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Everything posted by ehatch1

  1. I only have one pour pot that I use for all of my fragrances... I just wash it out after each scent (yes, it's a pain). I use my leftover wax to make fire starters
  2. That is strange! Yes, definitely talk to them. I wonder what they'll say...
  3. Eh, just in case. https://www.amazon.com/Eco-Soya-CB-Advanced-Wax-priced/dp/B00BPWQQ7S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1489029597&sr=8-1&keywords=ecosoya+cb+advanced+soy+wax
  4. I concur with the posters above me. I use GB 444 wax because it has a higher melting point than 464 and I live in the desert. However, if I had not worried about the temperature, I probably would have chosen 464. I believe they are very similar other than the melting point.
  5. Hey @Glassfishy, I use the Ecosoya PB for my tarts and if you need wax ASAP, I have found at least the pillar blend on Amazon (they might have CB, not sure)... to tide you over until you figure out what to do. I ordered a bag there and am patiently waiting for the reformulated Ecosoya wax to come out... hopefully soon. But, I don't sell much and have no accounts to worry about. I guess it all depends on if you can wait for the new stuff, or if you want to start testing with a different soy sooner rather than later. I personally use 444 for containers; its higher melt point is good since I live in the desert. If I wasn't worried about the temperature, I probably would have chosen 464.
  6. Goldie my dad just bought some of these to give out to his friends... they are all motorcycle guys and these candles smell JUST like the shop/garage when they're working on bikes. It's ridiculous how accurate the scent is. https://www.amazon.com/Klotz-Candle-Famous-Estorlin-Smell/dp/B01LXSC7MU They might be up your alley
  7. I'm so interested to hear your thoughts on 1. Paper, 2. Library, and 3. Dusty Attic. I have seen some candles sold that smell like old books, and I would love to make myself some. That is one of my favorite smells.
  8. Oh my gosh how do you get up so early?! Productive! Sorry you haven't been feeling well, either. A mask sounds like a good idea.
  9. I have this problem with some fragrances. Some give me nasty headaches, too. It does make me worry how safe they are to be burning.
  10. I'm also interested to know this, @johanna. Hope someone chimes in Are the FOs effective?
  11. I use high-temp hot glue, and it seems to work fine, when I wick with the correct size. If I've over-wicked a jar and it gets too hot, the wick starts moving around. It's also easy to remove after the candle burns down; part of the thing I like about candles is that I can use the jars for other things after they're done. I am not sure how "environmentally friendly" or "natural" hot glue is... haven't looked into it.
  12. Thanks Trapp. I value your opinion, so it was very helpful! I actually had great success with this fragrance when I used a CSN-12 wick. The hot throw was phenomenal. (And now you're probably wondering - why did this crazy lady change wicks when she had one that worked?! If it ain't broke, don't fix it!) The CSNs just didn't seem to work for some fragrances and weren't visually appealing to me. This, paired with the fact that I knew they were formulated for palm wax and not soy... I don't know, just felt like something made specifically for soy/paraffin would work better. I had hoped to completely switch over to a different type of wick and didn't want to use different types of wicks for different FOs. But eh, I haven't tested all of my fragrances with the CDs yet and we will see where I end up!
  13. I'm testing Vanilla Bean (NG) in a 4 oz jar (a little less than 2.5 inches in diameter), 444 wax, 6% FO, CD-6 wick. This is my first attempt at using CD wicks. The pictures here are of this vanilla candle. The candle has a good melt pool (the pictures are from the second burn, it's been going about 2 hours today). Scent throw is better than with ECO wicks, but still not amazing. It has a small mushroom, but the flame is very weak! I'm actually afraid it is going to go out. I have never had this happen before. I guess I'll wick up to a CD-7, even though the melt pool is nice and it is already mushrooming. Strange... I am also testing Genuine Leather (FC) with CD-6 and CD-8 (my CD-7 wicks had not come in when I poured them). Both seem to be burning well, unlike the vanilla. Some hangup on one side, even though I twisted my wicks. Strangely, it seems that the smaller wick mushrooms more than the larger wick. I am not familiar with this phenomenon, so that's interesting. I'm curious to know what some of you think about it.
  14. Glad you're getting them smoothed out I use 444, which is very similar to 464, and get the most perfect tops when I wait until the wax starts to thicken and get translucent, around 100ºF.
  15. Thanks to this thread I ordered FC's "Redwood & Cedar". It's strong and I can definitely smell the forest, but it seems a bit floral maybe? But at the same time, the more I smell it, the more I like it. May be a keeper!
  16. Ugh, that is unfortunate to say the very least. I have only ordered my patchouli FO from them; I don't buy anything else there... thinking I'll need to find a replacement from another company. Sorry this happened to you!
  17. Ugh, my favorite kind of tutorials... "Look, you can make these super cute mason jar candles - just go to your craft store and get a roll of wicking. Pour your wax and add however many drops of essential oils you want. Wait an hour or two for it to harden, and light!" lol
  18. ehatch1

    Fire Starters

    I use my leftover wick trimmings as well, just stick one in each fire starter. Not sure if they are necessary, but I feel like they make sense.
  19. ehatch1

    Fire Starters

    The best part of fire starters is all of the little flammable bits you put in them - so, pinecones, shredded paper, sawdust, etc. When you light the wick, or paper liners as mine have, the flammable stuff catches which in turn melts the wax, which is vaporized and catches fire. Basically a long-lasting little fireball. If you stick one in with the kindling in your fireplace, it keeps lit long enough to catch the bigger logs.
  20. Good to hear - I'll hold onto my ECOs then, in case a I find a difficult fragrance.
  21. @Moonstar- With the ECOs, yes, they tend to lean to one side, so the candles burn unevenly and one side of the jar does get too hot. Yet another issue with those wicks. I have heard the CDs tend to lean as well, so when I poured my latest batch I twisted them before sliding them into my wick bars. So far it has seemed to work; I got a pretty centered melt pool. I didn't have any problems burning my candles with the lavender buds (they were even wicked too big and nothing caught fire), but I am hesitant to sell them that way, since I don't have insurance. So, for now I am leaving the buds out, just in case. Perhaps that look is better left for soaps. They did look pretty, though.
  22. Hey Trappeur, I have been waiting at least 7 days after pouring to do testing... I know some say to wait a full 2 weeks, but what can I say, ain't nobody got time for that!
  23. @Trappeur I have to update you - I am sorry I recommended the ECO wicks, but they have turned out to be failing for me. My scent throw is absolutely zero. They also soot horribly I hope I haven't misled you. Testing can be so frustrating!
  24. Ya'll, I am so sad. After a ridiculous amount of testing the ECOs, I may be giving up on them. I have gone from the smallest of sizes to larger ones and I get ZERO hot throw, from any of them! Even my strongest fragrances. They also give off soot like nobody's business, regardless of size. Sigh. So disappointing. HOWEVER, I had some CD wicks (10 & 12 - unfortunately a bit too large for my jars) that i tested in my vanilla. Since that's my easiest/strongest fragrance I am using it as a starting point for all wick testing. Even though they are too big, the scent throw was unreal. Even better than my CSN wicks. Needless to say, I have ordered CD 6, 7, & 8s to test later this week and I'm excited about that. But gosh darn, I thought I had things nailed down and I definitely do not. Here we go again...
  25. Nice, @moonshine! Those look so good. Very rustic. Now you have to share pics when you stain the rest of your house
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