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Everything posted by cindym

  1. cindym


    You can stick blend it in with your warm oils before you add the lye water.
  2. Yes , add it at thick trace otherwise it will all sink to the bottom. Stir well:rolleyes2
  3. How did it come out? It may be okay, give it the zap test, I say that only because you used goat's milk which will give you more fat, just don't know if it will be enough.
  4. Here you go 32 ozs total All these oils are for the main batch, so don't add anything at trace. 1.6 ozs Cocoa Butter 8 ozs Coconut 3.2 ozs Sweet Almond 3.2 ozs Palm Oil 16 ozs Olive 12.1 oz Water 5.1 oz Lye This will give you a very moisturizing bar. Run it through the calculator and make sure I got the right measurments, always good to check. I usually use 1 oz fo per lb of oils so 2 ozs for this recipe and no you don't count your fo as water. When you run it through the calulator click ounces at the top, then put in 32 ozs then start putting in you ingredients, if the numbers don't add up to 100 % the caluculator will tell you. Good Luck
  5. That was definetly a visit by the soap gremlins.
  6. Okay , I really think that if you want to make cp soap , you should start as inexpesively as possible. When I started I made my soap in a lined shoebox with oils all bought at the grocery store. You could go to the millers site and get recipes there that are very inexpensive. If you decide it is something you want to continue to do, I think the southern belle molds are great and would buy one, but I think the starter kit is too expensive for what you get, plus paying shipping. Robin's tutorial is great, you can print that out and study it, it has all the info you need to make cp soap. JMHO
  7. No question is stupid, aren't you glad you asked, this is how we all learn. The orange essential oil would be great in soap.
  8. That is beautiful, love the color, great pic too.
  9. Very nice great color you should be proud.
  10. That is stunning, beautiful job and it definetly looks like it belongs at a wedding.:highfive:
  11. I love parties, it is always 250 to 300 dollars for small parties for about 2 hrs of time there, and I always have stock to take.
  12. I think a lot of people do, I do it for a few people.
  13. Soap Dishes are great, pumice stones, bath poofs, stuff like that, a lot of times I just give them as freebies, people love free
  14. It's a snow head, that is great.
  15. Or you could make confetti soap with it for the Holidays.
  16. Yes I believe you can sell most anything Nakid:laugh2:
  17. I agree with Pam, looks like you can cut a little here and bevel a little there and get some nice guest soap sizes and use the rest yourself. The colors are pretty, I don't think it is a complete loss.
  18. I love peaks warm apple pie and add peaks cinnoman to it for a hot apple pie. it is the best combo of apple and cinnamon I have been able to come up with.
  19. Tara Nice Clean labels, they look great.:highfive:
  20. All I have to say is unbelievable. I don't understand why your website is more focused on the advese effects of parrifin candles as opposed to what you are selling, how it smells how it enhances ones life to have beautiful candles to scent and decorate a room. The soy community has been doing this hype for years and it doesn't seem to have any effect on Y@@@@@@ or other cottage industries that don't use soy. Some people love soy and some people hate it bottom line, you won't get any extra sales , believe me, by bashing other types of candles. I don't work with gel, cause I don't like it, but I love to look a gel candles and I have bought them for their beauty, I would never down gel candles because I have not researched enough to feel comfortable to do it safely. Good Luck
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