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Grandma's Ole Fashion Soap

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So I had a guy come into my shop yesterday and wanted this soap. I said sure no problem. I find a recipe and last night at 10pm I make it. Very White and pretty but rock solid. 12 hours later I can barely cut it with my cutter. Had to stand on a chair to put enough force into it to cut.


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OK so you have really nice products and a while ago you asked if anyone was interested in wholesaling products to you for your shop and I did reply to you. Why then did you want others product when you make your own. Did you just want to look at some pics to get ideas to use for your own business?? Anyone else respond to her ad? I know I'm probably stupid for doing so. Just wondering???

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Hi icecold. I thought I would respond. I do make all my own products but when I was asking for some info on soap from others, I didn't feel like I had the time to do it. I also have a young child and wasnt sure how I would fit it in to my schedule for safety reasons. Since then I have figure out the safety issues I had and the cost was so much better for me to do it. I also like the appearence of CP soap and didnt feel like I could wait the 6 weeks it would take to build a inventory. Sorry if you feel like I was misleading, I just wasnt sure how to get stuff done with out posting inquiries first and getting ideas.


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I used a 5% superfat. Now, since this picture I add Vitamin E to it and my husband really loves it. I have to say that when working my car last weekend and got grease everywhere this what I turned to. I came out completely clean. lol

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Very pretty soap, but it would be way to drying for my skin. Yes, it would be a highly cleansing soap. Does the Vitamin E really help? I would think it would get lost in the saponification process.

EDT Vitamin E I understand can be used to lengthen the shelf life oils.

Edited by Judette
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I just whipped up a pound of pure coconut oil soap (0% superfat) a few nights ago that I intend to use for laundry & household cleaning soap. It was mondo hard - I demolded and cut it only a few hours after the gel stage had completed. It was still slightly warmer than room temp. It was very white and opaque, too.

I wonder if the heavy superfat version would be as drying to the skin? Hmmmmmm.....

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I just whipped up a pound of pure coconut oil soap (0% superfat) a few nights ago that I intend to use for laundry & household cleaning soap. It was mondo hard - I demolded and cut it only a few hours after the gel stage had completed. It was still slightly warmer than room temp. It was very white and opaque, too.

I wonder if the heavy superfat version would be as drying to the skin? Hmmmmmm.....

That's what I was thinking....we are alway's told how drying CO is, but I am assuming the 25% superfat changes that. It is worth a try one day...

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Sounds interesting, my mom's always on my butt that she *LOVES* handmade soap but goes through it too quickly. It's just not hard enough... *RME whatever mom. I think half of it is a ploy to keep herself in constant supply of new soaps.

Anyway... any ideas on how this would work with babaseu instead of coconut?

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