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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Hehe... and I have one of these from the swap. Absolutley beautiful!
  2. Thanks for all your help. I am going to take your advice, especially in the first thing you said. I do realize that I need better pictures, and I am in the process of trying to get better ones. I do have several others who link to my site I have only had my site up since november or december so it is slowly coming around.
  3. That is very pretty. There sure seem to be alot of green things in the gallery this week. Nice job on this one!
  4. Everything looks great and that photo looks quite professional.
  5. It looks like green sherbert...that would look good in a gift basket with my "Maritan Girl" bath bombs! LOL Very nice work!
  6. Nope, not in the swap, sorry. I already sent in the ones for the swap. I just had the idea for this scent today. Maybe we should have another swap soon.
  7. It does look like camoflauge! Bet you could not do that again on purpose! I love it.
  8. That product looks wonderfully elegant and professional. The photograph looks very professional too. I love the label, love love LOVE the label.
  9. What is a custom wick builder? I have never heard of this; am I crazy?
  10. I love the jars and the labels. Very elegant!
  11. It is a meat-baller. It is the easiest thing to use for making bath bombs. It has absolutely saved my life. I bought it here: http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=770
  12. I made these today. They are my bubbling bath explosion balls. Scented "Martian Girl." The scent is my own special blend of apple, lime, and peppermint. They are drying out right now. I will post a picture once they are packaged. Give your opinions please.
  13. I also found this http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/jan99/916205654.Ch.r.html
  14. Me too. I am a sucker for FO.
  15. I have heard about these being used in the olden days, but I have also heard that they smell awful. If you make any that smell nice, please let me know.
  16. I am jealous of your talent! Such beautiful work.
  17. These are all wonderful ideas. Thanks so much and... Please, keep them coming... Does anyone advertise online?
  18. I only use paypal. If you pay the $20 per month, you can take credit cards directly on your website, even if your customer does not have a paypal account. This is what I do - alot of people do not use paypal, also If I have a local customer that wants to use credit/debit card, I just run it through my website.
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