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washing jars??

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I used to not wash jars. Then I started washing them using the dishwasher with sanitizing cycle. It takes a long time and is a pain. I have some big orders to fill. Can I spritz the inside with windex glass cleaner and wipe well/let air dry? It seems quicker and ammonia based cleaners cut grease. I am just trying to save time. Plus hubby is not crazy about me loading tons of candle jars in our dishwasher, lol, but he tolerates it. I think perhaps glass adhesion was a tad better in washed vs unwashed but I did not notice a substantial difference.

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95% of the time I don't wash. This is where a hidden cost comes in to play with pricing. The cost of electricity is a cost (as well as the water charge) ... not to mention depreciation on the dishwasher. If there is no substantial difference in adhesion I wouldn't bother. (I do wash if it's obvious there is a coating on the jar.)

If it were me, I'd run a test making a candle with a spritzed one, dishwashered one, and one out of the box and then choose which one to use. The time it takes to make these 3 testers could save you tons of time and money in the long run.

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Guest OldGlory

I don't wash jars. If I get jars or tins that need work or aren't perfect I'll use those for testers.

Is there a film on the inside of your jars? Any other reason for washing than wick stickers adhereing?

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I wipe them out with a kitchen towel...I had wick tabs coming undone...never had that before..thought it might be some kind of machine grease/film...so just started the quick wipe...seems to work....haven't had any wick stickers unstick since.

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Typically I don't wash jars unless they arrive with a film. I do wipe them out with a paper towel before using to get rid of any dust.

Those that did arrive dirty or with a film, I'll soak or hand wash with dish washing soap and a little ammonia. Then rinse good in hot water and let air dry on a kitchen towel.

With some waxes I find I'll get wet spots and others not so I don't think it has to do with the glassware if it appears clean.

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I use baby wipes and a microfiber towel... the towel is awesome to get the jar clean... and baby wipes get all the leftover wax out of the jars. Not sure how it affects glass adhesion, but it is the easiest clean up job for me. I have tried washing and do wash sometimes, but seems like they don't get as clean. I may try the windex though :)

just realized you may be talking about brand new jars... i was referring to jars for testing, but i believe the microfiber towel would work just fine to get out any dust, etc...

Edited by try2chme
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I have never washed jars...I've poured EL soy container blend for over 10 years...not had a problem with adhesion. If there is something visible in the jar, I use a baby wipe. Like Faerywren, I don't have the time to add washing jars to my production schedule or cost.

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