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Everything posted by snow

  1. I tried a few pine cones a few days ago. I did the slushy wax technique that someone posted on here. They look great and smell great but they feel a bit tacky, why is this? I used some JS123 wax that I had bought and decided not to use for my containers, could it be that wax? Everyone I showed them to loved them, but I would rather them not have that stickiness to them. Anyone know about this? Thanks
  2. how long do I have to stay in the corner?
  3. makes scents candles has a plain straight sided jj with those black lids. Or you can get them in silver or bronze. They are a nice thick jar with hardly no seam. They are in Ohio.
  4. This may sound like a really stupid question...but I was reading thru all the posts and new and different ideas and all the different types of wax. There has to be a chart somewhere that lists what all the categories of waxes fall under. I work mainly with J50 and Astro V and 5055 for canes. So do these fall under paraffin? Is there a wax that is straight paraffin? Or, for instance, is J50 considered just paraffin? I know soy is totally something else and beeswax also. Do you know what I mean? I was just curious about this. I hope you all don't think I'm really out there somewhere...sometimes I am. But some of the waxes are hard and some are soft but would they all be paraffin? Well enough said, I hope I get an answer or a site that has the listing for what I am asking. Thanks for reading this....Dee
  5. I was just wondering, do you have to use beeswax for the ornaments or will any wax do? I think they are soooo cute! Could you use some 5055 or would that be to hard of a wax, anyone know? Thanks
  6. I'd love to try one of the tp air fresheners, anyone know whats the best wax to use? I have J50, Astro V and 5055. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dee
  7. I'm still pretty new to this stuff also, but don't give up yet! It's all over-whelming at first. But if you start with just one type of candle, like a container and keep on making those untill you feel you have it down pat and then move on to something else, its not that bad. I basically stick to one type of wax and one wick until I feel like I know whats going on. Also stick with one type of jar, the jelly jar was the easiest for me. You'll be surprised how much you will learn and get to know that wax, wick and jar in no time. So maybe try that and don't give up just yet. Dee....Oh and keep notes on everything you do, you can go back and look something up that you might have tried, or something that didn't work. Good Luck
  8. I am making marbled candles, using astro v wax. Heat to about 160, add color (if I want) remove from heat and add scent..1.5 oz. Stir..and let cool to slushy, I'd say about maybe 130 degrees. Then add 3 drops of liquid color and stir around a little with a wooden skewer, pour and spoon into mold (heated) and bang in on the table, then use the heat gun on the sides. Now when I take it out of the mold, there is some marbled affect but not much, not as much as I'd like. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to stir it around more, but then it looks like its turning to much of one color. Please help, I love those marbles, especially for Xmas, like candy cane in red and white or green for pine. Thanks, Dee
  9. Does anyone know a good place to get a good wick trimmer? I'd like to have a few for baskets. I checked a few places and they were expensive, someone probably knows a better place. Thanks, Dee
  10. I was reading about layered container candles and found a few different answers. Do you let each layer set up b4 pouring the second or not. Some say yes, some say no. I'm thinking you have to let it set up pretty good and then do the second pour at a little hotter temp. is this right? I tried one last night and the layers weren't distinct enough, so I'm thinking I didn't let the first layer set up enough, correct? I understand you do them different for containers and pillars, right? Because the pillar is free standing you don't want your layers to fall over, please tell me if I'm on the right track in my thinking. I'm trying to do a 2 layered container, using J50 with a pinch of soy in an 8oz. jar. I want fall colors, like rust on the bottom and a goldish top. My scent is oak leaves and acorns. So....let the bottom layer of rust set for about 30 mins or so? and then do the gold top? Sound right? Thanks...Dee
  11. Hi all, I bought a new metal mold shaped kinda like a pyramid, but not pointed on top. It's like 2" across the top (round) and grows to about 4" at the bottom, I'm sure you pros know what I mean. It's 6" tall. I use J50 and astro V, mostly astro V for my molds, what is the best size wick for something that is shaped this way? Also the people at the place where I deal told me to add soy to my J50 to reduce wet spots, but I forgot how much soy they told me to add (age related problem) Does anyone do this? Thanks for your help, again! :highfive: Dee
  12. I use J50 also and had no luck with scent throw from JS. I get a great throw with this wax with other FO's. Not much help, huh? Sorry
  13. Just got some new FO's and I need some color suggestions for a few. I was thinking just white for snow angles or maybe blue, No clue for Xmas memories, oak leaves and acorns or roasted chestnuts. I also got Xmas candy and was thinking of doing a marble with red & green, what do all think? Thanks, Dee Oh...I did a burgundy Winter Berries..smells yummy but it hasn't been burned yet.
  14. Angela...I sent my e mail and thanks so much Dee:yay:
  15. I bought some from MS and I hate it, is there anything you can add to it to make it smell better?
  16. I hope I can explain this....I sell to friends and friends of friends. So my friend got me an order and wants like 1 of each. Example...1 1/2pt. jj in one fo and 1 2 oz jar in another fo. and on and on. I was thinking if I just melt a large amount of wax in my presto and pour out what I need would be the easiet way to go, my question is....how much fo do I add for each order. If I don't measure the 1# wax and the 1.5 FO I'm lost! Can I wiegh the melted wax in the pour pot and go from there? And how much shoould it weigh..melted so that I can adjust the FO. I hope you all know what I'm trying to say here, it doesn't sound real clear to me, but I know what I mean... I don't want to make just 1 candle of each FO, I'd make a few of each, but I want to have the wax melted and ready for the next scent. Thanks for any help you can offer....Dee
  17. Does anyone know a good place to order gift boxes? I need them for my photo canes, not for shipping just as gifts. I like the ones that pourette uses when they ship their molds in, something like that. I checked paper mart, but thought maybe someone here knows something better. Thanks, Dee
  18. I use the J50 for all my jars and I love it! It has a great scent throw for me using z wicks. I do get some wet spots, but they don't seem to bother anyone but me! And I find it very easy to work with, hope that helps! Dee
  19. I made a few marbled candles and I just can't seem to get enough marble in them. I'm thinking its in my mixing. I am using astro v wax and a piller mold, letting the wax cool down to slushy and adding a few drops of liquid dye. I tried leaving the base wax white and also tried coloring it in light shades, but I dont get very much marble. Sometimes I get a lot of marble on the top or bottom but if I try mixing more I get hardly none. When you put your color drops into the wax what do you stir it around with, and do you stir it all around from top to bottom? I think I'm messing up with that part of it. After its in the mold I use the heat gun on the sides, poke holes and tap and heat gun the top. Any help? I need some.....:rolleyes2 Thanks, Dee Oh...I tried stirring with a spoon and I also tried stirring with a wooden skewer.
  20. I dont know where u are, but Makes Scents candles has straight sided 4 oz jars, I got a case and they are really cute. HTH Dee and also walmart has them.
  21. should the wax kinda look like melted ice cream or harder?
  22. I have made a few marbled pillers, they turn out exceptable but not quite what I'm looking for. Sometimes I get hardly no marble look and sometimes I get a lot like at the bottom of the pillar but not all the way through, what am I doing wrong? I am using astro V votive and pillar wax, adding light color to the hot wax and scent and letting the wax cool down, stirring it up at times. When it gets like a slushy consistancy I am adding 3 drops of liquid color and stirring around a bit. Then pour, or spoon, it into my heated mold. Bang it on the table a bit and heat gun the sides and top to smooth it out. Please tell me what else I need to be doing to get more marbled look. Thank you..Dee Oh...do most of you color your hot wax or leave it white?
  23. Thanks for looking! I put a marbled piller in the middle, but it doesn't show up to good, as to what it is. I wish it would have came out more marbled. It is scented Autumn harvest, and the smaller candles are pumpkin pie and apple cider. I tossed in a few tarts and some cinnamon sticks. Wish I had a little pumpkin to add, but I don't like to over load. And I didn't have any thicker ribbon, but I think, in person, it looks ok! iT'S my first attempt, I want to do some for Xmas. Thanks for the compliments
  24. pLEASE if you would take a look at that autumn basket and let me know what you all think, it took me awhile to get the pic on here and I don't really know how I did it! Let me know what u think, thanks, Dee
  25. I am really messing up, but I would like to get this on here and geet some imput. Please forgive me,
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