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Late Night

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Everything posted by Late Night

  1. Love your beautiful spring colors! Very pretty.
  2. Cute! Are those Sour Patch Kids in that last picture?
  3. As long as you are zoned for it, it looks great to me. Congrats!
  4. You shouldn't use a scented candle on a dinning table either. The fragrance can interfere with the aroma and taste of the food.
  5. SatinDucky took the words out of my mouth...beautiful deep rich colors!
  6. Gees, thanks a lot. After I saw the tarts I HAD to go get some chocolate. Actually, your tarts look better than the chocolate I'm now eating.
  7. Gawd, I hate when someone calls people 'Trailor Trash' simply because they live in a trailor. I'm probably one of the least PC people I know, but that term really offends me. No, I don't live in a trailor and honestly I don't know anyone who does so I'm not taking it personally. I do feel sorry for decent people and children who get called trash because of where they live. Okay, that has probably been boiling up for awhile and I do feel better now. Your two themes don't go together. Silk seems elegant and the 'trash' one is more country. Hillbilly if you will. I would make two different sites and I wouldn't link the two together. If I lived in a trailor and clicked on your 'silk' site and saw you making fun of the 'trash' part, I'd never buy from you. I'm sure it would turn a lot of people off too. Just my ----->
  8. Thanks for the link! All of that cleaning and organizing info is going to help get me going on my place. I've let it go far too long and it's starting to wear on my nerves. Lately I've even been watching those videos on You Tube about dirty houses. Mine isn't like those...honest! But watching "How Clean is Your House" videos makes me want to get started.
  9. Nope, I wasn't quite ready for that one. Need to go clean off my monitor now. :spit:
  10. Ohhh, I really like the looks of square tealights!
  11. The candle is beautiful so I think is too nice for Ebay. Also, it might be too nice for some people to want to burn. If I bought it to decorate my bedroom, I would want to keep it for decoration.
  12. Those would make wonderful gifts. The votive is beautiful and the box looks so professional. I would never have guessed you made them yourself. You did a fantastic job!
  13. It's very pretty but I agree with you that it looks more like a candle for a baby's room. It would be a great shower gift!
  14. Whomever wins that bid will be very lucky!
  15. Very pretty! The colors look nice and 'creamy' to me.
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