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Everything posted by lbluedento

  1. I actually made wick pins without bottoms by cutting up metal clothes hangers. I was making some candles using silicone cooking trays and I only had one wick pin and I needed 6. The ones I made from hangers worked a treat.
  2. I use Ecosoy waxes and don't poke relief holes but when I use paraffin I always do. I cut up a few soy candles a while back just to see if any had air pockets and as I found none I stopped poking holes.
  3. Lovely candles, the simplicity of presentation really appeals to me. You have really captured primitive country perfectly, I find some attempts at primitive decor are a tad over done.
  4. These look great, very creative. I have only made standard tart melts so you have really inspired me now.
  5. When using bought containers I spritz with windex usually, if it is a repurposed container I give it a more thorough clean.
  6. I was so annoyed with frosting that I went on to use Ecosoya Xcel CB. The website info says the following: EcoSoya® CB-XceLtm is 100% soy and molecularly blueprinted to control polymorphism. It has extreme resistance to bloom (white frosting) and “wet spots,” while producing an excellent scent throw with fragrances. It maintains an even burn pool with consistent color retention. While I was at first skeptical, I have found this to be the case. I generally get no frosting or minimal frosting when I use this wax. It is a bit more expenisve than the wax I was using which was GW464. I refuse to use paraffin and so I was determined to find a solution.
  7. They look absolutely amazing, fantastic job.
  8. These are my next project. I have been so focused on soy container candles lately, I think I need to do something different for a while.
  9. They look really cool, I particularly like the Strawberry banana
  10. I have 2 sizes. A small one, which is great for people to try, but once people know they like a fragrance they often ask me for a larger size. I only recently started pouring the larger one and that was because a lot of people had been asking for it. It is too early yet to decide if it has been a good decision.
  11. I would live to spend that amount of time. I probably spend 8 hrs on 2 days a week. the rest of the week my life and other job take over.
  12. I really can't stand Sandalwood. I know from an aromatherapy point of view I should embrace it, but I can't stand it. I also really dislike florals, they are too over powering. I would prefer bakery smells and coconut, also quite like citrus which is strange because I don't particularly like citrus fruit to eat.
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