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Everything posted by Jcandleattic

  1. No, I never have mixed. Never even though of it. I like the look so much, it just never occurred to me to mix. LOL Maybe I will now. I thought I had some tortoise palm around, but I can't find it. I do have some Pillar Quartz and some crystal palm. Maybe I'll do an experiment with those? Thanks for the idea! I want to just keep making and making and making them, but will have to use a wick pin if I do because I cannot for the life of me find my notes on wicking and have no clue (can't remember) which wicks to use, so I will be testing wicks before making more. Although, I did make a blue one that was still in the mold when this pic was taken and it is just gorgeous! Cinnamon & Balsam has become my all-time favorite Christmas scent. Oob it is nothing special and even smells kind of funky so it took me FOREVER to put it in anything. Then a couple years ago I made up my sample into 4 - 5oz apothecary's. Man oh man once it hit the wax it was breathtaking it was such a nice scent. I love it. So now I make it in every type of application I make except lotion. (Probably not a good lotion scent.) Smells like a baked cinnamon Christmas tree. LOL (I am terrible at descriptions, but trust me, it's a great Christmas scent!)
  2. How do you like the forever red? I really like it. It's my daughters favorite at BBW but it's EXPENSIVE there. I mean like double/triple their normal B&B stuff, so I got 2lbs of it also, so I can make it into soaps, lotions, perfumes, etc., for her. LOL
  3. Thank you Yes, it's double wicked. It's a 10oz apothecary and looks exactly like the country comfort jars. It's 44-24-18z wicks. No smoke at all and very very little mushrooming. I double wick all of my 10 and 16 oz Apothecary jars. I've tried so many times and so many wicks trying to single wick these jars with my wax, and I could never get it to burn the way I wanted, but I have good luck and great burns with the double wicks. I'm trying CSN single wicking with my palm containers though to see if that works.
  4. I just got mine yesterday. I detect more of a grapefruit scent than orange. There is a hint of orange, but it's very heavy grapefruit to my nose. Either way, very citrusy, and I really like it. Can't wait to soap it! Thanks for the soap reviews on the Rosemary mint. I really like this one. I'll be putting it in soap probably next week. I also got the Cider Lane and to me it just smells like a spiced apple cider. Nothing too special IMO.
  5. The 2 pillars are Feather palm, green - Cinnamon & Balsam, the brown - Amish Harvest. I thought I had some Tortoise Shell palm but I've been looking and can't find any. The container is Glass Glow - Sweet Winterberry I am wick testing so I figured I should use a scent I like! The one you can see in the back ground is one I'm just burning for us, it's a regular paraffin container made in Vanilla Silk. I have no idea why it showed up sideways. I know some other people had the same problem when posting from their iPads. Oh well. You get the gist.
  6. Ylang Ylang is my new favorite floral. I typically don't like them too much unless I mix but I fell in love with this scent. This was the first time I ever used an EO in my soap also. It's fun making the videos. I haven't done one in a while, but I think it might be time.
  7. No worries OG - I tried searching too and couldn't find anything Vicky - Thank you!! I will mark it now since so if I stash it again, I will remember next time.
  8. Going through all my waxes and trying to organize my basement I ran across a 5lb bag of this type of wax. I know it's a natural wax kind of like the glass glow and the feather palm, etc., but what I don't remember is if it's container or pillar wax!! Doing a search on google is not helping one bit. Can someone help? Anyone remember if it's container or pillar? I got it eons and eons ago from Honeywell when you could go to their site and get 5lb "samples" of all the waxes they made - just pay shipping. I know I have my paperwork/invoice around here somewhere but it would probably take me months to try and track it down and I thought this might be quicker. Any ideas? TIA!!
  9. Oh I love Peak fo's. They are one of my favorite suppliers. Probably because I'm local. well, and they have great products as well.
  10. Hmm, I'm pretty far from NG also but that does seem to be pretty high for 10 1oz fo's. I personally love NG fo's. I don't think you'll have a problem with them, but on Monday, I would probably call them and see if there was a mistake - it couldn't hurt and it might garner you a refund or at least something...
  11. Here are some of my confetti soaps. I just adore making them. I really like the look of them.
  12. I have and use both TKB and Nurture - I like TKB for my neon's, but for every day normal mica's you can't beat Nurture. I love the variety they both have, but yeah if I HAD to choose, I would choose Nurture over TKB.
  13. I have one in the mold right now. If it turns out I'll take a pic of it too. Thanks again everyone.
  14. Oh der! Yeah, those I would shred, and yes, they are a pita because of the moisture. LOL I wouldn't put whole bars in, but I've never shredded up a full bar of soap - mine are just end pieces or shreds from beveling my bars.
  15. Or order 10 and end up with 15-20 by mixing the 10 you pick? LOL
  16. MIX!! - that's another reason it's hard for me to narrow down a list. I mix scents all the time to come up with something fun and different. When I run into a rut and am tired of the same old same old scent, or I don't have enough for a full batch, I find a complimentary scent and I mix them to come up with a unique scent. By doing this I have made some pretty spectacular scents (like my Enchanted Mint) which is now a part of my line.
  17. I don't shred my shreds. I just dump them in, and when I cut the bars, it cuts the shreds too. I just grab a couple handfuls and throw them in the batter. (the pic is from a soap I made about 2 years ago - apparently I like old pictures!!! LMAO)
  18. It was a requirement of mine when we finished the basement. We had been living in the house for almost 8 years with an unfinished basement that I used half of. Then we decided to finish it, with my workshop/space in mind and a sink was a MUST (we already had the rough piping in so it was pretty easy) . I love it. I love it even more when it's clean and organized. Like once every 6 months or so for about a week. LOL
  19. I don't, but I know some people that do, and almost every one of them have said that they have problems and arguments with Amazon. I don't know what that means or what "problems and arguments" they have with them, but I have heard from multiple people that it's not a pleasant experience.
  20. Yes, I saw that. Poking relief holes in the palm waxes SUCKS too. It's the only part of palm pillars I don't like. LOL I think I have about 25lbs of the tortoiseshell palm, and I also have about 55lbs of the feather palm still to work with. LOVE THEM ETA: I meant to add, thank you! These pillars are just little 3x3.5's. My favorite size round pillar is the 3x6. They are the easiest to wick for me.
  21. I love the tortoiseshell and feather palms. I think the feather palm is my absolute favorite though. It's so pretty!
  22. I forgot to mention, I have a full functioning kitchen sink in my work area as well, which is great for soaping. I don't have to drag any of my soaping dishes upstairs to the kitchen just to clean them. Everything can be done down in my workshop. (I do have a washer and dryer down there as well, so on laundry day it's a little crowded with the rotating of clean and dirty clothes, but otherwise it's nice extra work space! ) I would show pictures, but we are in the process of adding cupboards and shelving units so it's a DISASTER down there right now.
  23. I use shreds that are months, sometimes years old in a new batch for confetti soaps and they have always been just fine. Can I ask why you say use only fresh shreds? Just curious. I had never heard that before is all. Maybe I'm missing something? The only problem I can see using shreds with different formulas than your base soap is labeling (if you label that is) For the most part I know which soaps my shreds came from and I typically use the same formula for the majority of my soaps, so this isn't too much of a problem for me. I've never really noticed a significant difference in the feel of the bar when the shreds are a different formulation (for instance - using my luxury formula shreds in my regular line formula) not much difference at all, if any.
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