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Everything posted by cindym

  1. Has anyone used it, do you like it. Need a good strong one.
  2. Oh man Robin, hope you hands are okay, sounds like a soap fairie invasion. Yuck:p That's for the soap fairies.
  3. Hi Angie, welcome, glad to have you, ask away and as always we love to see pictures:yay:
  4. Nice Job, congrats, it was fun wasn't it?
  5. That's great Michelle here's to a great day tomorrow.
  6. I love Lavender with something citrus, maybe grapefruit, or orange.
  7. Rena those look great, looks like you have a little addiction going:highfive:
  8. If you are using lard it could take a bit of time.
  9. I feel insurance is a must, actually some of my wholesale accounts asked me if I had proof of insurance before they would buy from me.
  10. I use zinc also , I have no sooting issues. What size jar are you wicking. I tried all wicks you can think of and always got soot.
  11. If I am using the Tony's Molds I just put some on a paper towel and rub it around the mold, just enough to make it look shiny but no puddling, just a rub, and don't worry if you don't get every little spot. Landa I am also finding now that I have used the molds a couple of times and just wipe them out well after a batch, the olive oil is unecessary. I do put them in a pre heated 150 degree oven for about 30 mins, or until fully gelled, right on the rack and then let them completely cool and for me they just pushed right out of the mold, I just put my thumb on the long side and gave a little push and they sild right out. Good Luck and let me know how you make out. Oh , one more thing, I get my soap all emulsified, add fo at very light trace and start getting them in the mold.
  12. I have one like mystical has from connie's it is great.
  13. Landa do not reduce your water. I add mine after the lye cools at 1/2 oz per lb. HTH cindy Don't forget a little olive oil
  14. Votives, Lots LOL, Bagging Potpourri, green clover and aloe soap and lots of packaging. I need HELP but I am toooooo cheap LOL
  15. That is all great news Trish, good for you, well deserved!!!!!
  16. Looks like you captured the perfect pink for sweet pea:yay:
  17. You should be more interested in the combined for the total outcome of the bar, but also as you are doing recipes looking at the individual of each oil can teach you alot.
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