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Everything posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. Yes that is the smell I am talking about.....I usually use soymilk, and that always seems to happen! I hate it! I just made a soap with it, and it smelled terrible, but I let it cure a bit and dabbed a bit of FO on it! *shhh and now it's fine. I may try that with the water, then adding the coconut milk. I wonder if or when you could add creamed coconut? Anyone try that?
  2. New pic added with individual tags with picture of drinks on them!
  3. Has anyone used coconut milk or coconut water in place of water when making CP Soap? What were the results? Did it have a funny smell when the soap was cut and curing? Did it go orange in the lye? Because it's oily, would it react funny with the lye?
  4. They have the most pretty colors! But.........What is is scented?
  5. I love the bucket! You could probably buy cheap buckets and paint them up yourself even? Sooooo cute
  6. I hope you're shipping next day service........... Can't wait to get mine!
  7. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! LOL:highfive:
  8. Ashlie, that's funny............You just never know!
  9. The most amazing swirls! I love your chunky bars! I'm still saving one of yours in my bathroom cause it smells so pretty!
  10. Nice soap! Just trim it up and it'll be perfect! I don't even check if my soap gels, and I've never done the 'zap' test! I must be missin out!
  11. Okay, let's just settle down girls..........They really are a beginners looking candle. Not something someone should sell, but that person did think it was the best they could do, or they wouldn't try to sell it. Who says it's not a mentally challenged person who made them, and their caregiver wants to show them that someone loves them enough to buy them and make them feel good! Or a child of a person who sells off Ebay. I've seen many times, a child draw a picture and post it on Ebay for many reasons, and I've seen on the news that it has made thousands! I will say that it is a bit cruel to degrade the person so many times, post after post, about these candles! I think the person who posted this first post just meant it as a small joke but it is being taken a little far now! I've seen soaps and other products on here, that I thought were awful, but others liked it.........so let's be kind!
  12. Does anyone have any reasonably priced ideas that you could share....... I would like to package these '3 summer cocktail' inspired soaps as a trio....... I like the idea of the paper bag, tied with ribbon........ With the same label as the label tied to the soaps, but just bigger? Any suggestions?
  13. With so many peanut allergies I think if you were wanting to give this soap away or sell it, it may not be a good idea. If you are making this soap for yourself, I'm sure you could use peanut oil. Why don't you try sunflower, soybean, olive, grapeseed, lard, crisco. They are all reasonably priced oils at the grocery store.
  14. I guess it's hard to know exactly where everyone lives in this message board. I do not mind giving advice and taking it, knowing that I'm not actually taking anyones business away from them, or them from me. In fact, I make my own soap and regularily buy people's B&B and Soap from this message board. I'd say I use other sellers soaps more than my own. LOL But if this weasel knows that she is stealing your ideas and using them to her own advantage, then that is distusting!
  15. You know what scent would go great with that soap! A Caramel Green Apple! MMMMMMMMMM Love the look of it!
  16. She totally did it on purpose because she was pissed at you! That is awful! I'm sorry to hear you have to repackage them.
  17. You are master of the swirls! WOW
  18. I think the first picture's soap would have looked just fine if you had of trimmed the top off..........I can see it looks fine otherwise! I hate it when soaping doesn't go the way you want it to! It's so darn frustrating!
  19. I wish you lived here! I'd have no reason to make soap! Your display looks amazing! All those awesome colors! You had a wonderful set up! So professional! Just love it all!
  20. The labels and containers are so nice! What bright colors! Love it!
  21. Here is my 3 Summer Drink inspired soaps Green:Tequila-Lime Margarita - With Dried Lemon Zests (the salt of the rim) &Tequila-Lime FO Pink: Strawberry Daquiri - With poppy seeds, Coarse Sea Salt (the salt of the rim) & Strawberry FO Blue: Blue Hawaiian -Orangy Fruity Smelling - My own blend of Satsuma, Fruit Cup, Indian Harvest FO's Now I just have to find a cute way to package them as a 3 pack!
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