dollar store, packaged 2 for $1. I thought that was a good find. They were nice mugs and I filled them with hot chocolate and topped off with whipped van....looks real cute!
  5. Nice colors! They look great and good luck with raising bunches for the kids. Great looking candles, shouldn't be a problem selling them.
  6. Hope this turns out right. This is a gift for a friend scented in cinnamon. What do you all think?
  7. I never see anyone use make scents candle suppies on here, and was just wondering why. I get FO from them and they are great! Good strong scent throw on most all of them. And they have a huge selection. Has anyone tried them? Like I said, I read a lot of these threads and never have seen there name mentioned. Just curious!
  8. I have been using Avery free labels just on the address labels but they don't have a lot to chose from. I'd like something a little better but don't know where to turn. I use the 8oz straight side jar and now just use the small address label, I need something more professional looking, where do I go?? Please help. And do you have to put the 8oz on the label? Thanks so much, Dee
  9. when I do my photo canes I use HP bright white 24#, it works best for me.
  10. I think the 24# bright white works much better than any other paper. I always scan my pic to photo HP photo and imaging and fix it up if I have to or add text and then print it out. That works the best for me. I used the wrong paper in the begining and had all sorts of problems.
  11. My photo canes are turning out really nice, I level mine in a pan over top of a pot filled with water. But this is getting harder to do for some reason. I'm having trouble getting them nice and level and smooth around the tops. There has to be a better way. What are some of the things you guys use? I'm readly to invest in whatever it is to make this last process of cane making easier and neater. It's me again..thanking you all....Dee
  12. Thanks so much for all your help, I feel much better now. I got the cork at Wal Mart and it is thick enough, had a buddy check it out cuz I'm terrible at reading a ruler but he said its right. I had an order for 9 canes for xmas presents and I didn't want them to burn out the bottom or get the candle stuck like my Mom did . Not good!!! Once again....thank you all
  13. I guess I can use the 2 oz jar on top of the cork, and that would probably be ok then. Thanks for the replies and help, these photo canes seem to be a big hit here in my town...my friends are keeping me busy
  14. would that cork be safe to put the little 2 oz jar on ya think?
  15. I am making photo canes and with much practice they are now turning out great. I don't really care for the t light inside because they don't illuminate that much. I bought a 2 oz jar and they look really nice burning in the cane, but if you let it burn all the way to the bottom it will stick to the bottom of the cane, I had my mom test this out for me. If you put a warning sticker on..not to do this, people will probably still do it! I use J50 wax and a small votice wick for the 2 oz jars and they burn great but they should not be allowed to burn to the bottom. Is there anything I can use or anything I can do so that I can use the 2 oz jar? I can swear I saw somewhere on a post that Donita had something she put inside the jar, but I can't find that post or Donita at this time. Any suggestions? I need help quick! I could just go with the t, but I like a little more illumination. Thanks so much, Dee
  16. I recently bought, for the first time, color crystals and they work great! Doesn't take much to get a good rich color. I bought 2 colors to try and I loved them.
  17. When I got mine I made sure to get myself in the habit of ALWAYS putting it down in the upright position, on its base. After a few uses I found that I do that every time, by habit now. My b/f warned me of that. It's the greatest thing to have and USE, but be careful! Form good habits...good luck
  18. I get mine from Makes scents candles near columbus, ohio. makesscentscandles.com
  19. How about something like a burnt orange, or a little reddish. Or you can try to get like a golden orangie color. I don't know how to explain it, but I can picture it, Not much help I guess, sorry....Dee
  20. well I tried the dipped tp and it worked ok. I poured the wax into an old cake pan, colored the wax green, added pine scent and rolled it in the pan. It covered in no time and dried rather quickly. When it was done I put a pointsettia(however u spell that) in the top, down thru the hole and tied a Christmas ribbon around the middle. It looked kinda' cute. Don't have time now for a pic. I have a friend who loves kooky gifts and I'm going to give it to her. She'll love it
  21. Hey everyone, I meant toilet paper and I didn't think this one up on my own. I saw it on here and there is a site that has them. They really look cute all decorated up. That site sells them for $9.95. And I believe of few people here gave it a try. I just wanted to try one and decorate it and use it myself in my bathroom for an air freshener. But I just wasn't sure how much wax you actually would use to do this. But I guess you just kinda' roll it in the wax and don't actually dip it. Thanks for your help! Dee
  22. when u dip tp do you just kind of roll it around in wax or totally submerge it? I'm dying to try this, and I think I will in the morning, but I was sitting watching a movie and thinking about it. It seems like if you submerge it would take forever to dry. Anyone know whats the best way? Thanks, Dee
  23. thanks laura, I will try that wax today!
  24. Hi, I use J50 in my jj and use 51-32-18 Z wicks with 1.5 oz of FO. I get a good scent throw with this combo. And a good burn, nice melt pool and no hang up. Did you try that wick? Hope that helps a little :highfive:
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