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Everything posted by cindym

  1. I have a customer who want her soap wrapped in brown corragated paper, anybody know of a good supplier of this. Thanks Cindy
  2. Green Tea Peaks White Tea Supplies 4 Candle Kimberly Sweet Pea Peaks OMH Old Mill Spearmint Bitter Creek Bay Rum BNL Rose Bouquet Peaks Okay that is all I can think of off the top of my head.
  3. Keep your stick blender at the bottom of the pan at all times. That is the only thing I can think of, what size batch are you doing. You will get the hang of it. This soaping stuff is tricky but you'll be surprise how much just a little tweak of this or that will do.
  4. Very nice job.:highfive:
  5. ummmmmmmm Fruit Explosion Passion Fruit Delightful Eartly Delight
  6. Winter Zing Fruits and Mint Ambrosia Amazing Freaking soap:D
  7. I think they look great, I wouldn't change them at all, see how it goes but it is not at all confusing to me. I like the size as the candle is very visible. Nice Job and good luck:cool2:
  8. Are you heating the jars? Try that. Also hit them with a heat gun and see if it goes away.
  9. I use a single 60 z in my 8 oz tins, it leaves a little hang up the first couple of burns but catches up and doesn't make the tin to hot. I use IGI 4630
  10. Also try to find out if anyone will be selling the same kind of stuff you are.
  11. This is why I will burn a candle all day, to make sure it doesn't explode on me, it is part of my testing process.
  12. Val if you are using water I would say yes.
  13. Very Nice Job you did a lot of work.
  14. What some people do is called superfatting. What they do is use their normal oils from their recipe and then add an ounce or two of lux oil at trace to make a richer bar. This extra oil is not meant to saponify and makes the bar richer. I hope that makes sense. Some people will use coconut milk powder and stick blend it with their oils before they add their lye or even goats milk powder.
  15. Scented you are right about Alabasters I think it is called vanilla veloure.
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