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Everything posted by cindym

  1. Meredith all beauties. I was dissapointed in the Berg Cam from MMS also. Nice work, they all look wonderful. Nice garden you have there also.
  2. Inez, I really feel for you. I had a very large wholesale customer, she was on 30 days. Needless to say I always had to chase her for the money. I of course tried to talk to her about this, and did eventually get all of my money. She then turned around this year and emailed me for a very large order. I in turn emailed her and said I would be willing to do the order, half upfront and the other half upon delivery. I never heard from her again. Sorry I lost the customer but not sorry that I am not constantly on the phone after 4 months of waiting for payment. She was a very good customer for 4 years. Not worth it. Good Luck and try to stay positive. If you can let go and continue to enjoy what you do and try to grow your business again I think you will find peace with this issue. It won't be easy. cindy
  3. Check with the supplier of the wax. Personally I wouldn't without a lot more info than a name. I use candlewax to make candles.
  4. Is it just that one fo? Yes people are buying parasoy and also parrafin. 6006 is a nice blend. Or you could buy some 4786 and mix them. If it just the one fo then I would can the fo.
  5. If you don't have dryflow and want to try another batch use constarch, it's not quite the same but you will get the idea. Make a small batch. What butters and Oils did you use.
  6. I do I remaned Love Spell Beach Plum sells like crazy now in my area and also Pink Sugar I changed to Christmas Candy for the holidays another winner.
  7. I gotta go with Peak's on this one. I sell this like crazy even in the summer.
  8. Ahhh the beauty of swap boxes. LOL
  9. Cool stuff, I love the cupcake keychains and the cupcake tote is to die for.
  10. This topic comes up time and time again. Let's face fact folks, no candle can possibly be organic. Not only are you using color, wicks,containers,fo's etc. it all adds up to one thing to me. Non organic. That said, I love a great smelling hand poured candle be it soy, parasoy, or made of the sand in the back yard LOL. We who make candles by hand are creating a candle that hopefully smells great, looks good, burns well etc..... misinformation prevails in all industries. But we are creators, we love what we do. We offer a product that we are proud of. So what we fussin about. Choose you wax, and make a great candle.
  11. I love 6006, use to use it, then couldn't get it from my supplier , now it is back. I always had great hot throw with this wax. Very easy to cut and work with.
  12. Winter Candy Apple use to Wendy's now I think Tennesee sells it.
  13. I totally agree with Jules . If your logo is what people recognize as your company, then by all means keep it, but to open you home page and see instead some of the beauties that you create, and the rich colors you use will not in any way take away from you country look. Get some of those rustics front and center. A website is always a work in progress. I know you will get there. Can't wait to see the changes that you come up with.
  14. What exactly do you mean by luxurious? Creamy, moisturizing, you would maybe try using luxury oils. That being said, it is my firm belief that you can make a slamming bar of soap using simple oils, add some silk and sugar to the lye water, I love using goat's milk powder and have been know to just add heavy cream right out of the fridge at trace.
  15. The most obvious question to ask him is how he gets his thicker fo's incorportated into his wax. If he can answer that one for you then I might feel the advice he is giving you may have some validity. However I am sure he will not have an answer. Just because the melt point of a wax is say 123 degrees, when you are heating large amounts all of the wax will not be melted at 123 degrees. Some of the wax will be at 160 but you will still have unmelted wax in your melter. Sooooo be careful who you listen to. There is plenty of misinformation out there.
  16. cindym

    38 Dd

    OMG that is soooooooo cute. Can I borrow it. I have a family gathering next Saturday. It could be the topic of conversation. LOL I always bring a big basket of votives and soap to family gatherings, now this would be perfect. Great job. Love it.
  17. Awesome logo. Beckie did my grapics. she is very talented and will work with you til you are satisfied. Love the redo. Looks great. Hey glad you are not going out all together, you stuff is awesome. Ask me how I know. LOL
  18. I think a separate MP Section is a great idea. I have been playing with it for awhile now and have had a blast. One of my customers went balistic. I did tons of flip flops and ocean themed MP and some layered. It sold like crazy. MP soap is an artform. And I have gotten some slamming MP bars in swaps.
  19. I think your okay. I actually do like to leave most of my soaps in the mold a couple of days, no matter what recipe I use. Hope to see pics of it once it is cut. Sounds like it will take a while to cure but it will be a nice soap.
  20. Maybe this should be taken elsewhere, like to the HCM forum. If there is not one set up at this time, then perhaps one should be set up. HCM has not advertised on this site for quite sometime. As for the mention of Sharon's name anywhere in this thread, she is not and has not been affiliated with HCM for sometime now. Frank how strange that all of a sudden you should arrive on this site, as if you cared about anything but yourself, at this point in time. You don't care about HCM or anyone else. Take your bitching and complaining somewhere else. Yes you have offended me by you lack of concern to you customers, to this site, the personal stuff I will keep to myself. If you are selling the company , fine, your customers still deserve good service until it is sold. And what exactly are you selling? If you need to raise your rates so you can pay your cable bill LOL then raise your rates. It is not only your business that is suffering. All those who have sites with you have businesses that are suffering to. Save the Drama for your Mama
  21. Really nice. Hmmmm lots of great ideas in this section. I'm getting the itch to try some of this stuff.
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