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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Very real looking. I am glad you wrote on the label that this is not food, because they look like popcicles to me!!! I want to eat them.
  2. I don't have any packaging ideas, but the soaps look great.
  3. I agree with most of the other comments -- I just had to chime in to say that I love your colors.
  4. Qhen I first made bath bombs, I found this link to be very helpful... http://www.notmartha.org/tomake/bathbombs.html
  5. I love them all. I am amazed.
  6. I have never tried that either, but they doo look devine!! They would be a great mother's day gift.
  7. Those look wonderful, I am on a diet and I should not have looked at those. They look absoultley delish!
  8. I have never had that happen, but I only do HP and it is thick and gooey when I put it in the mold. The soaps still look great.
  9. Those are all wonderful; but, I especially love the confetti soap.
  10. I have not tried CPOP yet, those swirls are beautiful!!!
  11. I am in love with the gold...expecially the marbles!
  12. What a wonderful thing to make!
  13. I honestly think that those are very beautiful. I love green!
  14. I am jealous, I do not have any shows lined up yet this year. Your display looks great!
  15. Your display looks beautiful. If it makes you feel any better, when I went to my first show last year, I barely even made back what I paid for the table!! Plus, my 15 year old cousin was with me as a helper, and I think I spent more money feeding her at the event than I actually made! Hang in there.
  16. I realy love the colors and the cute little bottles.
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