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Everything posted by Beth-VT

  1. You can't use soap colorants for candles, the soap colorant is water based and won't blend. I'm guessing that it seperated and came to the top. You must invest in oil based dyes specifically designed for candles. There are chips, dye blocks, liquids, all work great. HTH.
  2. Steve's has sachet envelopes in ivory and kraft, two different sizes. HTH. http://candlemakers.zoovy.com/category/candleaccessories.sachet_envelopes/
  3. ...until it begs me to stop .......(sorry, couldn't resist, lol)
  4. Probably becasue of what your screen resolution is set to. Although monitor size has some relevance, video card/resolution capabilities have just as much influence. Mine is 17", and my usual rez looks fine, but if I drop it down to 840x600 (or whatever it is) then I have to scroll.
  5. It may be hillbilly.....but damn, it's great
  6. I use the shredded wood excelcior from Nashville Wraps. I fill up most of the space with wadded up newspaper (for bigger, deeper baskets) and cover with the excelcior. Shallower baskets don't need the newspaper. HTH.
  7. Like the Duck said. It doesn't matter what you're weighing or in what form. A pound is a pound is a pound....and it's always 16oz.
  8. I'm tellin' ya....OpenOffice is all you need It opens Word and Excel files. It lets you edit Word and Excel files. You can save them in Excel or Word format, or in OpenOffice format. You can create documents from scratch in OpenOffice and the save them in Word or Excel formats. It's simply loverly, lol!
  9. Hey Trish....not sure what you need MS Office for, but would OpenOffice work in it's place? I haven't found anything I can't do with Office that I can't do with OO, and no files from either that aren't compatible with the other. OO has the word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, HTML....etc. I don't think I'll ever have MS OFfice again....and OO is FREE . Oh....I hate Works too!! I have over 1000 fonts in my system, and Works won't print things properly if more than 500 fonts are present. ArgH!
  10. Yup, it will vary. Here, we are prohibited from using any variation of Co. unless we are legally incorporated. A sole proprietor can not use the Co. in their name. Check with your Sec. of State's office. HTH.
  11. Hi all, Got an e-mail from Laura at PackCo Inc. today wanting me to let everyone know that they have updated their web-site. The shrink tube we all know and love is now listed and the site is much improved. For those that haven't visited, PackCo is a great place to get the (very hard to find) 3" and 4" PVC shrink tubing, as well as muslin bags for air fresheners and lots of other stuff. Customer service is great and shipping is free on orders over $25. Take a peek http://www.packcoinc.com/
  12. Oh....absolutely!! I'm with you, I don't weigh my dye, that's just nuts. Only additives, when used. It's just something to consider when you decide how you want to figure. If you base your calculations on XX amount of wax added to that same 8.5% of oil as discussed above, then add say 3% stearic and maybe X% of something else, that all adds up to increased volume overall and ends up diluting your beginning % of FO, and making more volume than your container can hold (in other words, extra). It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you understand what it's doing and the end result
  13. Laura, in hopes of confusing you even more (just kidding) Donna and I are both right but in a different sort of way It all depends on how you look at it. Donna's formula is correct, it's the much easier explanation of what I was trying to say, lol (Thanks Donna, yours is easier). But, it also depends on how you want to interpret it. What I mean is, When Donna pointed out the 8.23oz. of wax needed, I assumed she meant that much wax in addition to the .7oz. of FO. My explanation meant 8.23 oz. of wax with the FO already included. If you take the 8.23 oz. wax and add the .7oz. FO to it, you actually end up with a mixture that is 7.8% FO. If you take the 8.23 oz. of wax as already including the .7oz FO, your % of FO in the mixture ends up at 8.5% Like I said, Donna's explanation is right on (your FO on hand ÷ the % you want to achieve). What you do from there, however, may alter your end result. Although it's not a huge difference in %, it can add up to a lot of extra wax at the end. When you do it my way (I really don't want this to sound like my way is the right way, it's not, it's just a different way, lol) you can make up an amount that gives you the exact amount needed to fill your containers. You don't end up with any leftover wax. Confuzzeled yet?
  14. I agree...I would get them both ASAP. Also, you might want to look into registering your biz (name) with your state, even if it's just a DBA. Here, it costs $20, and I'm not obligated to do anything with the biz. Meaning, just because I have the name registered doesn't mean I have to be selling, but it would protect the name for the future. You're going to be pretty bummed if you grab the domain names now, then in the future discover that you can't use the name in your state. HTH.
  15. Here ya go: If you have .7oz and you want that to be the equivalent of 8.5% in your candle, then .7 = 8.5%. Take 100 (%) and divide by 8.5(%)...you get 11.76. Meaning 8.5 goes into 100 11.76 times. Multiply the 11.76 times .7 (the equivalent of 8.5%) and you'll get 8.23, that's the total oz. of scented wax you'll have to pour. Remember that 8.5% of that 8.23oz. is FO (your .7oz), the other 91.5% is wax/additives. 100 ÷ 8.5 = 11.76 11.76 x .7 = 8.23 8.23 x 8.5% = .7 oz. FO 8.23 x 91.5% = 7.53 oz. wax/other additives HTH.
  16. I'm with Gerrie. I hate them damn tall skinny ones, if one goes, they all go
  17. I just bought the same system as Bev, 'cept the next size up. Holds about 65 samples in a nice compact size. Gonna make a decorative patch of some sort to put over the plastic logo on the bag so it's not quite so tackle boxish, lol.
  18. Hah. what timing....going thru this now. Sent some stuff to Canada via FEG. You HAVE to have an account and do the process on-line when going to Canada, they wont do it at the FE depot...no mention on-line of brokerage fees, etc, till the buyer gets the bill!!! $30 for ground shipping and now they want $64 more for fees, $33 of which is a BROKERAGE FEE!! What crap. FYI...if the buyer doesn't pay it, they come back on the shipper per thier reg's and will hold the shipper responsible :undecided.
  19. Heh.....looks more like a canyon than an air pocket (lol) but yes, I think you're correct :undecided.
  20. To answer one of your questions, the material of your container (tin vs. glass) has absolutely nothing to do with the throw. Wax, wick, FO, additives, shape, opening, location, melt pool.....yes. Container, no.
  21. It will vary from state to state. Ours list all biz names....sole props/corps/etc.
  22. LMAO at you freaks !! Hey Henryk....I use paint stir sticks. Cheap (as in free) and lots of surface area for blending.
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