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Everything posted by cindym

  1. I also have a Braun. Can't kill it. LOL I also have a back up, I have had that for ohhhh 3 or 4 years.. Well worth it IMO>
  2. Do not follow the link. It is absloutely a hacker.
  3. Hmmmmmm is the invitation fire proof. I would not do that in a million years.
  4. Need more info please, maybe a pic of the jar. Width of the jar. Of course you will need to test each fo for wick size.
  5. Can you provide more info. Are you using any additives. What wicks are you using?
  6. you welcome. so in that case , just figure you costs x's 2. that is absolutely your wholesale price. good luck, let us know how you make out.
  7. zincs always seemed to work best for me in this wax.
  8. Hi Laura, if I am understanding this correctly, you have already given a list of prices to the account? I know it is hard to raise prices. You have to consider a couple of things, if you have given them a price list, if it were me, and this were my first wholesale account, I would sell at the already given prices, foot in the door for the initial order. When you deliver the order, and I do deliver for free as the milage is an expense of the business, let your account know that the prices will be going up because the costs are going up etc..... I am sure the account is already aware of that. This actually gives the account the option of pricing off the new price you will be offering. It is kind of a trial anyway to see how the product sells etc... Don't consider it a loss, consider it the cost of doing business. It will show up on your profit and loss statement at year end, so you really can't lose. The price of utilities is tough to figure, so what I do is always put a buffer, of .25 cents on each candle after figuring my cost per candle. This has worked well for me. If you have anymore concerns pm me. I'd be happy to help if I can.
  9. Satin Sheets or a nice Vanilla mixture Maybe Vanilla Lavender Pink Sugar Something along those lines , any idea what the Bride Likes?
  10. Very nice looking, great job, look forward to more pics.
  11. Hi there, if you have never made soap before it would be a good idea for you to do a lot of research before you begin. If you go to www.soapcalc.com on the home page there are quite a few links to help you gather info. Kathy Millers site is a very good start. Good Luck and welcome to the board. Cindy
  12. For all my private label accounts I have manufaturer info on the warning label. Peak's sells them at a very affordable price.
  13. If you are using gm in lotion you need to use a food preservative like EDTA as well as a presevative for the rest of you ingredients.
  14. Beautiful Jennifer, Love it. Cut Cut Cut Want to see it cut:yay:
  15. Oh by the way guys, be sure to fill out the survery, it is important.
  16. Seems you are making a generalization here. I do not and would not make any bath and body product next to any food I would ingest. Soap included. This is an important topic for all of us, if you don't get that, yourt problem. Safety and great products is what we all strive for.
  17. Stunning. I see a class in your future. LOL
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