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Everything posted by SpaceGirl

  1. Wine, yuuuummmmmmmm. Well that was amusing. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....
  2. How much sample wise are they asking for? If we're talking $$$ then you have the right to make sure it's a legit business before sending them a thing. Okay you have that right, anyways, but personally if your out of pocket expense is small (my own threshold would be about $25 but I'm sure yours may be very different).
  3. Is the liquid in the thermometer red? Cuz if so it's not mercury -- I don't even know if mercury thermometers are even sold anymore. Are you positive you have a bubble or maybe just some reflection off the glass so it looks like a gap in the fluid? Sounds crazy, but I've glanced at a thermometer wrong before and thought there was a bubble If/when you have the time or money -- consider investing in a digital thermometer -- much more accurate (and precise) readings. Hope that helps!
  4. Wow! I know someone who would really like that horse pillar for his wife. He is always looking for horse stuff for her.... (I wish my husband thought about what *I* like that much lol!)
  5. Or heck, we can just ditch the whole candlemaking thing and have a space war..... Let's see, Marvin the Martian vs a googly eyed space crab. What's the war about? Beats the tar outta me but it's bound to be entertaining. Who wants to take the numbers to Vegas?!? ETA: Thanks for the suggestion, Aspen. I've got some new FO's I got in the classies, so maybe I'll try one of those. I'm thinking maybe the China Rain? And Donita -- you're awesome. Man I laughed after that post!
  6. Here are some containers I got awhile back -- was just waiting for the right time to make candles from them. The yellowish one is scented Asian Sandalwood and the bluish one is StormWatch. Both of them have very subtle swirls -- brown in the Asian Sandalwood and some gray/black in the StormWatch -- they are too faint to show up in the pics. Also, here are the descriptions I wrote up for the scents -- I like to base them on the descriptions from the supplier but make them my own. Asian Sandalwood -- Here's a spicy scent with a sweet side. Like cut wood that has been aged, the earthy undertones of this fragrance are balanced with a slight pepper kicker. StormWatch -- The clouds roll in, gray and black and heavy with captured rain. The moisture in the air is its own fragrance. Then the lightning strikes and sharp, clean ozone is added to the mix. This is the Earth right after the storm, spicy and electric. I'm thinking of adding a third scent for this container but don't know what to pick, yet. Any suggestions would be welcome! As always, thanks for looking!
  7. Very nice looking! Yay for you!!! I love the color as well!
  8. I used to use C3 and switched to GB415 (same as ezsoy if I remember correctly) for the same reason you're switching -- I can get the 415 from Peak's and not pay for shipping I don't think you'll notice much of a difference between the two... in my experience they have acted very similarly. I'm getting better throw with the 415 but I think that's just because my technique has gotten better. Just my
  9. Oooooooooh Aaaaaaaaah! Those look awesome!
  10. I second the Cinnamon Sticks from NG -- it's not a red hot cinnamon -- it's much more like real, fresh cinnamon stick.
  11. The Very Sexy is making me drool! I can't imagine what I'd do if a man smelled OR looked as delish as that!
  12. Hawaiian Breeze Sunshine (if I found something that smelled like sunshine I'd color it yellow!)
  13. I wish I had something interesting in my pot this weekend -- nothing poured yet so far but I have plans to do some Asian Sandalwood today or tomorrow -- and make labels and take product pictures.... LOTS of pictures. I'm tired of this stuff taking up space in my house!!
  14. Very pretty! Sounds like it smells wonderful.
  15. Altitude doesn't seem to affect my candlemaking (at approximately 5280 feet!)
  16. Wow! Those colors are so great! Forgive my clueless-ness -- the clear soap looks really pretty -- but why the quest for clear soap? The creamy/cloudy one on the right is calling my name!
  17. Those are awesome! They put a big smile on my face! (hey - some days it doesn't take much)
  18. Too bad Valentine's is over and done with for the year -- sounds like those heart soaps would have been perfect!
  19. Not a stupid question at all! You can get really great scent throw from soy -- but like Nodtveidt said, it takes some work. If you're still interested, there are plenty of folks here who can help you through some of the bumps. :smiley2:
  20. Wecome, welcome! It's always nice to see another Colorado person here! A few questions to get some more information..... What temperature are you adding your fragrance? You generally need to add at or above 170. For the very short period of time that I used scent blocks (Yaley's) I wasn't adding at the right temp and although I could smell the candles cold I couldn't smell anything while burning! :rolleyes2 If I remember correctly, straight paraffin really doesn't do that well, so you do need to look at either a blend or additives. The bubbles may because you are either pouring too cool or stirring too much right before you pour and incorporating too much air. Try tapping the votive molds gently with a fork/spoon/knife handle after you pour -- that can help work out the air bubbles. Like Vicky said, check out Peak! If you can drive up from the Springs you can save on the shipping cost. Hope that helps!
  21. It looks wonderful! Any chance it could smell like a Spring Field / Spring Meadow? That's what I thought when I saw the beautiful color. I'll bet you got a shade someone else is dying to get!
  22. I think it ends up being about what you find work best for you. I do a soy/paraffin blend and I love it. Some people swear by their paraffin -- get an awesome scent throw and would never touch soy. Some people love theirr 100% soy because they get awesome scent throw and they would never touch paraffin. There is considerable debate on whether soy burns "cleaner" -- I do tend to think that you can have paraffin burn just as clean. Soy has its quirks -- it's more difficult to get a nice, smooth top like with paraffin but some say the scent throw can be better with soy. You'll find many different opinions and no easy answer.... IMO results have more to do with the experience and skill of the chandler and less to do with the wax (within reason, of course). A skilled candle maker will find a way to make almost anything work -- or know that they have hit their limit and move on to a different wax/blend. Sorry if that doesn't help....
  23. Hmmm. Cleaning and priming the new turkey fryer my hubby bought me... then pouring whatever I can!!! I have some FO's I need to use up and a craft fair in mid-May to prepare for (hey - it's only two and a half months away!). So.... probably Lilac, Victorian Rose, Asian Sandalwood and StormWatch. My house is going to smell..... weird, I think, with that combination! LOL!
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