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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. I store my wax chunks in either zip lock bags or gladware containers and put them in a spot that mostly remains at room temp.
  2. I don't know what a melon jar is....do you have a pic of one?
  3. That is very beautiful. I sent my mom tulips from proflowers.com for mothers day. I was going to make her a basket, but she lives right downstairs from me and I wanted to give her something shedoes not get all the time -- if I could have made a basket that pretty...I would have gave her that!
  4. They are all so beautiful; spring rain is my favorite.
  5. I recently went to a wedding reception for my cousin. This past winter, he and his girlfriend eloped and gave their parents copies of the wedding certificate for Christmas. They were only 18 when the did this; they are 19 now. Anyways, their parents put together a reception for them and they renewed their vows. This is their gift from me; although, I am sure she will enjoy it more than he did. The basket had all kind of bath stuff; MOST of it I made (I did not make the champagne bubble bath that you see) - it has candles that I made. It also has a tart burner and wax melts that I made; and some other accessories like wooden soap dish, foot pumice, etc...
  6. They look good to me; I love lufah soap.
  7. What a great idea! It almost looks like real golf balls in there.
  8. Those are beautiful. I love grape scent, it is one of my favorites. If if does smell like that gum...then I know it smells splendid!
  9. The pic is kinda small, but from what I can see they do look quite good.
  10. Those areabsolutley beautiful! I for one, love the speckled look. My first batched looked no where near that good. Great Job!!!
  11. It does look beautiful, but on the lines of what Laura said, I would make sure you put a warning on there to remove the bow before burning. Hugs.
  12. I think I already saw these on your Myspace account. I love that shade of pink, btw!
  13. Those are beautiful. I don't really like patchouli, but I really love that mold.
  14. Call it "Bed and Breakfast". I have yet to smell this; so I don't even know if this fits.
  15. Those look great. I kinda want to eat them. They look like white chocolate Reeses peanutbutter cups!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMM.
  16. At first I had problems with the meatballer. I just kept messing with it and now....When I use my meat baller I find that they stick together a little better if you over fill it and push the mold itself together with your hands, instead of using just the handles on the meatballer. Then, when you open the meatballer, stick your finger slightly in the hole on the top and gently pull the top off first, then flip it over so the bomb is in your hand, and then do the same to the other. That is how I get it to work for me. If you can understand all my rambling, you are more then welcome to try that technique.
  17. IMHO, simple always looks so elegant and perfect.
  18. I like the plain ones the best; they look so elegant!
  19. that is a whole lotta pretty tarts!!
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