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Everything posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. How much does it cost you to make 1 bar of soap? How do you figure out this process? I would like to figure out how much it costs me to make a bar/batch of soap. The soapmaker program figures this out for you, but I can't afford that!
  2. and................ all chemicals in it I'm sure! Nothing natural and good for your skin about it I bet!
  3. What gorgeous candles! Beautiful colors!
  4. I love it! It also reminds me of the rocket popsicles!!
  5. Love the mold too! I can just imagine the scents of those!!! Great colors!
  6. My website is through Wahm's as well. I am fed up with just about every email I recieve saying spam in the subject line. Even if it's from people on my list! Other than that I love Wahm's.
  7. That is definately an interesting scent selection. Can you smell both the chocolate and patchouli as seperate scents or do they just blend into one totally different scent. I know Brenda makes a Sandalwood Vanilla soap, and who would have thought of that, but it smells amazing! The swirls are so cool! I saw a skeleton head on one of them! It's like looking into the clouds!
  8. Do you trim up the top or leave it bumpy? I made soap in a mold like that before and didn't like the bumpy look to the top of it........ Looks great by the way. I used a box I found for my slab mold! Why pay for it!!!!!!!
  9. So the lady regarding my soap got back to me and had a few options for right now. She doesn't mind having my label on the soap for now. However, once she gets her website up and running she wants to purchase by the batch and make her own labels that would still have my business name on it but not the website. I would make the soap and she would package it and label it with her label and the phrase *Another Creation by Soap In The City*, she says it makes the look more consistent because all of the labels look similar but still gives credit where credit is due. She was sure to let me know that she didn't ever want to suggest that the soap / product is made by her, and is proud of the relationships she has built with other handcrafted product makers and always want to promote supporting homebased business. She was fine with my 22% discount (with a 20 bar minumum)!! So this is looking good! I am meeting with her shortly and I will give her some samples and a brochure!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!!!!!!
  10. I emailed the lady back regarding the wholesaling, after figuring out what would be worth it for me. I set a discount price of 22% and will see what she thinks. I also asked her about removal of the labels, and if that was something she was planning on doing. I will let you know what she says when I hear back.
  11. I got an email from a lady in my town who was wondering if I sold 'wholesale'. She sells natural products through baskets and personal sales. She was wondering if my soaps would qualify as natural products. She is making the greatest effort to ensure that all of the products she carries are as natural and ethical as possible. Any do's and don't about selling wholesale? What kind of contract should I make and have signed? I would be really upset if the labels were removed, as I've heard that has happened to people before. What would be a realistic wholesale price for soaps that are normally priced at $4.00 each, or 3 for $10?
  12. Very nice! It would attract many ages of people ~ (kids and adults!) I love the lime swirls.
  13. Perhaps, I should just use it at bedtime then!? And wash my hair as usual in the morning! Here is my hair, after I used my shampoo bar, and put a few squirts of monoi in it. It is a tad bit wet still. (Yes, I need a trim!)
  14. Monoi de Tahiti is coconut oil. I was putting all through my hair *about 4 squirts a morning. My hair is very curly and long. It was really helping define the curls and it looked great, but it had that 'wet' look to it, still later in the day. My least intention is to make people think I have greasy, unclean unwashed hair but it was feeling so good, and soft! It also made my hair easier to brush!
  15. It is really nice! I do love your animal molds alot, but this will cater more to adults than to the kids! I like the color as well!
  16. I had been using the Monoi de Tahiti in my hair, just two small squirts to stop the frizziness, and it was making my hair feel really soft, but I did notice it was looking 'greasy' after about a week, well someone said to me one morning........ "You're hair is still wet, you just had a shower!" Meanwhile, ya I just had a shower but my hair was dry, but the monoi was making my hair shiny and greasy looking..... sniff sniff.......so I'm down to one squirt a week.
  17. Same thing happened to me with Peach & Pear. I'm not sure which company it was though.......Man I was so mad! I really hate it when this happens. My soap never looks the same when I try to rebatch it!
  18. Love them! And the packaging is so cute!!
  19. Sweet Cakes Natural Honey Almond Blend is amazinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng! It smells to die for! I can't wait to make soap with it! Full Ingredients of Fragrance Oil: Sunflower Oil, Almond Oil, Benzaldehyde, Bergamot Oil, Lavandin Oil, Vitamin E Acetate, Geranium Oil, Rose Absolute
  20. I find that all my shampoo bar recipes turn out feeling greasy. I think it's the jojoba. I would omit this in the shampoo bar! Up the castor.......
  21. They are gorgeous! I love them, and I'm Canadian even! lol
  22. I made the tags myself with 2 5/8 X 1 white mailing labels and cardstock!
  23. Here are the Cucumber-Melon and Peach & Pear wedding shower favors I've been working on, for a wedding shower this Saturday. They are individually wrapped with a washcloth and white crunchy decorative tissue - I'm not sure what it's called! They also have personalized shower labels that say "Thank You for sharing this special day with me! - Denise"
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