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Everything posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. OK so I made another batch of Olive Oil soap, since this soap is in such high demand for me............and this one did the same thing. I even stirred with the hand blender longer than I should have past trace.............the same thing happened! The paper was completely wet, and the soap was semi-soft still and oily/wet looking! Please ladies, is there any way to salvage these 2 batches somehow. If the lye is not encorporating properly how do I rebatch it? Edited to say: OMG I just did the 'zap test' I always hear people talk about......I put my tongue on the wet part of the bottom of the loaf and yowsers! That hurt! Totally zapped! What does this mean now?
  2. Nice save on the soaps! I'm glad it all worked out in the end! Can you imagine ladies, a man who knows how to line a mold for his wife! Does he know how to cook and do housework too? If so, he's a real keeper Brenda!
  3. This recipe is just olive oil, castor oil, water and lye. That's it. AHHHHHHH, so confused!
  4. OKay I looked at this soap the other day the one I was questioning about the way it seems oily still, and now looks what's happening.........I am using a different kind of lye and I was wondering if this may be the problem. It is happening to another batch of soap I made too with this new lye, the white spots.
  5. I've gotta have a wee sampling of this one, add it to my box will ya! Sounds so cool.
  6. Scrumptious Jenny! MMMMMM. Nice job! Did you use the pumpkin cheesecake FO?
  7. Love these soaps Brenda! Great scent choices too! The maple leaf stamp looks great!!!
  8. Ya but it looks 'wet' like it's oil still, but yet it's somewhat hard..........
  9. I made my usual 90% Olive Oil soap last week, and I left it in the mold an extra day cause I was super busy and when I went to the soap to cut it, it was 'sweating' on the top. Then as I was cutting it, it did not look usual. It seems to me that the lye and oils didn't come together right. It's somewhat soft, but cutable, but obviously not going to cure properly. Any suggestions? How can I salvage this batch? PICTURES ADDED IN OTHER POSTS
  10. Just want to say, that's disgusting! Bet it will be hard to make! Put a face mask on!
  11. I can't really say whether people buy a piece of soap that looks like pie or cake! I haven't sold one before, I did bring the idea up to my neighbour who gratiously always buys from me, and she said if I made it she'd definately buy a whole bunch! And if the last few don't sell, it doesn't matter to me, because I'll use it for my family and myself. It was alot of fun to make, and to me, making soap is like baking without having to eat it!
  12. They're so adorable! Love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The soaps look great in them too!
  13. I love the green poka dot one!!!!!!!! Do you have a website that you are selling these on?
  14. The plastic pie containers are a perfect idea, but where the heck would I get them? I wouldn't need many!!!!!!!!! I was thinking of just sticking a 'toothpick' in it with the label attached like a flag. *Do you know what I mean?:undecided
  15. I added a yellow colorant and brick red oxide.......because this FO was supposed to discolor light brown.................(fingers crossed it doesn't)
  16. This soap worked out pretty well but when cutting it, I realized it needs an extra day to sit in the mold......but cut it anyways cause I was so anxious!!! I stick blended the dead sea mud in with the oils before I added the lye water to make sure it was mixed thoroughly. A good tip!!! It is scented with a mixture of cucumber FO & Papaya FO. (This was livelovebath's amazing FO mixture!) I also made another batch of this with just Bergamot Essential Oil.
  17. Well no wonder the neighbours bought the entire batch then! HAHA.
  18. Who knows why, but actually this entire batch is sold already even before I've cut it..........so what ever suits your fancy!
  19. How about some cocoa? It will be brown but you can swirl with some tan colored colorant or something........
  20. Using Bramble Berry's "Pumpkin Spice" I made this 'pumpkin pie' soap. THIS FO IS A MUST HAVE! IT ROCKS!!!! I added vanilla pod specks to resemble the 'spices'. The hardest part was lining my cake pan! ARGHHHH!!!! Never again! I made the 'whip cream' with my olive oil soap! I added a wee bit of silver mica for a little sparkle. Once I put the 'whip cream' on, I realized a pumpkin pie doesn't have that much whip cream on it (WELL MINE WOULD!).......this looks more like icing! Shoot! I should have just put a dollop on!
  21. Vanilla Hazelnut (Peaks) Spiced Mandarin (Canwax) Lavender EO
  22. Wow they look great cut! The swirls are amazing........Nicely done!
  23. Phew, glad you all like it. I wasn't sure what people would think. I liked it but I was just hoping it wasn't tacky in other peoples' eyes.
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