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Everything posted by SpaceGirl

  1. Well I've received two of the three sample kits that I ordered. The Everyday Minerals order hasn't come. That one is weird to me. I never got a confirmation e-mail or a shipping notice (just a paypal payment notificatino). So I e-mailed them yesterday and got a response today (good on the response time) and they sent me an e-mail with a shipping notice that had delivery on the 17th..... but I have no package. So I e-mailed them back and will see what they say. As for the Signature Minerals and Ocean Mist minerals -- I like both of them, but found that the colors on my face are much, much darker than I thought they would be. I really hate judging colors on a computer screen. So in terms of tone I'm okay for now, but will have to get lighter shades for the winter. Sample sizes for both are more than adequate for several applications. If I had to choose between them it would probably come down to which one had the right shades.
  2. I can't answer all of your questions, but here's a stab at what I know. Bases... don't know because I make my own. People have said good things about bases from BCN and Soaper's Workshop. I use a very simple recipe. 1 oz Beeswax 1 oz Shea Butter 1 oz Mango Butter 2 oz oils - usually 1 oz Sweet almond oil and 1 oz Macadamia nut oil I vary my base recipe depending on if I want it softer (took the beeswax down to 0.5 oz and added 0.5 oz oil). This basic recipe is a lot like chapstick. Kind of waxy and translucent. I'm thinking about uppping the mango butter for more of a lip butter consistency. Be wary of using too much Shea -- I don't have a problem with the percentage that I use, but I imagine it would get grainy with too much more Shea. I've gotten my flavor oils from MMS (The Sage). I use their Sugar Kisses flavor to sweeten -- that way I can control the level, but some people use liquid stevia. This time I got my containers from MMS as well, but they are also available from SKS packaging and I'd go with them if I was placing a larger order. No color yet.... can't help with that one at all.
  3. That's awesome! And the labels are so smart.... those are going to be quite the lucky winners!
  4. I usually use some of the words in a supplier's description -- sometimes I don't see a way around it. When the scent has vanilla undertones and a spicy kick -- there's only so many words you can use! But I try to personalize them so that they catch people's attention. I want my descriptions to paint a picture of the scent so that the person can actually feel it. I figure if they stop and read the whole descrption and then say "I want that!" to themselves -- that's most of the battle right there.
  5. I'll ask the dumb question because I just don't know. Is the name supposed to be one word or two? The reason I ask is because the spacing between the letters isn't where I expect it - there looks like a break between the "r" and the "s" -- not between the "e" and the "f." If you want to keep the lowercase "f" -- have you tried it with a loercase "m" as well? BTW -- I do like the simplicity of the design -- you could even choose to play with color in certain cases if you wanted to and it would be a nice surprise.
  6. Any pillar wax is going to shrink some as it cools and that may be causing some wobble. You're better off staying with container type waxes. Although maybe some folks here have had luck with adding a pillar wax -- I haven't. :embarasse
  7. probably not wet spots -- white spots (aka frosting, I'm thinking). Very common with soy, esp 100% soy with no additives.
  8. Length of the name is something that concerns me, too. But these days, with bookmarks and browsers that "remember" website that you've been to, I was kind of hoping that the length issue isn't that much of one anymore. If I go with the longer name I'd list Mountain Lights and an aka so that payments (like checks at craft fairs) could be made out that way. My theme.... well I can kind of describe it. NOT prim, NOT elaborate, NOT fussy or fancy. Mostly simple and elegant but every once in awhile I want to convey sheer indulgence. Especially with the B&B stuff -- treat yourself to something rich and creamy and nourishing because you are worth it. The candles are mostly solid and simple but with a little flair to them -- I'm incorporating siwrls into most of my containers and I'll probably get back into rustic pillars. The logo designs we've been tossing around all revolve around a mountain in some way -- either with a flame in front of it or with some sort of embossed effect. And blue. Its my favorite color so it's going to be prevalent in any design I do. Hey -- it's my business, right? Thanks for the comments so far!
  9. I add some IGI4630 into my GB415 (same as EZ Soy) and that helps some with the white spots on the bottom but doesn't eliminate them completely. You're right -- they do get worse after long periods of time. I just live with them and have never had anyone complain. I don't add anything additional, so I don't know if stearic or UA would help -- sorry. How long is the stock sitting on the shelf that they are developing white spots?
  10. Wow! The setup really does look so nice... and got my mind thinking about the holiday craft fairs (just around the corner - eek!). Must think about that chalkboard idea, too. Maybe I can get my hubby to make me some and border them with popsicle sticks. Hmmmmm.
  11. I know, I know - we get them all the time. But I'm about ready to file for a trade name and sales tax license with the state... and would like some opinions on my chosen name before I get too far down the road. Y'all can serve as my sanity check (oh my gosh did I just say that) Right now I do primarily candles but am going to venture into some B&B products as well, so I don't want a name that implies only candle sales (leaving the door open for more, eh?). I am not racing to sell lots or build a fancy website right away -- I'm more laying the groundwork so that when I am more ready the name (business name and domain name) are mine to work with. I did partner with a friend for awhile and did a very low volume of sales -- mostly at seasonal craft fairs or to co-workers -- so I'm not a novice but had not struck out on my own before. So... after all that intro... the original name I chose was Mountain Lights, but the next iteration is Mountain Lights and Luxuries. Feedback? Opinions? Blunt criticism?
  12. So I'm a closet sample ho and ordered the free kits from all three sites. (I'm also a closet makeup ho who has never found anything that doesn't make my breakouts worse). We'll see how all this goes!
  13. I'm feeling a deja vu moment coming on..... Very nice as usual!
  14. Hi there! I personally sell my soy tealights in a 4-pack for $1.50 but that is a very low price, IMO. I should be selling them for at least $2 for the pack, but they are not a big mover for me and I make tealights from the "leftovers" from making containers, so I'm content with selling those for just a little above cost. If you do some searches online, you'll find that $9 for a 12-pack is common. I've seen lots of 6-packs sold, as well, though I can't remember a price for that -- probably around $5. Hopefully other people chime in with their prices!
  15. That is really awesome! So glad people bought, ordered, etc....
  16. I use primarily CD's and ECO's with my GB 415.
  17. Just to throw another voice into the melee... I use GB415 and IGI 4630 in a 75/25 ratio and I get no frosting with dark colors. Interestingly enough, sometimes I get it with lighter colors but I like the way it looks. The only complaint I have with this blend is cracking around the wick, which means I have to heat gun or repour. Being that I HATE repours I usually just zap 'em and I'm good to go.
  18. It's a month later, but I haven't checked this thread since I posted then.... My new printer is an HP C6180. It's an all-in-one printer-scanner-copier-fax machine. Does good pictures, too.
  19. Me too, it's weird. I made a really light facial lotion with sesame oil, macadamia nut oil and jojoba (along with a few other basics) and my face really liked it. BUT it was a little too thin and runny because I had waay cut down on the emulsifiers and thickeners, so I made a second batch and added some shea and upped the emulsifier to a better amount. And it's just not as good. I was really hoping the shea would help. So my votes for good oils are ones that have already been mentioned. (and aloe, even though it's not an oil)
  20. I'd second most of the suggestions as well. When I was using C3 and mixing my FO at lower temps (around 155 - cuz the tutorials tell you that!) I found that I'd get more frosting or color variations like that towards the bottom of the pot.... which later made me realize that the FO wasn't fully incorporated into the wax. I add the FO usually between 170-180 degrees and have found that really makes a difference. I haven't had frosting in ages. Now cracks around the wick.... that's another story - and it comes from me being impatient and not waiting for the right pour temp. :embarasse
  21. We went with an all-in-one printer-copier-scanner-fax machine. whew! Sounds like a lot and it is, but my husband works from home and needs to fax things sometimes, so this really worked best for us.... also considering I was about to THROW the old printer out the window because it screwed up my labels so badly. Anyways, we got an HP C6180 and I love it, love it, love it.
  22. Those look absolutely gorgeous. Wow! Are the balls leftovers from cleaning up the bars? What a neat way to salvage them!
  23. Ooooooooh. My creativity has been AWOL when it comes to candles lately. Even if I don't join in, this thread has got me thinking again. Thanks to Sara!
  24. Looks really good, and I have to admit - I want to try it, too!!!
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