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Everything posted by sudsnwicks

  1. Yeah, this was exactly the type of thing I was thinking about. In my area, in order to get a business license, we first have to have a home occupation permit. A lot of forms have to be filled out, and some of them have to be filled out and signed by the property owner. Which would be your landlord if you're a renter.
  2. LOL I knew somebody would try to cheat when I saw the question. Hee hee. Here are my most popular 5: fudge brownie mediterranean fig lavender sweet pea blackberry sage
  3. Lysa, there shouldn't be any problem getting product liability insurance as this covers what happens in the customer's home, not yours. A possible problem though, is that your landlord may not be happy with you manufacturing candles for sale in the home you're renting. But then maybe this is something you've already cleared with the landlord and it's okay.
  4. Which wax were you using before? Maybe there is something very similar.
  5. I thought they were cookies at first. Until I saw the bail. They look so realistic. I like them a lot.
  6. No, those tiny little bottles at the supermarket sure won't work. We have a health food store here which sells bulk herbs and spices. They have cream of tartar there. If you have a similar store, you could check there. If not, try online suppliers such as herbalcom.com. It's $5.50 a pound there, but they do have a shipping/handling charge of $5.25 per order, so unless you're ordering other things, or more than 1 lb, it may not be worth it.
  7. Yes the cavity molds are useable for CP. That was what I started out with. Here's the one I got: http://www.thesage.com/catalog/GeometricShapes.html#RoundDiscSoapMold
  8. For shea butter, agbangakarite.com is a popular supplier.
  9. Hmm, usually it's the $1 candles which you see getting recalled. But these aren't quite so cheap. They are $18 for a box of 6 tapers or $12 for a box of 6 votives. From the looks of them, I'm guessing it's the glittery coating which might be the culprit.
  10. I got the Royal EX5 from Old Will Knott a few years ago but they no longer carry this model. If you're looking to buy a new scale, they have daily specials so it would be a good idea to keep checking back to see if something you want goes on sale. For example, today's special is the KD7000 for $35.
  11. The spicy FOs may need to be wicked up on as well. Like cinnamon.
  12. Check out this thread here: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54778&highlight=salt+bar+mold+size It gives the calculation so that your mold doesn't overflow, or have you end up with bars which are too thin.
  13. I just ordered from them and found their shipping to be high. Not just because they tack on a handling fee of something like $8, but the rate itself was higher than when I did an estimate on the UPS site.
  14. I agree it's rather inefficient to pour a single 16 oz candle when you could have done 4 in the same amount of time. I won't take the order if they only want one unless I wasn't busy at the time. Usually they'd need to get 3 or 4, preferably 6. That is for jar candles. I am a very small fry, so my batch sizes aren't big at all. For you, you may require a larger minimum. Or just charge more, if that is more convenient for you.
  15. If you're using the jar size, you have to say "4 fl oz" instead of 4 oz jar. I've seen others labelling by volume before, e.g. http://store.crabtree-evelyn.com/skin-care-dry-skin-rou23408.html
  16. I don't charge extra if they want, say, a black colored vanilla candle. But they would need to buy the minimum batch size that I am able to make.
  17. Congratulations Carrie! Enjoy your celebration dinner
  18. LOL I know exactly the feeling. My 1st hat was way too big as well. I had to unravel it and do over. The 2nd time was still too big, though an improvement. i finally got the right size on the 3rd try.
  19. Spiced Cranberry and Midsummer Night, both from Peak.
  20. Kymber, I have soaped the Sage & Lemongrass from Peak. Like Rena, I had good results with it.
  21. Something like these? http://www.papermart.com/templates/74-0-20.htm#GO_74020
  22. What a great idea, Cindy! I just want to say how much I admire those of you who are overseas. It takes so much more initiative and determination to source for all the various ingredients needed. I know I would have given up long ago if I couldn't find what I needed easily.
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