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Bird Mom

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  1. I've learned from other bird owners that it can take a long time for symptoms of damage to a bird's respiratory system to show up. Air sac carcinoma can develop over many years time and it's difficult to know without CT scans that it's there, and even then, if it's too small to see it won't show up. Zinc poisoning also is a cumulative thing. I would rather not take the chance. I do everything I can to protect my pets.
  2. Thank you for all the responses. I've found some good sources for ordering the unscented soy candles and can always use more for unusual sizes and shapes. I'm getting to the point where I'm buying unscented laundry detergents and other cleaners. I think at some point I get to a "fragrance overload". It's nice to smell fresh air for a change. I love the look of burning candles. It's never really been about the scent. It's more about "romantic lighting" in a room.
  3. I've read on several bird forums that people have had birds die after burning paraffin candles in the room where the birds were. It could have been the scent in the candle that killed them or something else. You can Google the subject and come up with all kinds of articles. I suppose it could be untrue but I'm not willing to take the chance. But since paraffin is a petroleum based product I think I'd rather use soy candles anyway. Maybe I should read up here and pour them myself. But these things always lead to needing a lot of supplies and I'm a great "starter" of projects that seem to get half done and then I lose interest or can't find the time. I have a whole closet full of half-done projects. I think I like buying all the supplies more than I do actually following through. *sigh* Doesn't anyone here that makes soy candles sell them?
  4. I could probably do that, but I was hoping to find someone who was making them for sale. I also know other bird owners that are looking for soy candles as well.
  5. I am looking for a place to buy pure unscented soy candles with cotton wicks. I'm interested mostly in container and pillar candles. We live with a couple of parrots and the fumes from burning paraffin or wicks with lead in them can kill a bird as they have very sensitive respiratory systems. I know there are soy candles all of the internet and in some stores but I don't know how to make certain the soy wax (or candles themselves) aren't imported from China. I would like to buy candles that have ingredients from and are poured in the U.S. I just gave up on candles for years but really miss having them. Can anyone here recommend a source to buy them?
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