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Everything posted by sharyl55

  1. I save large tin cans, like kidney beans come in. Cut off the bottom and it makes a perfect insert for a hurricane mold. If the milk carton doesn't work maybe you could try a couple of tin cans to hold the rose petals and wax chunks in place.
  2. Mark, first congratulations on making your wife a picture 'cane for her birthday. Donita prefers using the Bounty towels to move the mold to the water bath. I like using gardening gloves with those little knobby things on the palm. Anything works that protects your hands cause that mold will be hot. Anything you can sit on top of the mold will work. I have a rectangular tupperware type container that I put some chain in. You can use a large can of beans or anything that weighs a couple of pounds. Some tips on the picture Print it out on 24# bright white paper a day in advance Leave some white paper under your picture as a margin when you cut it out. This will help you position the picture. With that margin you can set the picture down to the bottom of the mold. Makes positioning in the mold so much easier. Drop your picture in your wax in advance to get the air bubbles out of the paper. Donita leaves hers in the wax until she puts it in the mold. I take mine out, let it dry and then put it in the mold for a while. Helps put a curve in the paper making it easier for me to work with.Any container deeper than your mold is tall works for the water bath. I use the plastic pail the kitty litter comes in. Check the temp of the water in the water bath. You want it to be around 80 degrees. I would check the level of the water in the water bath in advance. Put water in the pail, hold your empty mold down in the water to check the level and adjust the water level as needed. After you have poured out the wax hit the inside of your 'cane with your heat gun to smooth the sides and bottom. I use a butter knife 1st to smooth the sides then the heat gun. Most important tip of the day. Set that mold aside and DON'T touch it until the next day. The cane should just slip right out. If not set it in the fridge for 5 to 10 minutes. What wax are you going to use? Hope you and the kids have fun.
  3. You folks are terrible!! I got so excited about molds I went to eBay to check some out. Ended up winning a bid on a mold, slicer box thingy and cutter. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260202140698 Going back to reading my Soapers Companion book. I'm getting in to much trouble reading these posts. LOL At least I can stop saving boxes in case they might work for molds.
  4. Gerrie, the unity candle is fantastic. Every girl deserves a little bling on her special day. And those flip flops are just too cute. Hope you have a safe trip to Miami. Once you get on that boat you are on easy street. To late to do anything else so just relax and enjoy the trip.
  5. Fantastic looking pillar. Great picture as always.
  6. Off to read your RTCP class notes again. I so want to make soap this pretty. I've looked and looked at you picture and sure don't see any ash. So much to learn.
  7. Go to Classroom. Judyvega did a great class on tilted rustics a couple of months ago.
  8. Your pillar looks great. Looks like your light box worked. Great picture.
  9. Congratulations!! What a great way to start your week end. WTG!
  10. The Mistress of Dried Flowers strikes again. Love it. That fake lightbox really works.
  11. Your tidal pool candle looks awesome. Someone is very lucky. Your fake lightbox worked pretty darn good.
  12. It looks great. Of course one has to touch and feel something like this to really know. Do you still have my addy? LOL
  13. Just go to the link Sharon gave on microwave corn bags. Everything you need to know is there.
  14. What lovely creations. Off to visit your web site.
  15. I'm just getting started with soaps. Love how yours turned out. I think I need to get some Sea Salt fragrance.
  16. Love your flower placement. That's the problem with whoops'. They are hard to replicate.
  17. That is a mighty fine looking pillar. Congrats. Now on to the hard part. Wicking. Good Luck
  18. To show you how tired I am tonight. I was expecting to see a pillar with embedded glass marbles. LOL Got to stop staying up all night reading soaping sites. You are really giving your new light box a work out. All three are awesome but the blue is my favorite.
  19. Looks like you had a fun Christmas party. That is one happy looking group of ladies. Love the pie too.
  20. Maybe I'm weird. I leave candles sitting in my sunroom to see what happens to the color over time.
  21. Love your pictures. Don't know that I would show the bottoms of the tarts.
  22. Great pictures. I really need a light box. Is it collapsible for storage? Love your sand candles.
  23. Here is a link to a picture of one I made. You just have to play with it. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56697
  24. OK I'll be the baddie here. If you have thoroughly tested your candles you would have know how long the scent will last. You would have know what impact sunlight and UV lights would have on different colors. And the affect is different for different colors. What I am trying to say as nicely as possible is you have to understand your candles before selling them. This only happens with testing. Each wax, additive, FO, wick and color combo for each size jar. And testing means burning the entire candle.
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