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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. Right now I have 3 basic recipes that I use for most of my "for sale" bars. I do like to experiment though and use many different recipes. Sometimes they are a keeper and I have a list of a few recipes that I am considering adding to my "for sale" bars as well. HTH
  2. When I finally decided to make my cp after many months of reading (lol) I actually bought a kit online that had everything included with the exception of the lye. I don't think that place is in business anymore, but it came with a little 3lb wooden mold, 4 oils (enough to make at least 2 batches of soap), 4oz of soap safe FO and a booklet of instructions with about 15 recipes as well. All for about $30.00!! It was a steal, and I wish the place was still in business. I still have that mold and I still use some of the recipes. Everything else is long gone! lol Anyway, to answer your question (sorry, I got a little side tracked) for me it was easier to start with a wooden log mold. After I got the hang of what I was doing, and the feel for it, I use many different molds. Whatever you decide, good luck and have fun.
  3. I prefer the 4oz as well because I get bored with the same scent for too long. The 4oz is just about perfect because just about the time I'm ready for a new or different scent, the 4oz is used up and it's time to get a different scent.
  4. Wow AJ, sounds like you are going to be busy busy!! Tomorrow I wont be making anything. We are finally going to go pick up my brothers car that we have had at my cousins house. It's been sitting there for 3.5 years now since my brother passed away. It's his b-day tomorrow so I doubt I'm going to be in the mood to pour anything. I'll most likely be with my parents all day anyway. They always have a rough time on that day. Sunday however, I will be making up a bunch of gift baskets with various items in them and I also need to work on some lotions. I've only got 3 bottles left and I got a call this morning for 2 of them. That's about it for me this weekend. Next...
  5. I believe that you can, although I never have. I have witch hazel but have never used it for MP soap. I've only used the rubbing alcohol that I get a big 'ol bottle of from the dollar store.
  6. I agree with what AJ said. To me it's all about the 'feel' of the soap (and the look of course) more so than the ingredients in it. In fact one of the soaps I bill as a 'luxury' soap has fresh GM and a high content of Almond Oil in it, which is not necessarily an expensive oil, or an oil you would consider a 'luxury', but the way my skin feels after getting out of the shower, it's like I showered in pure silk! lol
  7. The spraying will help the soap stick to each other. It's acts almost like a liquid "glue" of sorts. Also, it eliminates any bubbles that may form on the embeds as you are doing the overpour. HTH
  8. Brenda, Your soaps never cease to amaze me. Beautiful as usual.
  9. I had the demo and fell in love with it also. The demo didn't have the inventory feature so it'll be nice to start working with that once I get the full version. Now I just need to convince my hub that I need yet another 'tool' for soapmaking. LOL I WILL be getting it someday soon. lol
  10. I've always heard people say that they reconstitute the milk before adding it in. I don't know if that's how to do it however, as I use "fresh from the goat" goats milk. If it were me, and I was adding it to a cp or hp soap, I would reconstitute it. HTH -
  11. I use Leah's (A Scent Shop, formerly Scents for Soy) and I've never had a problem with the scent throwing at all. I've also used Old Mill's LoveSpell (that I got on a special because at the time she wasn't selling it and probably still is not-haven't checked there in a while) I personally could not tell a difference between the 2, and they both threw great in my parasoy blend I mix myself. HTH a little.
  12. They are both nice, but I really like the Rosemary soap! Very pretty.
  13. Both Lei's are great. Love them. Very pretty.
  14. There it is!! Cool!! I like it. Very dramatic!
  15. Looks good to me! Can't wait to see it cut and what kind of designs are in the middle.
  16. Non-gelled soaps stay softer longer, the lather is a tad different, some people claim that the scent is different (either stronger or weaker - personally, I see no difference) There are a few other variables, but really, in the end, whether to gel or not is really just a personal choice.
  17. #1 - Christmas Splendor (year round best seller, just rename in spring and summer to Splendor) -NG #2 - Gingerbread -NG #3 - Hot Baked Apple Pie -Peak (warm apple pie) #4 - Pumpkin Pie Spice -NG #5 - Amish Harvest -Peak These were my 5 top sellers last season. It varies slightly from season to season, but these are the mainstays.
  18. I mix LoveSpell with Strawberry. It's a wonderful mix and a better seller for me than either one straight.
  19. I love those votives!! Love that mold.. Have a new respect for people that do them ALL the time. I had to make 300 in 3 weeks once. (plus I worked full time at the time!!) And I only had one mold! lol Good work. Love the yellow.
  20. Beautiful as always!! Oh, and the wait on my gm soaps (which I don't let gel) is MURDER!! lol I HATE waiting on my gm soaps to cut, but I love the results, soo... lol I usually just try to busy myself thinking up a new scent blend, or by making something else, like candles.
  21. :yay: I ordered one of her kids sunday dishes that she posted earlier. MAN-O-MAN! That thing is awesome, and my daugther is going to LOVE it when she sees it. BUT that's not even the best part! She packed that box with loads of goodies along with the order!! LOVE IT.. It's all wonderful.. Along with my order she sent 4 GENEROUS CP sample soap bars, a salt bar, a shampoo bar - that I LOVE! - wait, wait, there's more.. She also sent some sample wax melts, 2 bath melts, an nope, wait there's MORE!! She sent a "summer sample pack" which included a lip balm, powdered bubble bath, a foot scrub w/foot spray, a whipped sugar body scrub which is WONDERFUL!!, and also a whipped shea butter sample. I haven't had a chance to sample everything yet, but what I have sampled so far has been so nice! She was very easy to deal with, and I'm just lovin all the kindness she's shown me. I will definitely be doing business with her again, and would recommend that if you see something you like from her GET IT! lol Okay, I'm done gushin, but seriously, her stuff is awesome. Just thought I would share.
  22. Feels good to get those babies delivered doesn't it!! lol I've got another one starting right after fair (Aug. 6). That will make 4 this year alone. So far they've just been small ones, 6-10 kids selling, but I'm hoping word gets out and I pick up a bit. LOVE doing the fundraisers.
  23. Well, I'm finally delivering that fundraiser tonight. YEAH!! This weekend I'll probably just take it easy. I need to do that inventory of my soaping oils tomorrow, then Sunday the kiddo's are having a Jackpot show for their goats and sheep, so I'll be out at the fairgrounds all day that day. That's my weekend. Nice and easy!! lol
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