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Big craft show....horrible sales...2days left


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I am in a very huge craft show its 2 weekends and I just completed the first weekend and sales so far was horrible..granted I do have this weekend coming up before I write it off as horrible, but so far I have made my booth rent back plus a little more...just wanted to vent a little because I am a little disappointed. I have calmshells, 2oz portion cups, 7oz candles,warmers, and body butter. the best seller was the 2oz portion cups which I sell for $1.50 or 4/$5.00 There was alot of vendors selling all sort of different things. I am going to restock today for saturday and sunday and pray things get better...if nothing else it was a great experience and alot of networking.... any advice will be greatly appreciated.....oh I didn't sell one candle ...but they did look great set up lol

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My first show of the season didn't go well, but the one I had the following weekend went much better. Good luck with the second weekend. During my first show I spent my time working on ideas for different ways to display things and on the second day we changed our layout and improved our sales.

Good Luck,


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At least you've made the booth fee. That would frustrate me if sales were bad and I lost money. Hopefully this next weekend will be better! You are at least getting your name out there! You never know if people will want to buy more later.

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At least you've made the booth fee. That would frustrate me if sales were bad and I lost money. Hopefully this next weekend will be better! You are at least getting your name out there! You never know if people will want to buy more later.

you are correct...my husband said im being to hard on myself, this is my first year doing a big craft show and I do have 2 more days to go...thanks for the encouragement....I did get to network with other crafters and got a few leads on up coming shows and shows for next year

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you are correct...my husband said im being to hard on myself, this is my first year doing a big craft show and I do have 2 more days to go...thanks for the encouragement....I did get to network with other crafters and got a few leads on up coming shows and shows for next year

It can take some time to develop a merchandising strategy to draw your targeted customer in to your space. You have to catch their eye before you can catch their cash. There's almost as much art as science in that.

It takes a little longer still to develop a following at those venues.

Do you have photos of your space? Maybe a few seasoned folks will have some ideas for you.

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Don't give up. This year and last have been very wonky years sales wise. I just did my biggest show of the year this past weekend and it was dreadful. Sales were less than half of what I have been earning in past years. I also think it being an election year and lots of people still out of work and a poor economy are playing havoc on sales. On the other hand you can't tell from one show to the next which one will make money and which one will be a dud. That's the way its been for me since about last year.

I try to look at it this way... those that buy from me this year will be back next. So far the majority of my 'good' sales have been repeat customers so I always try to sell to new ones and have all the favs my repeat customers like.

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Last year sales were down from the year before. This year they are down from last year. I imagine it's the economy. People don't have confidence and/or extra money for candles, etc. Repeat customers are great but it's been hard building the biz. Also, people are less concerned with gift giving as the economy struggles. It's hard staying optimistic. I feel for you. Eve

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Good Morning everyone well the two weekend craft show is over....ugh the weather was horrible 3 of the 4 days. This is one of the biggest shows in our area, sales I didnt do so great but I did make my booth rent plus a little extra, which I am ok with....I got alot of compliments on my items, my best seller was 2oz portion cups $1.50 or 4/$5.00 I did alot of networking so it was a great experience my husband and I had fun...OH last weekend a lady came in my booth she started looking around smelling things, we began talking and she said she has used yankee tarts for over 20 yrs and thats all she use, she gave me a "lesson" on warmers, which I already knew, afterwards she purchased the 4/$5.00 and told me she will try it but shes a diehard Yankee tart fan...WELLLLLLL she came back this weekend with great reviews...shes impressed she said when she got home she put my 2oz in her yankee warmer and scentsy warmer and the are still going a week later 24/7....that was exciting because I test in hot plate combo warmer and I get 8-12 hrs depending on the scent....so she wants me to do a melt party she has told her sister and friends and they all are impressed....So there was some good that came out of 2 weekends of severe rain, blowing winds, and mud for days....lol

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Well there you go! Way to make lemonade out of those lemons.

This year has been the strangest in the past 5 for me too. I attribute this to economy (my area is one of the hardest hit for home foreclosures), uncertainty of the elections (of course), and the cheap outlets. People are quite satisfied with outlet store candles and walmart soap right now.

This past weekend weather was the biggest issue. It rained buckets with gusty winds, and though the venue was indoor/in giant tents the temperatures worked against scented products.

If they can't smell they don't buy. My big top tent had a high of 62 degrees Saturday. You could barely smell the strongest lilac candle - it was that cold. Could hardly smell a soap - even wrapped in an open cello bag were stifled.

I walked through all 350 booths and visited with the other scented product sellers and found the same thing. The salt potpourri in wide open 5 gallon bins had no scent and were selling nothing. Unwrapped soap sellers had sticky sweaty soap. Just a bad day for anything not on a stick.

Sunday I added lights to throw some heat, and sprayed the area with scent but it just was not enough. Sales ended up about a quarter of historical numbers.

Time to dig in and get creative to ride this out. I truly dislike carrying so much inventory through the winter months. I hesitate to discount since the it sets a precedent that is difficult to undo.

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Look at that! Woo hoo!! That's awesome!!! I have had Scentsy customers say that about my product too- they were skeptical but tried anyway and mine blew them out of the water! It's the best feeling.

I bet you will do really really well at the melt party and those customers will make this "not so great" weekend show very much worth it.

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Thanks talltayl and Suzy I am very pleased with the end result, one thing many that did purchased ask was, do I have a website and I'm so upset with myself because I don't. I tried a few but I couldn't do it alone I have to try again this week. What's a good web host that's cheap

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