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Everything posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. They are gorgeous! I love those colors, and that bar definately looks unisex!
  2. These are beautiful soaps! All of them!!!!! *getdown* But my favorites just by look are Blackberry Sage, London Lemon and the Peppercorn.
  3. What a wonderfully refreshing looking soap! I really want to make a whipped soap! You sure are on a roll. I really like the Sandalwood soap the way you usually make it, but I do love the colors on this one too.
  4. To-die-for!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love strawberries!
  5. Awesome! I'm glad to see you expanding your line of products!!!!!! They look wonderful!
  6. Those colors are so amazing! What a fabulous bar!
  7. Isn't that so awful that the sweetest nicest FO discolors to brown usually! I really hope this one works for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. No doubt, I would have dug my fork into that if it was given to me! MMMM
  9. I'm not sure which company this FO comes from (*livelovebath* can tell you though I got this FO from her, and she regularily carries it)...........It's wonderful! Passionate Kisses: A playful fragrance said to be a mix of berries, coconut and roses
  10. I work in the kitchen too, although I wish I had a workshop! I store nearly everything in the basement and I can't beleive how much space I need! One bookshelf for curing soap, A huge cedar chest for shipping 'popcorns', herbs, containers, jars etc. then another bookshelf for FO's, soaps that are ready to sell, oils and so much more!
  11. I BOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!! I love this website! I love all the pictures for the different categories. Your actual picture-taking skills are amazing. Very well done. I do notice one thing, but it's not about your website. You don't use olive oil in many of your soaps. I don't think I've made a soap without it. What percentage of hard oils do you usually use in your soaps? I notice you do use rice bran in some soaps though. I wish I had that oil easy to come by! Keep up the good work!
  12. Everything is gorgeous, bright colors! My eye would automatically look towards your products! I've never done a show like that before so I have no real opinion on how things work, but one thing I might suggest is some signage of 'specials' or perhaps pricing on your display tables. I always see people mention shelving for their products so people don't have to reach way back to grab a product. This is nothing I know works, but just what I have read on here from others before.
  13. For me, I decide whether it's a FO or EO soap I want to make and go from there. When it's EO I try to go as all natural as I can, even with the colorants. I'm trying to venture into adding fresh fruits/vegetables such as cucumber, carrots, ginger etc. to my soap.
  14. I have BCN and it's very sweet smelling but no almond smell. I love it.
  15. I'm actually hoping it will discolor to a darker brown. The SC Special Edition Vanilla is supposed to turn cold-process soap dark brown as it cures. (More fall like I guess! LOL)
  16. So you want something with a monkey. Animated, or real? Alot of the clip art websites are free, and I beleive you are able to use them for free as well. I know there have been many discussions on what you can and what you can not use. A monkey holding a 'square' or box with your name in it would be cute! Also....try the name with lots of fonts to see what you like best. And with your colors in different orders....That might be a good start. I tried a little something..........without a monkey, but this is the box I meant, with cool lettering.....
  17. Here is what I have come up with so far.....anything to add, take away or change? It's not done yet.......and yes I know Christmas is far away........! Just preparing!
  18. These candles are gorgeous! I sure wish I was a candle maker!
  19. The intentions of this soap was for it to be the fall colors of maple leaves. Orange, Yellow and red. It definately didn't do what I wanted, and the red didn't really come through, but it still looks okay. I'm hoping this soap will darken up by the time I'm ready to swap them for the Fall Swap! It is scented with Canwax Maple Cashmere and a small amount of Sweet Cakes Special Edition Vanilla. Shoot, I forgot to mention also that I added silk fibres as well!!!
  20. That's a great idea..........Do you get the postcards made for you? I know some places make customized cards like that...........
  21. I really like the swirls on the top like that! It looks like it's meant to be like that. Like it's three layers.
  22. It's so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!
  23. I love it!!!!!!!!!! I think black always looks great in soap! It's so dramatic. Great swirls!
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