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Customer Service OMG

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Why do people ingore terms and policies and then expect you to refund something they don't like, exchange a scent they're not sure they like, pay for items damaged in transit when you clearly state that you DO NOT.

Or leave their products in a hot mail box all day long and then blame you because everything melted and of couse they want a full refund including postage.

Or better yet buy a face cream and leave you a negative because Ooops they still don't look likethey did when they were 20...really how about cosmetic surgery.

I just had one customer tell me that terms and policies don't matter when you are in business.

Seriously I would love to tell them all what PITA they are!

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I went outside in the middle of winter wearing high heels and a bikini on my way to the mailbox to received my candle order. A man driving by whistled at me and startled me. I slipped on the ice, broke a heel and got frostbite on my A**. I had to sue the shoe manufacturer, shoe store, bikini manufacturer, bikini store, post office and candle manufacturer in order to get my stupidity paid for. :)

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" I just had one customer tell me that terms and policies don't matter when you are in business. "

Isn't that kind of sad, especially for small business owners...?

We try to make everyone happy, within reason, but sometimes you hae to stick to your guns. To me the key word is "reasonable"- I try to accomodate as long as their request is reasonable.

Edited by EnvyCandles
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If someone complains that a candle doesn't burn right, even if they only lit 1 of 3 wicks (yes, I had that happen once), I will give a new candle with burning instructions repeated verbally, as many times as it takes for them to say they understand.

Once, a lady wanted a refund because she didn't like the scent. She was a marginally regular customer. I asked her why she bought it if she didn't like it. And I told her I couldn't give her a refund because she changed her mind on a product she had already used. So.....she turned around and bought a bunch more candles, INCLUDING ANOTHER ONE OF THE SCENT SHE SAID SHE DIDN'T LIKE!

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I went outside in the middle of winter wearing high heels and a bikini on my way to the mailbox to received my candle order. A man driving by whistled at me and startled me. I slipped on the ice, broke a heel and got frostbite on my A**. I had to sue the shoe manufacturer, shoe store, bikini manufacturer, bikini store, post office and candle manufacturer in order to get my stupidity paid for. :)

Don't forget to add the mail carrier (they should have known you would have to walk to the mailbox and are therefore negligent)...


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The old adage that the customer is always right no longer holds true. In today's entitlement and community organizing society, people know and share every trick in the book on how to get something for nothing.

Did they say why they only lit 1 wick ? ? ?

He was a really nice guy and I suspect he just didn't know. And I didn't think to tell him. I've had a couple of other people ask if they should light both wicks in my double wicked tins, but they asked when they were buying. I guess we assume people would know, but since they know nothing about the testing process, maybe we expect too much.

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Some people are just crazy!

I just had one lady buy 3 B&B products from me...leave me 2 neutrals and 1 negative about how she didn't like the products...of course she did not contact me before leaving the feedbacks then turned around and buy more products...why? to leave me more negative feedback.

I just told her that it would be better for her to try samples first so she can find products she likes but she refused to do that, so I just cancelled her order.

I think some people just give you "poop" for fun.

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Why do people ingore terms and policies and then expect you to refund something they don't like, exchange a scent they're not sure they like, pay for items damaged in transit when you clearly state that you DO NOT.

Or leave their products in a hot mail box all day long and then blame you because everything melted and of couse they want a full refund including postage.

Or better yet buy a face cream and leave you a negative because Ooops they still don't look likethey did when they were 20...really how about cosmetic surgery.

I just had one customer tell me that terms and policies don't matter when you are in business.

Seriously I would love to tell them all what PITA they are!

LOL well take it from someone that has told a customer or two that they are a PITA, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong you're a business so you just need to bend over and smile. I'm sick of people and their customer is always right flags waving when they're dead wrong and just trying to pull on over on you or just plain stupid.

You're always supposed to remain "professional" because standing up to someone or inforcing basic store policy is poor customer service. Some people are just total a######s and it is what it is. For someone to tell you that terms and policies don't matter says it all about the character of person you're dealing with. Stick to your guns, obviously you're better off without someone like that buying products from you. You can pick and choose your customers. I do, and I have a great customer base. A few 10.00 orders from a bunch of PITA people with way too much time on their hands is not worth the hassle, time is money- they can go shop at Walmart.

And someone mentioned a competitor, trust me they're are some real bottom feeders out there that will do anything to knock someone more successful down hoping to make a few bucks from smearing your name. It's pretty pathetic I've seen it and had it happen to me. I don't know if anyone remembers that I posted a year or so ago about refusing service to a customer and in the end I had to call the police on the lunatic...... found out about 6 months ago it was a competitor and friend. Couldn't figure out why someone would go to lengths like that... still don't know what purpose it served, joke's on them my business is just fine, can't say the same for theirs though. Probably should have worked harder on their craft than attacking me and playing on the internet.lol

Edited by funkymonkey66
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wouldnt be shocked if it were a competitor. I had to fight etsy to have some negatives removed from mine because a competitor bought a few of my items just to leave negatives with no explaination, TWO DAYS before delivery confirmation even showed them delivered. Luckily she was stupid enough to use an easily trackable email, and I was able to prove she was a competitor and was also shilling on her own etsy. (buying her own items using another account and leaving herself instant glowing feedback, she'd done it over 500 times!!!!) her account was deleted, and mine was fixed!

I'd look into it a bit more if i were you, but honestly it is true that some people are just impossible to please.

One of my best customers complained her body butter wasnt scented enough when it was scented with the max amount of FO.. couldnt safely put anymore in there.. so what can you do. Sometimes you just have to accept you cant make them 100% happy. She continues to buy!

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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pay for items damaged in transit when you clearly state that you DO NOT.

Actually, you're wrong about this little bit. It IS your responsibility to get the product to the customer in usable and undamaged condition. Unless you specifically stated your item was broken, needed repairs, was used and might not work, or whatnot, you ARE responsible. You can say it's not your responsibility 'til you're blue in the face. Federal law says otherwise. It's the sellers responsibility to purchase insurance. It is NOT the responsibility of the buyer.

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I once had a lady that broke off her wick from her candle. She was at my booth and looking at my candles when we got to talking and thats when I found out about the wick. I actually offered to replace her candle and she was so excited she has become a repeat customer several times. Sometimes your customers problems can become a good customer service opportunity. But it does help to be able to 'read' a good customer from the bad problem kind.

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