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If you think candle consumers are smart....


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...Think again! There was a horrific home fire here today. $275,000.00 in damage. Cause: A lit scented candle in an upstairs closet, unattended!!!:shocked2: A great reminder to make sure and have safety labels on products. Unfortunately, there are still consumers with no common sense.:tiptoe: Thank God no one was hurt.

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Oh, good Lord! I'm beginning to think we should just stick a big ole warning label on everybody's forehead instead of our products. "Warning...I am an idiot. I might do something stupid at any given time. Don't give me anything flammable, pointy, sharp, dull, soft, hard, with moving parts, wet, dry, huge, tiny, plastic, paper, or anything that consists of molecules because I might hurt myself or someone else while using it incorrectly!"

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I love this! too funny - and sadly, true!

Oh, good Lord! I'm beginning to think we should just stick a big ole warning label on everybody's forehead instead of our products. "Warning...I am an idiot. I might do something stupid at any given time. Don't give me anything flammable, pointy, sharp, dull, soft, hard, with moving parts, wet, dry, huge, tiny, plastic, paper, or anything that consists of molecules because I might hurt myself or someone else while using it incorrectly!"
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Don't some customers just make you wonder? I'm still in awe over one of my customers who burns container candles in his moving car! He came over a couple weeks ago to tell me how great his car smelled when he burns his 16 oz. apothecary jar candes inside (car is a compact coupe; maybe a Cavalier or a Sunfire?) and I stood here dumbfounded, jaw on the floor, then headed to the fridge to pour a glass of grenache to help me wrap my head around what he was doing. I sat down and had him explain what he was doing (double-wicked 16 oz jar on the dash below the rear view mirror). I went off on my spiel about candle safety and inteded usage, and showed him the warning label, which he read, and I guess he thought he was making me feel better when he told me he doesn't leave the lit "car candle" unattended; he makes sure to extinguish it when he is done driving. Crikey! This joker then proceeds to encourage me to design a candle product specifically for car use; I threw a sachet at him and said "Have at it; this is a safe way to scent your vehicle, but thanks for the suggestion!"

Never dreamed my warning labels should advise against using in a moving vehicle...

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Don't some customers just make you wonder? I'm still in awe over one of my customers who burns container candles in his moving car! He came over a couple weeks ago to tell me how great his car smelled when he burns his 16 oz. apothecary jar candes inside (car is a compact coupe; maybe a Cavalier or a Sunfire?) and I stood here dumbfounded, jaw on the floor, then headed to the fridge to pour a glass of grenache to help me wrap my head around what he was doing. I sat down and had him explain what he was doing (double-wicked 16 oz jar on the dash below the rear view mirror). I went off on my spiel about candle safety and inteded usage, and showed him the warning label, which he read, and I guess he thought he was making me feel better when he told me he doesn't leave the lit "car candle" unattended; he makes sure to extinguish it when he is done driving. Crikey! This joker then proceeds to encourage me to design a candle product specifically for car use; I threw a sachet at him and said "Have at it; this is a safe way to scent your vehicle, but thanks for the suggestion!"

Never dreamed my warning labels should advise against using in a moving vehicle...

All I can really say is....REALLY???

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C'mon there has to come a time where the candlemaker is not at fault for someone elses stupidity especially burning in a closet or while driving. I am sure we have all heard of Mcdonalds getting sued because of hot coffee so maybe not. Wherever there is a lawyer there is a lawsuit


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I drove big trucks for a few years and it's like having a CDL....If your in an accident your guilty until proven innocent... guess its the same with any company these days... I heard one (not candle related) before about a women that went out and bought one of those HUGE RV's and was on the interstate and set the cruise control....walked to the back to make lunch....veered off the road and crashed....sued the RV company for NOT putting in the owners manual that she couldn't "leave the seat while driving" and WON!!! It was a HUGE settlement too and they gave her a new RV too! Then that same company had to change their owners manual to add this stupidity in! What a joke!!!

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All I can really say is....REALLY???

Yes, really. Had three witnesses when this Rhodes Scholar arrived with his burning "car candle". We were all stunned. He is still doing this, and has actually sold a few candles for me (big verbal disclaimer to his referrals!).

Now, I know my a$$ is big, but just how far(insurance) do I have to try to cover it???

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Bliss-- that tops any story I have heard about stupid ways to burn candles. But the closet fire was pretty horrific too! What is wrong with these people?!!!!! :confused:


I thought you well~seasoned candle makers could top that, but it is real. I still worry. I don't care if someone lights themself on fire after NOT following the directions, but do we now have to write directions for people that are not intelligent enough to realize a lit candle+moving car+accelerant+gas in tank=burning nightmare? I feel stupid when I put a warning on tarts for warmers; feel I am insulting their intelligence. I couldn't believe it myself if Sean hadn't come here and tried to suggest a new product line he would market...CAR CANDLES. I shutter to think about how many charlatans would eat up this idea...my blood pressure was way high today after the stress of even discussing this evil practice.

It takes all kinds, I guess...

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