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Everything posted by snow

  1. Candle man, I like that idea! Thanks
  2. What would you do for toasted marshmellow and campfire? I was thinking just white for the marshmellow or marbled white and black. I'm open for suggestions. Thanks
  3. I wonder if you could mix something up to come close to that, the place my friend is going does not have hayride, anyone know? Thanks for your speediness! Dee
  4. my friend is going shopping for FO today, I need something like hayride or campfire, anyone know who has it or whats in it? Thanks...Dee
  5. Hi, I'm still new but I had that happen once and I think it was from to much FO. But what do I know, I had poured vanilla and its a heavier oil. But I don't use that wax. Dee
  6. Candle man....I made the cane and it turned out very nice, I found out that glue will not stick on wax. I have an old cane here and I tried it and your right it held for a while but if you touch it it falls off. I saw a little bow on one of Donita's canes on her home page, thats where I got the idea. I thought of the pins but thought it might crack the wax. But I'm gonna try it on my old cane. Thanks so much. I'd post a pic, but I dont know how, dah!! Dee
  7. I've done canes, with Donitas help (Thank God) and they are now coming out very nice. I never put anything on the outside of them, but I was thinking trying a little dab of glue maybe? What do you think?
  8. I am going to do a hurricane for a friends wedding. Here is my plan....A bouquet of bergundy roses with white ribbon and the names and date across the bottom in burgundy. I was thinking of putting little tiny bows or clusters of flowers on the outside of the cane, maybe at the top corners of photo. How does that sound and does anyone have any suggestions to add? I will sell it with a votice candle scented maybe in rose? Or some other scent because maybe everyone doesn't like rose, what do you all think?
  9. Thanks Kim, thats what I've been doing, so I guess I'm on the right track. I was afraid to use the heat gun to much, thought it would take the marble out, but I guess not, huh? Dee
  10. On the FO, makes scents candles are good, in Ohio. Most all are strong scents. The only one I didn't like was witches brew. And I bought jars from the jar store, 9 oz melting pot and can NOT get it to wick right. Just a word of caution! Dee
  11. I tried a few of these and they came out ok, but one question....how cool do you let your wax get? Everyone says slushy, kinda like the consistancy of wax when you are going to whip it or not quite? I let mine cool and couldn't pour it into the mold, kinda had to spoon it in, is that to cool? I mean it worked, but it was a little messy. But if I'm doing it right, I guess its a messy job! Thanks, Dee
  12. As you know I am trying to get that dreaded melting pot jar right....After the first test burn last night, here is what I got. Two jars, christmas splendor fo, J50 wax....one has Eco 4 the other Eco 10 wicks. And color is blue. After 4 hrs of burning either one made it to the edge of the jar, almost but not quite. Good scent throw and nice clean burn, no dancing wicks and no soot or black at the tops of the jars. Really there wasn't much difference between the two. So go figure! I'm doing my secon burn now. I'll keep you posted. Dee
  13. I've been using J50 since April and I'm new to this, but I tried a couple of other waxes and came back to J50. It had the best ct and ht. I tried others because I didn't like the wet spots, but everyone said not to worry, so I don't and I'm back to J50....it colors nice for me too. Hope that helped some! Everyone says my candles smell great, so they are happy and so am I. Dee
  14. I was reading all the old posts and saw where a lot of you had trouble with the dreaded melting pot jars, did anyone figure it out? I am using J50 wax in the 9 oz melting pot jar and nothing is working. I'm going to test an ECO 4 today. None of the wicks I tried, so far is satisfactory to me. I get smoke, soot or not the right melt pool. I've testing the Z-series, Eco and LX and even double wicking. The double did fine in the beginning, but as it melted down it drowned out the wicks. I wanted these jars for Christmas, but it doesn't look like its going to happen. I'm ready to trash each and every jar! Just to hear the smashing of the glass.... I have tried different scents too, its all the same....SUCKS!!!!! If anyone has had any luck or any suggestions, please, please point me in the right direction. And then I give up, never thought I would. Thanks so much for just letting me let off some steam......Dee
  15. So far I like the J50, except I do get wet spots with it. I tried JS123 and hardly no wet spots, it was a pretty wax, but I couldn't get a good scent throw with it. I see someone said they use additives with J50, what do you use? I don't use any! But even with the wet spots it seems to be my favorite, so far.
  16. I made a few of these as pillars, has anyone made a marble container candle, you know in a jar? Does it work? I tried one and it didn't work to well for me, but before I try again, I was just wondering if anyone has had any success! Thanks
  17. I do not add anything to the wax, it burns great for me in the 1/2 pt. jj. I use the 51-32-18 Z in the jj and no problems! This jar does have a smaller opening but not much, I got it from the jar store. And I don't fill it with wax, just to the top of the widest part, know what I mean? I saw in an old post where someone used this jar and had to double wick, thats why I tried it. But I am going to go back to testing single wicks. I have Zinc, Eco and LX sample packs of wicks, but I'm not sure what the difference is in all of them. The LX, I'm thinking, didn't work at all in this jar. The Zinc 60-44-18 made the jar black, ECO 10 left soot on jar and Eco 12 did ok..but not as good as I like it to be. I was about ready to give up, but I'd really like to use these for Xmas, just because they are prettier than just a plain JJ. Thanks so much for your help, any other ideas? Dee
  18. I felt the same way when I first started using my heat gun, they are scarry! bUT DON'T BE AFRAID...its the greatest tool for candles. Just be careful, don't use near paper towels and always remember to stand it up when your done. Dee
  19. This melting pot jar is 3 in. across and I am using J50 wax. I also thought I could single wick this jar but it wasn't burning the way I wanted it to. Either to much hang up or to much melt pool and black soot. I've tried several Zinc wicks and ECO 10 & 12. I think I'll try an 8 maybe. It's got me baffled that nothing seems to burn right, thats why I tried the double wick, which started out great and then drowned out later down the road! The double wick seemed to get to hot, so back to single testing, I guess. Thanks for your help, I need it... Dee
  20. I'm having trouble getting to much melt pool using 2 44-24-18 Z wicks in the 9 oz melting pot jar, its drowning out the wicks. Where do I go from here?:undecided
  21. Which wicks burn the hottest? The zinc, ECO or LX series? Thanks so much for all of your help!
  22. I have been testing and playing with this jar since July, I want to use them for Christmas, preferrable this year! I have tried several waxes and bunches of wicks, nothing burned to my satisfaction. My most recent test was almost a success. I used J50 wax, christmas splendor and double wicked using 44-24-18 Z. I had a great scent throw, no hang up and no smoke. The first burn was great, perfect...but the second and third burn the flame was so tiny and weak. I don't know where to go next. I had a pretty big melt pool and I'm thhinking that waws the problem, it was to deep and putting out my flame, or trying to. Is the Z series wicks to hot for this or what is the problem this time. I have the LX series and also the ECO series wick kits. Could someone please tell me what the next test should be? I tried all these wicks in this jar as singles, none worked. Please help so I can have these ready by THIS Christmas, thanks very much....Dee
  23. Does anyone know how to mix this scent? I saw it once but don't remember...comes with age, I guess. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks, Dee
  24. I just got a scent from Makes Scents candles called witches brew and everyone that has smelled it has said its a manly scent, its hard to describe, but it IS a manly scent. You could scent it poop....from a BROWNS fan, Just kidding!
  25. that makes a lot of sense, I couoldn't understand that either in testing wicks, so the higher the # the hotter it burns? And if you still get hang up you could have to wick down? Is this correct?
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