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Everything posted by MasterBaker2

  1. I do it the same way AJ does and haven't had a problem with it getting to cool. I do however keep my pourpots warm in the oven until I use them.
  2. The 70/30 from GL is probably the best container wax I've come across. :drool:Very creamy and great scent throw. Plus you'll get some of the best customer service you could hope to find. Brenda doesn't runaway from issues she meets them head on and will help you make it work for your application. Just wish she was closer to me so the shipping wasn't so much and I could afford to use it.
  3. Scented, you have a thing with those M's. I almost think you'd make a good Mariners fan. :highfive:
  4. Thanks Top. I didn't realize that switching from UA to Stearic would help the rustic look. Learning something new all of the time on here. :highfive:
  5. Tammy I've got to agree with you. :highfive: She's got the best customer service I've ever run across and her FO's are to die for. I just wish she was closer to me so the shipping on the 70/30 wasn't so much.
  6. I'll give you my time out chair as soon as I'm done with it. My wife wanted me to make some candles for one of her friends and I stupidly said what scent would you like and then proceeded to pull out all of the FO's that I have. :laugh2: This is the look I got for that one. :waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting: Now I think I have that chair permanently attatched to my ass. :whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:
  7. I think Cash Crop is a great name. :highfive: I haven't tried Peaks but I have heard from others that it's enough to make you stick your head in the fridge from the munchies. Not that I know anything about that......
  8. Good job on touching up that photo. Looks great now.
  9. Yeah, like we needed them to tell us that. LOL They actually do look kind of cool I'd be interested in checking one out in person.
  10. AJ I didn't realize that this was one and the same person that the thread was about. I thought it was just one paragraph and could have been coincedental which is possible, but with all of the other information I agree with you for being upset.
  11. I have to agree with sweet68cam on that. There are only so many ways to describe the benefits of soy so if that is the only similararity I wouldn't be upset.
  12. I've only tried it in parafin but I followed the directions from the techniques and ideas button to the left. Originally I let the wax get a little drier than the directions on accident but I found that that probably lets me control the marble a little better. Give it a try. It's easy and as you can see the results are pretty cool.
  13. I imagine it did. The result was worth it though. It looks great.
  14. At least it makes sense to someone. Just kidding AJ but I couldn't resist the jibe.
  15. Well let's see to answer the second question first, I'm an idiot. Didn't measure out enough wax to fill both molds so I just topped it off with a greenish black, turned out more black in the pic. My camera sucks. On the others it's where the two colors combine after heat gunning them, which doesn't bother me as I think it adds to the look of the candle. No way around it that I know of with how dry I get the wax to hold the marble color. I want more control of the marble so I let the wax get pretty dry. Hope that answers your questions. BTW the green one with the black bottom is in the remelt pile.
  16. I just bought QuickBooks Pro 2006 at Costco a few months ago for $148 and saw them there a few days ago. Can't beat it and it's a great program. Expandable too if you go big time as someone mentioned in an earlier reply. I do payroll and accounting as my business and it's very easy to use. Chris
  17. I think the colors are beautiful too. I'm envious of those of you with the talent to carve. Too intimidating for me at this time.
  18. 2 oz is alot. It's probably the FO oozing out. Depending on what the FO retention is on the specifice wax you're using and what additives you can use but running around 5-8% should be plenty. You should be able to find out what the retention capability is of the wax you're using on the website of the supplier.
  19. I used some block ivory and then added 2 drops of coffee brown to 3 lbs of wax. I was going for more of an oatmeal color but I still like it even though it did turn out with more goldish.
  20. Looks like it was trying to do the rustic frost which is from pouring at cooler temperatures. Scented might be able to answer that better than I can, but that's what it looks like to me.
  21. Don't like these two as well as the others.
  22. Really loving the way these are turning out. Not sure what happened with the picture. Shows greenish color on the top left of the oblique that doesn't exist on the candle.
  23. I tare the weight of the pour pot out on the scale. After I pour out the wax into the pour pot I weigh it again and get pretty close to what I need for the mold or molds I'm using, add liquid dye and FO and it's good to go. I keep my pour pots warm in the oven before I use them so I have time to work with the wax before it cools to pouring temp. Just one mans way. Which means it's probably wrong. Chris
  24. Actually I did. I let the wax get a little drier than what it describes but only because I got distracted. I've got four more to unmold tomorrow and I hope they turn out as well.
  25. Definitely a fan of the one on the right. At first glance it looked like a coffee bean candle. :highfive:
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