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Everything posted by sudsnwicks

  1. If all the seller's scents look reasonable to me, I might not mind going for this. I have a hard time making decisions anyway, and also enjoy surprises.
  2. It also depends on how large the size of the bar. It would be best if you tested it out for yourself by showering with it.
  3. You could bang the tube on the counter to try and get everything to move downward. Wrap the tube in a towel first to prevent scuffing.
  4. So far I haven't had any problems (knock on wood), but I have read here about people finding water in their wax. I think if there's something wrong with it, which could happen with any wax, it's best if you could try to get a replacement from the supplier.
  5. I don't think I'd want the .net or the hyphenated version either, for the same reason you mentioned. Which would mean I would have to think of a different name, assuming my business name is already set and can't be changed. I'm not really sure people assume your domain name would match your business name. I do have a domain matching my business name, but I always get asked what the domain is. The way everyone asks, it is as if they thought it would be something different. So, it's possible it wouldn't cause confusion.
  6. Have you already checked with the mall management to make sure it is okay to do this? If so, you could ask the person who recommended these things to see if they know where to buy them from.
  7. I've never made cream soap so I'm just guessing here - is it possible there are air pockets in it? It may seem full but if there are spaces of air in between, it could explain why you aren't getting as much into the tube as you should be.
  8. It would be helpful to know how long each lasts. If I bought the 2 oz size, would I need to replenish it monthly? I normally like to have my facial cleaner/toner last at least 3 months, but not more than 6.
  9. I have a Ford F150 too and it works great for craft shows. I can fit everything in it and take it in one trip. I only do indoor shows though, so I don't have to bring any furniture, but there would be room for furniture if I had to bring it.
  10. I've never shaken mine. It never occurred to me to do so.
  11. Tasha, I'm sorry to hear of your step dad's passing. I am sure making soap together with your mom will be a good activity to keep her busy. For budget molds, you can also use a pringles potato chip can or one of those plastic boxes which are meant for you to organize things in.
  12. I think they're referring to this place: http://www.gfs.com/
  13. My guess is that if you get caught, it's you who will pay the penalty. That may explain why UPS doesn't care whose boxes you use.
  14. This is correct, it is an offense to use the USPS boxes for other purposes than priority mail. That is why I bought some boxes from uline, so that I don't have to scramble around looking for a box if I have to ship by some other method (including USPS parcel post).
  15. Lynn, you can also order the USPS boxes online: http://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductCategoryDisplay?catalogId=10152&storeId=10001&categoryId=13354&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=11820&top_category=11820 They'll mail them to you free of charge, and you can stock up on them more easily. It's definitely a great value if you can get 8 jelly jars into the flat rate box! I have only been able to do 6 at the most but then I am somewhat packing-impaired.
  16. Lynn, it may be helpful to have some boxes on hand for sending out larger orders. UPS ground does tend to have a better rate if you're sending something heavy and too big to fit in the USPS flat rate box. I ordered some from uline.com for this purpose. It's not too big of an investment and it will give you more choices if you were to receive a large order.
  17. Yes in March there will be an additional size for the post office's flat rate box. It will be 50% bigger than the existing flat rate box and the price will also be 50% more. Could you have used your own box and brought it to UPS already packed and sealed to get their shipping estimate? That way you wouldn't be forced to use their giant sized box and having to pay extra for it.
  18. Oh this is all one piece? Is there a zip in front? I couldn't really see. It's a cute outfit and your daughter is so pretty.
  19. I have a dollar store glue gun. Not sure if it's the one in the article though. But I wouldn't recommend it because it only worked for a little while. After that, I noticed my things weren't sticking. I suspect it's because it's not heating up the glue sufficiently.
  20. Ronnie, for the SRP program, I wonder if it would suffice to give the additional benefits and requirements over the BRP program, instead of starting all over again. When I read it all through, it was at first unclear to me what's the difference between the 2 programs. After all, they both have the same $250 minimum. I had to compare line by line in order to determine what's new for the SRP. I do like how you have stated the $250 minimum is after discount - most wholesale terms I see will say $x minimum but do not make it clear if that's before or after the discount.
  21. WaxFlower - I am almost your neighbor! I live in Burns.
  22. Yum! They have raspberry truffle now? I so did not need to read this, LOL.
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