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Everything posted by MLG

  1. I guess it may be a form of frosting. However, when I pour my wax at 150 - 155 it doesn't do this. It only acts like this when it's poured too hot and mine appeared within a day of pouring. Since it's not soy, I'm guessing it was too hot when poured.
  2. Honestly, I never tried to fix it. If you try and take a heat gun to it, you'll melt the plastic pretty quick. Fortunately, it only happened on four or five clamshells so I was able to quickly figure out I was trying to hurry the process. When I decided to slow down a bit, the problem corrected itself. I did go ahead and sell those clamshells to friends (explaining why they looked the way tbey did). Friends don't care ? lol
  3. During a power outage due to an ice storm, we used our wood stove to cook ham and beans and cornbread (yes cornbread) in a cast iron skillet. They get HOT!
  4. When I don't want a flame going, I do put my candle on a warming plate specifically made for candles. I've also seen people use coffee mug warmers for this purpose - both of which control the heat level of the warming pad (they only get so hot). But to have a person place a glass jar onto a surface which has the potential to both crack the jar and catch the wax on fire is irresponsible and scary. This person obviously has never had a jar explode on her. Hmmmm
  5. I love them! They are clean, neat and professional looking. If I were out shopping for a gift, I would definitely give those labels a second look! Do you print them yourself?
  6. That's what works for me. But going back and looking at your pictures again, you may be pouring your first layer a little hot as well.
  7. PoB is Pillar of Bliss from Natures Garden. I do use 4625 and 4786 for individual tarts. When I make double layers, I always pour my first layer hotter than my second. One thing I've tried - and been successful at - is pouring my second layer when my first layer is sturdy, but not totally solid yet. If I pour it cooler, it is hot enough to stick to the first layer, but not hot enough to melt through it. I do feel your pain though. I absolutely HATE white spots. I won't hardly sell one that way.
  8. I'm not sure what wax you use, but I get these spots if I pour my wax too hot. I use a lot of PoB and if I pour much over 150, white spots appear after a couple of days.
  9. I've never used it before, but it sounds delicious!!!! I would totally buy (and probably have) a candle with that scent alone!!!! It might even put some pep back into my step! LOL!!!!
  10. When I posted, all I saw was your original post. There were no other posts that I saw.
  11. I love these! They are beautiful! Very talented chandler!!! I also love your kittens. Nothing beats the love of our pets. We do have cats here on the farm, but I am equally blessed with cattle and grand dogs! lol She wanted a selfie! I was reluctant, but she talked me into it ?. Can you tell it made me a little nervous!
  12. I use a combination as well. The only hesitancy I have is when I'm naming a famous dupe. I either rename altogether or put "compare to BBW" or a similar phrase. Mainly just to cover myself. I worked for an attorney many years before I started teaching and I guess I'm a little skiddish ?
  13. Oh my goodness!!!! Must. Not. Read.... I can't even begin, or really want, to guess how much money I already have unvested in fragrance oils. Tonight I found a couple that I forgot I had! And I was about to purchase them again! LOL. I cannot, however, find a dupe for BBW Winter scent!!! Does anyone know if they even have one? It's a very sensual pine woodsy kind of smell. Would love to find one. I'm glad I'm not the only one here that can't blend scents. I tried to create a whiskey citrus blend and it was an utter fail! So I take great advice from you all ?
  14. I'm curious to see your review. I've wanted to place an order in the past but didn't really know much about them. Please let us know what you think.
  15. OMG!!!! Absolutely love these! You are an extremely talented person and I am jealous Thanks for sharing.
  16. Puma - I really wished we all lived closer to one another! You all crack me up! So many fun ideas to try!
  17. OMG!!! You all are enablers! My head is spinning. lol
  18. You all have made some great suggestions. I also thought about pouring a base color and letting it set for a few minutes. Then trying to do a hot "over pour" in a couple of different colors. I may also try to dredge color in with a toothpick. I'm going to try and pour some this weekend. I may end up having it all over me and my floors! LOL!!!
  19. Thank you for posting the link. I did come across this earlier and was excited! When I got to reading about it though, it doesn't mention anything about how to achieve the tie dyed look. Disappointing.
  20. I think I have lost my mind. A family friend sent me this picture and asked me to make her some of these wax shots for her wedding tables (as a little guest treat). I have no idea how to accomplish this. If anyone makes these, would you care to point me in right direction or give me some advice. They are pretty cool looking and the possibilities would be endless
  21. I love the first label! It is gorgeous! If I were to purchase that candle, it honestly would be because of the label. I am a very visual person and that label, to me, is much more artistically done (because of the font). It looks much more upscale to me. The other font look childish to me and I'm afraid it would deter me from buying it. Crazy I know, but that's how my brain works. If it looks upscale, it must be great quality.
  22. They are both beautiful, but I'm kinda partial to the first one.
  23. That would be awesome Belinda - please let me know how much I owe you. I've never tried the one from NG. Is it by the same name?
  24. I LOVE their pumpkin pecan waffle! It is s best seller for me from fall through winter.
  25. I always love looking at your creations! Gorgeous! Love the labels! I think curious pets make some of the best help! lol
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