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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. Not sure if you came to the same conclusion or not, but if you spritz a bit with alcohol it should help with the fingerprints on the clear. As for the Wilson food coloring, just remember - a little bit goes a LONG way!
  2. YAY!! Good going Steph!! You''re doing AWESOME!! It's fun isn't it??!! LOL
  3. LMAO!! That is soooo great!! lol Thank you for the smile today!!
  4. Are they as small as the $1 hearts? If so then yep, Kerry is right, probably not big enough for a guest soap. Shucks!! lol I never did make it to Target today, and probably wont be able to get there until Monday when I go back to work and go on my lunch break. Good thing about where I work, it's only a 2 minute drive to the nearest Target! Or is that a bad thing?? lol
  5. The fishie ones would make cute little guest size soaps for people with oecean themed bathrooms. Or soap embeds or something like that. If you make pillars with seashells embedded (or hurricanes) the fish tarts would make cute deco for around it on a plate or something. Just throwing out some ideas. I think they would be cute. I'm going to Target today anyway, I might as well look for those as well while I'm there! Thanks for sharing.
  6. I still have a hankerin to pour some pillars! Since I haven't gotten to them yet, I figured I'd probably pour up some of them this weekend. Also, finishing up on another fundraiser. I get all the packets today, but I've been pouring for it for a couple of weeks now. That way when I get the packets it wont seem so overwhelming. I'd like to do some soap, but I'm running low on a lot of oils, so I really should just do an inventory instead. That's about it for the weekend for me.
  7. Yes, some scents do morph into something completely unexpected.
  8. I would not come right out and say it was "false" but I wouldn't exactly say that statement was accurate either. :undecided "Gel stage" is not something just talked about on the internet. It's also talked about in many reputable books by professional soapmakers. I had a batch of soap that SEVERELY over heated (I got the alien brain thing going and everything) and it still - a year later - smells DIVINE! The scent did NOT cook out or evaporate or any of that. My gelled soaps smell just as great as my non gelled soaps, so I don't get where that's coming from. Both statements are very confusing, but there is my .02 on the matter.
  9. LOL Ditto! I NEVER throw away a candle. Just can't bring myself to do it. lol
  10. CUTE!! I'm gonna have to get one for my daughter!! Maryann, Should I order off of the site, or should I PM you my request? Whichever would be easier for you! Oh heck with it, to make sure you see, I'm gonna PM and ask you.
  11. You make the CUTEST kids stuff!! I swear! BTW- I think almost everything metioned as an accessory would work with that. Very neat idea!!
  12. AHA!! I knew I'd find it. I didn't have it saved to my computer, just the link to the site that has it. Here it is. http://www.soapnaturally.org/hayleyr.html#mp I've never made it. It just looks too involved and I have way too much to do without adding more to it. Good luck, and let me know if you ever try this.
  13. Well, I thought I had the recipe, (and I KNOW I did at one time dang it) but I have looked in every folder on my computer and I cannot find that sucker anywhere. If I could remember the website where I got the recipe I would send you there, but can't remember that either. It will drive me nuts until I find it, so when I do I'll be sure and post it for you, it just may take a while.
  14. I have a recipe at home. It seems pretty involved though. When I get home, and if I can find it, I will post it for you. I cannot remember where I got it from or I would try to look it up now.
  15. I basically do the same as Jen described, but I use a butter knife instead of a toothpick. This thread http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21587&highlight=M%26P+Swirl shows some of my swirled M&P, and I believe it tells how I did it. It goes all the way through to the bottom as well. HTH a little.
  16. Because it's soap, as long as you don't make any claims on it other than it will get you clean you don't have to list the ingredients.
  17. Add them at trace right before pouring. They shouldn't melt doing it that way. At least mine never have.
  18. I like lots of color with a little glitter.
  19. It's not safe because it's not been tested by the FDA, so there is no telling what someone may have a reaction to. When I first started out and was making just for myself, I used candle dyes occasionally with no adverse reaction, however I don't do that anymore. #1, I sell now, #2, there are just WAY too many safe and established means of coloring soap, so why risk it? HTH
  20. But don't they drip between the zig zag cut? Very very little. But the little bit that it does helps meld them together so they don't come apart once they are extinguished.
  21. Yeah, wait a little longer until they harden a little more. IF after they are harder and still not coming out, put them in the freezer for a few minutes. That should pop them out.
  22. If you are going to burn them seperately, then I would say yes, you probably need to wick down each one. The white one is probably burning faster because it has no dye and the little bit of dye in the blue one may be slowing that burn down a little bit. I use a 24fb on mine too, but like I said in an earlier post, I burn mine together, because when trying to burn them seperately they always spilled over, but I didn't really think an 18fb would work, (and don't have any 20fb) so I gave up and put them together. Never have had a problem since. HTH
  23. Yeah, 2 candles. But I burn mine together like a 2 wick candle. Once the mp comes together, they kind of meld together. I wish I had a pic of what mine looks like burning. What I mean by the "consume the whole diameter" is it burns to the edge of the diameter, leaves a very thin shell, like maybe 1/8 to 1/4 inch shell that will completely turn in and consume itself. (I hope that makes sense) It gets to there after about 4 hours of burning. I have done several marathon burn tests though because once it gets to that point it almost looks like it's going to spill over but I have burned about 4 of them at a marathon rate (over 8 hours at a time) and have never had a spill over or a blow out. Hope this all makes sense. Oh and when I sell them to people I explain that even though they are in essence 2 candles, to burn them together as one to get the best results. I've not had any luck at all burning them seperately. HTH a little for how I do mine.
  24. No, soap does not have to gel to become soap. I avoid gel on all of my milk soaps by putting them in the fridge after I have poured them. They tend to take just a tad longer to cure and harden up, and they might be a bit stickier (i've heard the sticky part from others, but my non-gelled soap have never been stickier longer than my gelled soaps, I'm just throwing that out there as a maybe situation) but they will be fine without the gel stage. Lots of soapers avoid gel on all of their soaps all the time. HTH
  25. I got my mold from Pourette. Mine burn really well. They consume the whole diameter without any hugging at all, and I've never had a blowout or a spill over. Sabrina, I really like the fluted candle too. Looks really good.
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