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Everything posted by sudsnwicks

  1. Candlespastore, you could go there at an off peak time. If they aren't busy, it's more likely they will help you even if it isn't the store's policy to cut it up. In my case, the hardware store here had to cut it up, because they sell it in 20 foot (minimum) sections and if they didn't cut it, it wouldn't fit in the customer's car.
  2. It isn't a dumb question. For me cool means around body temperature or slightly lower. The lye water will get very hot when you dissolve your lye into your water. You should let it cool down instead of adding it directly to your oils. The oils should also be around the same temperature, so after you've melted them, let them sit for a little while to cool down.
  3. The RBD will be fine. You don't need to pay extra for the organic unless it's important to you to be using organic ingredients.
  4. SpaceGirl, I don't have a lot of choices for wax. I can either order from a place with great CS, and pay as much for shipping as the wax itself. Or I can order from this place, which is the closest supplier from me (UPS Zone 2). What would you do in my shoes? MissMary, I imagine the other orders would be going out shortly. I ordered on the same day as the rest of you. Poor as their CS may be, in the 3 years I've been ordering my wax from them, I have never not had my order arrive. So I don't think any of you need to worry about that.
  5. Just wanted to update that I got the shipping notice this afternoon and my stuff will be arriving on Wednesday. But one of the cases of wax isn't coming as it is out of stock. Of course, the wicks I ordered to go with it are on their way.
  6. The seepage must have "glued" the freezer paper to the pipe. I have never been brave enough to try it without the paper liners.
  7. I use www.thesage.com for most of my one-stop shopping. But if you are on the east coast then you'd be better off finding someplace closer to save on shipping.
  8. To deal with the seepage problem, I line with 2 layers of the freezer paper. With the seams on opposite sides of each other.
  9. I ordered on the 9th, sometime in the afternoon. My CC was charged this morning.
  10. Looks like the discrepancy increases the larger your order. Mine was $10 difference and it was for 2 cases of wax.
  11. Tealfrank, I don't suppose you could have cancelled your order and then reordered those items? A similar thing happened to me... you know how each month they have some sort of special going on? Well maybe not every month but some months they did. Well it was 10% off and I placed my order near the end of the month. They didn't send it out until early the next month, and for that month the discount was 20% off. I wasn't too happy with that but luckily it wasn't a large order so the additional savings wouldn't have amounted to a significant enough amount to warrant contacting them (which they wouldn't have honored anyway now that I've heard your story). One thing to note, for those who might be wanting to stock up, is that the shipping estimate before you checkout is not necessarily the same amount as when you actually checkout. I don't know why there is this discrepancy, as I didn't make any changes to the shopping cart contents between these 2 steps. I did contact them about it once, and all they said was, the estimate is just as estimate and the amount when you actually checkout is the real one. Which is strange as I imagine both modules utilize the same linkup with UPS' rates.
  12. As far as liability issues, my guess is that whatever due diligence you did for the fundraiser would work for the women's shelter as well.
  13. Tara, when you click on add to cart, that is when the price gets adjusted.
  14. You can just give it to them. That's what I do. Unless you're trying to get a tax deduction it wouldn't be necessary to say it came from XYZ Company.
  15. Oh bummer. They're the closest supplier from me so I was able to get their wax for the least amount of shipping. Sigh. Guess I'll stock up with their 30% discount. I agree their CS wasn't the best but being able to save on shipping I didn't mind it too much.
  16. Yes, it is shocking to see these big jumps in the prices of everything. Especially when salaries have not gone up.
  17. You can get the new rates here: http://www.usps.com/prices/welcome.htm?from=bannercommunications&page=prices Scroll to the bottom of the page and there are links to the rates for the different types of mail.
  18. Since the new boxes are 50% bigger, you should be able to get 9 jars in there. Or more, if you are good at packing, like LynnS.
  19. The way I see it is, you never know if it's going to work until you try. Maybe it won't be popular, maybe it will. As the OP was very creative in coming up with these names and descriptions, I'm sure it'd be no problem for her to do an image makeover if this line turned out to be less popular than she had hoped.
  20. We're 130 miles from the nearest wally world... it took about 2 weeks for me to get my boxes. I haven't used them yet... I'm not sure how many jars I'll be able to fit into them. For the original flat rate box, I was only able to fit 6 but I know others here have been able to put in more... guess I'm just not very good at packing.
  21. If you figure it proportionately it would be 7%: 0.75 x 6 + 0.25 x 10 = 7
  22. You've obviously put a lot of thought and effort into writing these descriptions. A possible problem customers might have though, is that these descriptions are rather "abstract" and don't really tell what scent it is they are getting. Unless they are just buying it for the cute name, I'd be afraid they'd be dissatisfied with the scent they ended up with.
  23. Vio, it is just like when you get a packet of cookies from the store. A lot of the ingredients on the label have already "disappeared", yet they are still listed there.
  24. Beth, you can use pillar wax. The difference is you may have to use a slightly bigger wick.
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