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Everything posted by MasterBaker2

  1. The two brown chunks are scented Indonesian Teak with Leather over pour and the white and burgundy is Maduro in the chunks over pour is unscented. Yellow and burgundy is Maduro in the chunks with Magic of India as over pour and last but not least the marbles are Anatalah Vanilla except for the burgundy and gold wich is unscented.
  2. Go to your original post and then click edit, and then click go advanced. Click on the paper clip and then upload your attachment. HTH
  3. I guess I'm not able to wrap my brain around this one, pictures would help.
  4. I'm going to have to test your recipe, thank you. None of my pillars self consume that well.
  5. I think they're beautiful. Keep posting pics.
  6. I think it looks great. I don't normally like the couragated molds but you made that one look good. :highfive:
  7. I don't think you want to try glass since it's so brittle it would break pulling it out.
  8. Like the say on the commercial, "Brilliant" :highfive: Great idea.
  9. They look great. I'm still very impressed with your logo. I've got two companies and have a sister who is a graphic artist working on my logos and she hasn't come up with anything as nice as those.
  10. Color scheme looks great and you have the rustic look down pat. :highfive:
  11. I just recieved a sample of this and it smells fantastic OOB:sad2:
  12. Technique definitely could have possiblilities.
  13. Like the others I am in awe. My best stuff doesn't look as good as your mistakes (if you ever make any )
  14. Without seeing a picture of it I would suggest wicking it after it comes out of the mold by drilling wick holes into it. With the length I would think at least 3 wicks but more likely 4. The best way to tell is look at wick chart of the wick you're going to use and then cut out 4 circles the diameter of it's burn and lay these across to get an idea 1. of placement and 2. how many you need. HTH
  15. I would take a look at Donita's website and price accordingly. You are priced way to low in my opinion.
  16. They look great and I love your labels. If you don't mind me asking where do you get those?
  17. Lets hope she's not showing school kids that. :laugh2::laugh2: They learn that fast enough on their own.
  18. It sounds like you did great! You should be proud of yourself. I've read a lot of posts from people after their first shows and most of them were disappointed in their sales. Keep up the good work. :highfive:
  19. Man, with the grief the poor guy is taking in this thread it'll probably be a while before we see him again. At least he's not cluttering up the landfills with stuff.
  20. I would call them and talk to Carol. She is very helpful. I was just down there today and they are all super friendly. If I had to guess I would think they use a cotton square braid that they use for 3" pillars.
  21. One of the best places I've found for molds is pourette.com if they don't have what you need they will make it for you. Pretty cool when you think about it. There prices are very reasonable as well.
  22. Just remember, size doesn't matter! That said, I think they look great. Great colors and rustic look. :highfive:
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