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Everything posted by jbren

  1. I've not seen individual rectangle molds with sharp edges and corners. I have some nice rectangles for MP, but the edges are rounded...probably for comfort in use. I think the only way you can get what you are looking for is with a log.
  2. I've not seen anything about it being used by itself. Anything I've ever read about dendritic salt, it has been used in conjunction with other salts for holding fragrance. i.e. Snowdrift recommends 1 cup dentritic to 10-20 cups of other salt.
  3. Thank you...they are done with the shaver/beveler from Kangaroo Blue...best beveler I've ever used. http://www.kangarooblue.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=91
  4. Thanks everyone....ABS is African Black Soap...it really brings some nice properties to the bar.
  5. With crumbles of ABS added. This smells awesome!
  6. you've really outdone yourself with this one AJ....it's PERFECTION!
  7. beautiful...another vote for the layered one here!
  8. beautiful soap! love the soft colors.
  9. love it....the colors are wonderful!
  10. congrats...looks good. Is it cut yet?
  11. oh my...now THAT'S a great looking soap...and the blend...YUM~!
  12. I bought into that whole 'change the coconut SAP' thing a while back but don't do it any more. The only thing you are doing is increasing your superfat, so why not just add some nice conditioning oils and up your superfat percentage. Same results.
  13. No, the VCO has a much higher melt point and is used more for body butters and scrubs than for soaps. If you are desperate, and have a SuperWalmart, you can buy LuAnn coconut oil there. It is in a white plastic jar with a green lid...not in a bottle like the rest of the oils (which is why I couldn't find it a few years ago when I first started soaping) but I think it's a pretty expensive way to go.
  14. beautiful...and that is one of my favorite scents....for candles too!
  15. KELSEI or Upland...but I prefer my Kelseis.
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