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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. Depends on how old the soap is. If it's still soft and not out of the mold yet, it may still be going through the saponification process. I would wait at least 3 days after unmolding it to do the tongue test. If you get zapped after that, it most likely is lye heavy and would need to be rebatched. HTH
  2. Those are nice. I really wish I could make bombs!! (I keep mine powder because I just can't get them to stay solid, no matter what recipe I try, and I've tried several!) For my salts, when they are too coarse like that, I run them through a blender, that takes care of the speckled look.
  3. I bet it looks fine! The problems I have with my slab molds is ash. I never EVER get ash with my log molds, but usually always get at least some sort of ash with my slab molds. As pretty as those swirls were in the mold, I can't imagine them looking bad. You really should post the cut pics.
  4. I've tried several ways, but always come back to the tubes. They just sell better, and IMO look better that way.
  5. Sometimes the oils seep out during the saponification process. Just let it do it's thing. The oil 'should' (emphasis on the word should! lol) seep back into the soap by the time it's ready to cut. Just make sure that before you use or whatever to test for a lye zap. Sounds like it's just oils though. My soaps do that once in a while.
  6. This weekend I'll be carving a couple of Unity candles, and some ocean scene candles, then I also need to make some lotion for my mom, and I also have to get together some fundraising packets to take to my daughter's 4H club so they can start selling for the next 3 weeks or so. When I get those back, I'll be busy filling orders for the fundraiser. But just getting all this done this weekend will be enough, since I only have Saturday to do it. (Sunday being Mom's day and all, I'll be going to her house for the majority of that day!)
  7. Love your booth! Everything looks GREAT! Would you mind me asking where you got your lip balm tube display? I really like that!
  8. Sorry about the mold, but the soaps look nice.
  9. Those are GREAT! I gave up on ever having actual "bombs", so now I just put the powder in a jar with a scooper and call it "good enough!" LOL Kudos to you for sticking with it to find something that worked!
  10. Usually what I've seen with molds like that is not actually the poured soap being a different color, but after it's unmolded they actually paint the design part of it. I've seen some very lovely paint jobs on soap before, and it can be done to where it doesn't look like paint, but that the actual soap was that color when it's actually not. HTH a little.
  11. My family was a lot like this as well. (Well, not my mom, but everyone else) and I just gave up. Like the others said, some people just don't get it. Well, after a year of not using ANY commercial brand anything on my skin (with the exception of actual store bought make-up) my sister one day looked at me in a new light. She could actually SEE the difference in the surface of my skin, and how much less lotion I am using, and how much softer my skin is, so she finally converted. I beleive she will never go back to commercial, and she is now my #1 marketing agent for my b&b products! I know it is irritating and frustrating, but don't sweat it. They may eventually come around, and if not- look at it this way - more for you and your skin!
  12. Your display is AWESOME! Love the look of your booth! I'm sorry you didn't do all that well, but for it being a first event for that location, and coming out with even a small amount, well, it's better than a poke in the eye? right?
  13. Yeah Julie, it does look kinda like that when soap overheats. I've had some overheat so bad it looked like what people call "alien brains" and yep, it really does look like brains coming up out of your soap! LOL (I think the alien part is because of the color! lol) BTW, Maryann, great looking soap!
  14. Raspberry Lemonade - ICS Fresh Fruit Slices - Peak/NG (I use both and they are very similar in scent, but not color, NG's is more clear) and a tie for Cucumber Melon Ocean Both the cucumber melon and the ocean seem to sell equally well for me starting around this time of year.
  15. Looks as if it overheated a tad. It looks as if it did look really pretty though! Try again without putting it in the oven.
  16. If you make claims on your product, regardless whether it's M&P or CP you need to put proper INCI names on the product. With M&P it's tricky though. I was always under the impression that because some brands have detergents in it, that you were required to label it, but I have also heard people state that you don't have to if you don't make claims. I know this isn't much help, and I'm sorry. For me though, to be on the safe side, I always label my M&P, that way I'm covered.
  17. The difference is that one comes with the teflon tube liner, and the other one does not. I'm with the other girls on this though. Buy yourself PVC piping at the hardware store, cut it to length (or have it cut) wash it real well before making soap and you're good to go. Sometimes I will swirl the mold with some mineral oil to help with release, but with most un-lineable molds, the more you use it, the easier to release it becomes. Good luck, and have fun!
  18. Those are nice. I love the look of them.
  19. I really like them. Sounds like a good scent combo. I wish I had the time to perfect my bombs! I just keep mine in powder form because out of a 2lb batch I usually end up with 2-3 balls that will actually stay in a ball! LOL Yours look really good.
  20. I use MMS for most of my soaping/b&b supplies. Good quality oils, fast shipping, good CS, decent shipping prices, etc,.. I probably should add though that MMS is only one state away, so that could be why shipping is decent. They do have a shipping calc if you want to check what shipping would be before actually submitting/paying for the order. Good luck.
  21. WOW those are nice looking! Very well done.
  22. I think it's because of the "vegan" factor. Some people just will not use anything that has any animal anything in it. I have a lady down the street that wont use ANY of my soaps veggie or otherwise, because I use GM is some of my soaps. (she wont even use the ones that don't on what she calls "principal" - which is fine, I have no problem with that) I just recently started using lard, and I'm thinking to myself - hmmm after 3 years of making soap WHY have I never soaped with this??? It's been some of my favorite soaps to date! Love the stuff, and I haven't had any problems with clogging pores.
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