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Everything posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. Holy mother of.......... That is not soap??! Good thing!! Just cause your kids made you a delish batch of brownies with triple the icing for Mother's Day doesn't mean you have to rub it in.........Now you'd better eat that all by yourself!
  2. With 40% Olive Oil, that bar could get expensive. Although the high % of Olive will make it less drying if you use the higher % of coconut. I have heard that coconut is drying too, in larger %'s. I have felt bars that are drying and some that are not......I'm not sure that certain person's %'s though. Depends if you superfat your soaps too.
  3. This was a batch I was making for a wedding shower in June. It is Peach & Pear (I am unsure of the company-as just a few oz were given to me by someone without the label on the bottle) I made soap with this FO before and it seized up on me, and made quite a messy soap. I knew that may happen this time and prepared for it, leaving the FO right til the bitter end! I quickly stirred it in poured it in the mold. It started to seize. I could see and feel it. I wasn't really able to swirl, because of the hurry I was in, so it's not what I'd hoped for but surpringly not bad! Phew......Good thing I was prepared! Not so sure she'll like them.......We'll see!
  4. I know someone on here who has 50 lbs of it, (from Canada) I think she is willing to break up the bags to sell.......if you want me to ask?
  5. Free site as well. I use it every time! http://www.imageshack.us/
  6. Ohhhh ahhhh....post a pic! I want some of this almond pastries FO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I have never ever, sat and waited and watched for my soap to 'gel'. I put the oven at the lowest setting possible just enough for it to heat up slightly, and put the soap into the turned off oven for 24 hours. Works every time! That way you don't have to cover it and all that fuss!
  8. I think that crisco has the same SAP as soybean. I think it's quite similar too, so I think you should lessen the crisco and soybean, and up the olive oil. You do not have enough, I would say. I usually use about 20-30% in a recipe. This change in oils makes all the right numbers although the INS is still about 10 too low, so any other ideas would be helpful. coconut oil 25% crisco 20% shea butter 5% soybean oil 15% olive oil 25% sunflower oil 5% safflower 5%
  9. What wonderful stuff! The display looks lovely!:highfive:
  10. Do you consider the oil and eggs as part of the 'oil' of the recipe? Should you use less water in the recipe? Where does this addition of 'mayo' fit in when using the soap Calc for lye? To make a wee bit of mayo for this recipe would you use something like....one egg and 1/2 cup of oil? This would keep in the fridge for how long? Just silly questions, but perhaps someone knows!
  11. What a nice idea for a wedding! I love it when people give gifts instead of money! I never give money, I love the idea of taking your time and heart to pick out things that you think they would like. Handmade is even better!!! WONDERFUL!
  12. I have the canwax Cucumber Melon and I really like it. It's really stong so you don't need much! It's not as melony as I would like though.
  13. I don't mind the speckled look either........ They look great Brenda!
  14. A mix of blue and red powdered colorants! As I had no purple! I am so pleased with the color!
  15. This soap was called Huckleberry BUT smells just like the Grape Bubblicious Bubblegum! I love it!
  16. Your set up is great! It's a shame that you didn't do as well as hoped! That soap looks great as well! At least you got your name out there, and hopefully people will think of you for next time! :highfive:
  17. I put my milks in the freezer til they are 'slushy'......then add the lye!
  18. Father's Day is the next holiday! What are some great fragrances out there that would be good to make for this holiday. I have Peaks Ocean so far, perhaps Sandalwood.....
  19. I got mine at the health food store. They sold it in bulk, already packaged into 1/2 cup containers. It was about $1.15 (Canadian)
  20. I used this handy little container with the spout to pour into the mini 'CANDY' cups! It was so easy! I can't even tell you where I got it, I haven't the foggiest! Sorry! -Tasha
  21. Okay, I guess they aren't muffin cups! I kept saying it without realizing, they would be barbie sized muffins! LOL The must be for candy, and I got them at a Dollar Store but there were only about 26 or so.........I hope that helps...
  22. Well I don't vere off from CP soap very often, but with Mother's Day coming up, I wanted to make a little more than soap for my mom and mother in law. I have been wanting to make Bunny's Bath Melt's for months. I gathered all the information of tips others had mentioned and just wished that there was a step by step picture guide to it, like the CP Soap has! So, I did my best to make one for you! A blend of Peaks Vanilla Hazelnut and Vanilla Cake I bathed right afterwards, I could not wait, and it was fabulous! Measured the Cocoa (&/or Shea) I made mine with 7 oz Cocoa & 1 oz Shea Measured the Baking Soda & Cornstarch Mixed all the lumps Out! (Measure citric acid in seperate Container) Have ready to add soon........ Add Baking Soda, Cornstarch & FO to melted but not hot, OILS. Add Citric Acid, and mix it quickly for about 20 seconds I had mixed it completely at this point Put in muffin cups size of your choice Put in the freezer approx 15-20 minutes (These were in 20 min's when the pic taken) Pop out of muffin cups or leave in.......Your choice
  23. Thankyou for your kind compliments.........ALTHOUGH, I am never never never making soap in a slab mold again. It just doesn't work out for me. I usually make soap in a loaf mold, and it doesn't get great swirls but I just don't get enough bars for the same amount of soap in a slab mold...........and it just ends up looking like crap. Sniff Sniff I am not posting the pics. Just can't bring myself to do it.
  24. I am so happy with the swirls in this soap! Not the exact colors I was going for but I'm still pleased! It is scented Ginger Plum By BC. It is to die for! You've gotta try this one! Worked great with CP. Will post when I cut it!!
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